Warhammer Expedition Super God

Chapter 12 Hua Ye Super Evolution

The angels lost their home, but they were not immersed in the pain of losing their home. As the leader of the resistance against Hua Ye's tyranny and lewd rule, Kesha fulfilled the promise made in the treaty and allowed us to live under the jurisdiction of angel civilization. Find a place to stay within the area

The place we have found is far away from the new home of the angels, Mero, but fortunately, thanks to the dark communication unique to this universe, we can communicate face to face even if we are millions of light years away. I don’t know if there is anything in our universe If you can find a communicator similar to it, otherwise you won’t know every time you rely on Astropath communication to get a reply. Don’t wait until the Year of the Monkey.

We established a temporary base on this planet and established a friendly relationship with the Angel Civilization. The two parties obtained the technology and resources they needed through exchanges and mutual benefit, so that our technology began to flourish. The Angel Civilization also relied on information from Warhammer The power of cosmic technology has developed many weapons that can deal with the invasion of chaos, and under the guidance of He Xi, we have also successfully created and become familiar with the use of micro-wormholes. Wormholes are transmission technologies similar to the network channel.

Under the guidance of the think tank of the Second Legion, the exchange group from the angelic civilization knows some methods of how to drive away the power of chaos, and how to use their own psychic power or soul power, but it is difficult for people in this universe to use or discover their own souls. Or spiritual power. Even Kesha, the ruler of female angels and one of the three kings, Sky Blade King, has difficulty using her psychic power. However, after the guidance of the think tank chief Sengoku, Kesha can now use her subconsciously. Although her psychic power is very weak, according to Warring States, her psychic power is only temporary. She only needs to develop her psychic power through continuous training, and her psychic power will become stronger in the future. , the more you have to pay attention to the projection of your soul in the subspace. After all, the projection of any psyker is like a shining light in the subspace, guiding the demon forward.

Both sides get what they need. Our weapons and warships have been fully developed, while the angel civilization has learned how to deal with chaos and psychic technology such as psychic spells.

Ordinary life really does not make us adapt. We who have been running around in wars all the year round are used to the days of war, and we feel even more uneasy in this ordinary life. According to the people of Angel Civilization, we seem to be suffering from a psychological disorder. The disease is what they call post-war traumatic emergency syndrome. There are not a few people who suffer from this symptom among the angelic civilizations that were previously dominated by male angels, but most of them have emerged from the shadow of the war.

Since those male angels who are called scum by female angels can get out of this disease, then why can't we get out of this disease!

But just when we were trying to adapt and get out of the trouble of this disease, the people of the Angel Civilization used dark communications to inform us that Hua Ye had made a comeback, and he had gained more power. The people of the Angel Civilization simply could not stop his invasion. Now seven of the nine portals of angel civilization have been captured by him, please come to support quickly!

We who got the dark communication know that we have something to do now! It’s something we’re very good at

~ Guys, pick up your weapons, check your weapons, it’s our turn next! Go to our allies and help our allies clear the chaos! ~Sakaski, the captain of the first company, said in a rough voice!

~All the Astra Militarum are here, gather quickly and board the ship, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly! Come on, you slow fellows, for the Emperor's sake, come on, you slow fellows! ~ Warmaster Markaus of the Mortal Auxiliary Army was cursing. In his eyes, these Astra Militarum troops are really slow. Their allies are being invaded by Chaos, and they are still here slowly. of

As the landing ship slowly took off and arrived at the port above the orbit, everyone entered the Tianlong battleship. In these docks, some new battleships are being manufactured. You have to ask me where the new battleships are being manufactured. How did people come? Of course, the great Emperor appeared. He forcibly opened a new subspace rift. When a fully loaded Mechanicus spaceship teleported over, and the spaceship also carried ten of us. The scarce Knight Titans are not as good as the Warlord Titans, but they are better than nothing. These new Knight Titans will go with us to the new home of Angels, Mero!

~We are heading to the nearest insect bridge to us. The warship is leaving the port. The hyperdrive is being warmed up. The preheating time is one minute and counting down to tens of seconds. The hyperdrive is on~ As the AI ​​sound in the warship sounds, the warship leaves the port. Heading towards the insect bridge nearest us

When we came to Dachong Bridge, a group of angel civilization cross stations had been waiting for a long time. Without them, it would be really difficult for us to reach the angels’ new home, Merlot. After all, the angels’ new home is Merlot Heaven. It is a planet that moves at any time and can change its position at any time. Only the people of these angelic civilizations know the location of their homeland.

As the Insect Bridge slowly opens, we are officially on the road to helping our allies.

By the time we left the Insect Bridge, we had reached the location closest to Merlot Heaven.

But when we arrived near the Merlot Heavenly Court, the battle was far more tragic than we imagined. The wreckage of the angel battleships and the corpses of some long-dead angels were floating around.

The cries of some newborn angels came from the communication. After all, anyone who sees his companion dead will be very sad. Even the guy who cut off his companion's head with his own hands will be very sad, not to mention these inexperienced people. There are new angels who have gone through the war, because all the angels of the previous generation are on the front lines of the war fighting against the invasion of Chaos.

When we entered the most intense inner ring of the war, the Angel side had already suffered heavy casualties. Many familiar faces had already fallen to the ground, their bodies already cold. Some of them were apprentices of tacticians or swordsmanship masters within the legion, and some were former veterans of the war. The scientific research angels who share technology with us, this situation makes these tactics or swordsmanship masters furious. Finally, a disciple who inherited his legacy was killed by Chaos. This would be very angry for any master. of!

Not to mention those fellow angels who have had friendly exchanges with us!

Angry, we rode the airborne pods and crashed onto the ground, creating large craters. When we walked out of the airborne pods, we held the weapons in our hands and dealt harshly with the enemies who killed our compatriots or friends!

Everyone in the military team is familiar with the existence of Chaos. Each of them has had unbearable memories. Some of their family members or friends have been attacked by Chaos cultists and died. They are very hostile to Chaos. , and they despise those former companions who took refuge in Chaos. They believe that taking refuge in Chaos is tantamount to killing their father's enemy!

The weapons in their hands are roaring and spitting out deadly beams. Every move of those masters of tactics or swordsmanship is a deadly art. Each move will take away one or two enemies who have surrendered to Chaos. These tactics or swordsmanship The masters grew up in the war, and they only have anger in their eyes towards Chaos!

When our new force joins the battlefield, it has already attracted the attention of some powerful Chaos Cultists. These powerful Chaos Cultists command the weak Chaos Cultists to attack us, but this is like breaking an egg against a stone!

The powerful firepower destroyed all enemy attacks, and the Titans standing in the sky had already been airdropped. Although they did not understand what these angels were, at least they knew that these angels were their partners or friends. When they saw themselves Their partners or friends are attacked, which naturally triggers their anger!

The Titan's powerful firepower is beyond the endurance of these weak scum. Every step it takes will make the earth tremble. The artillery installed on the arm is like the god of the battlefield. Everywhere it goes, it will bloom brightly on the earth. Flames, the inscriptions on the pauldrons glowed, and the chastity badges made of fire paint protected them from Chaos.

As the commander of the Second Legion, I scolded Fang Qiu on the battlefield, commanding troops one after another to attack the enemy. Behind the enemy, the former Lord of Angels, who had been corrupted by Slaanesh, was now Hua Ye, the lackey of chaos, could no longer bear it any longer and flew toward us with a pair of dark and ragged wings. He dodged the bullets fired at him in the air, as if dancing an elegant ballet in the air, but in front of our eyes But it was so disgusting, and the blood stained on the sword he held in his hand was so dazzling. The rapid speed brought powerful attack power, and with one stroke, he cut an heir into pieces. Two halves!

The heir who was cut in half did not die, nor did he cry. He just used his hands to support his upper body and moved to a stone with difficulty. Using the stone as a support, he used his strength to lift the gun in his hand. Aiming at Hua Ye, who was constantly flying in the air, the loss of blood made his hands no longer able to support the heavy high-speed kinetic energy weapon, and he eventually died with hatred.

Hua Ye seemed to be tired of playing this boring game. He leapt to an open space. He was laughing mercilessly at the enemies attacking him. It seemed that in his eyes, these enemies attacking him were clowns. Just as funny. And he spread his wings to block the bullets fired at him, pulled out a very ornately decorated dagger from his waist, and then stabbed it into his heart.

When our think tank chief Zhan Guo saw this, he quickly shouted: ~Be careful, he is sacrificing himself to become the new demon prince~ As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Ye's body began to erupt with a burst of twisted purple light. , and then a new figure appeared where Hua Ye was originally.

The enchanting body reveals a strange beauty. The upper body is half breasts and half male, and the lower body is the same, and a pair of crab-like arms and a pair of purple eyes full of eyes grow out of his back. Feather wings are just covered with many gorgeous decorations, and his head is like a goat's head, with horizontal pupils in the eyelidless eye sockets, and his tongue is as long and slender as a snake and forked to explore the air. With a different aura, a pair of winding and ornately decorated devil horns grew out from both sides of his head. Each hand held two different weapons, a very ornately decorated and very dangerous winding long knife. , the other hand is holding a straight spear, but the spear is covered with angel heads. Their eyes are staring as if they are telling them the misfortunes they have encountered, and there are also some human heads and hanging on their waists. A spiraling whip!

His speed was so fast that many were cut in half before they could react. Moreover, his expression was so enjoyable, enjoying the pleasure of the sharp blade cutting through the thick ceramic armor and piercing into the flesh.

Such a perversion really made us unable to resist. Even as a demigod, I could only look at his attack. If it weren't for the energy shield on my left arm that treated the fatal blow just now, it is very likely that I would fall to the ground like those descendants who were cut in half on the ground, and then the wailing when I died gave birth to a new evil god in the subspace, and then influenced and tortured my descendants for a hundred years.

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