Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 95 Tzeentch is behind

Fekanrich, a world on fire.

It was winter in Cornish at the moment, and heavy snow fell, as if there were large snowflakes every few square centimeters.

Fecanrich was just the opposite.

Black and red ashes burned, filling every place in the world, and then rising in the heat!

This alien civilization has been burned to the ground, and all aliens have been transformed from burning into nutrients that once again fertilize the soil of the planet.

888,888,888 alien heads were presented from the hands of Khorne demons such as vampires, and were finally placed on the skull altar by Skarbrand.

Although Skarbrand was banished forever and could no longer enter the Chaos Realm of Khorne, his reputation was still there and he could command a large number of Khorne Daemons to form an army that obeyed him.

Its illustrious military exploits are its capital for mobilizing Khorne's army. The great demon who once broke through the Circle of Joy and almost killed Slaanesh's core palace is the most representative existence in conventional Chaos War.

What is an irregular chaotic war? The chaos massacre twenty-six years ago was an irregular war.

Skarbrand sang blood sacrifices to the Blood God and skull sacrifices to the Skull Throne, which burned for eight days and eight nights under Khorne's blow, and at that time it was only filled with endless rage.

After an unknown amount of time, it finally found something, such as the desire to return to the throne of Khorne and once again dedicate killings to the Lord of War.

Skarbrand waited for a long time, and it knelt with vague expectation under the mountain of skulls.

Unfortunately, there was no response, just when it desperately wanted to get up again.

A language of frantic barks came from the mountain of skulls it built upon.

The God of Courage, together with His Brazen Throne, descended on the sacrificial ceremony in the form of an illusory projection.

"Skarbrand, go to the planet Baal and bring back for me what the cursed people took away from me in the past!"

A star map was roughly inserted into Skarbrand's mind.

The position of the stars, the movement patterns of celestial bodies, the longitude and latitude of the target on the satellite...

Skarbrand did not let out a single scream because of the pain. He buried his head in the thick ashes in front of the skull mountain, and sucked the scorching heat into his lungs.

Even though it knows that it is despised, even though it knows that it is just Khorne and does not like the coins that are thrown into the card drawing machine, even though it knows that it will still fall out of favor after helping Khorne find the target.

But it was real now, and its muddled thoughts were now becoming clear and real.

At this moment, even if it looks like a clown, it still has meaning.

It can serve Khorne.

"I won't let you down again!"

Skarbrand kowtowed, accepting Khorne's blessing with hatred for Tzeentch.

It turned around and jumped into the subspace crack created by the world-destruction ritual, swimming like a shark in the sea of ​​chaos, looking for the planet called Baal, looking for the prey on its second satellite...

Tzeentch's Realm of Chaos.

"The son of Khorne, his brain is really burned out, haha..."

The Lord of Changes laughed loudly, and the moment Skarbrand thought of him, he got the plan of the Lord of Skulls.

Khorne is Tzeentch's sworn enemy. Even if there is nothing wrong, he Xin Liezhi wants to set some diamonds on the Brass Throne, not to mention that he is competing for the Primarch chosen by the five gods.

"My brain isn't burned out!"

One head of the two-headed roast duck tells the lies of the past, and the other tells the truth of the future.

"I'm just familiar with it."

Xin Liezhi, who was smiling at fifty steps and laughing at a hundred steps, stopped having a seizure on the spot.

He was thinking about the possibility of intercepting Khorne.

no! Not at all!

Although Skarbrand is not as powerful as before, he is still among the first-class demons, and the demons under his command are not good at frontal combat.

My favorite Carlos now just needs an iron hook to hang it up. After hanging it up, I can even put a promotional slogan: Buy a Carlos and get two mice for free.

"No, it's not important. I don't think that angel will be obtained by any one of the four of us.

Being able to let Guangyu rest assured and not even look at him during the entire process shows that in all the futures that Guangyu has observed, this angel will not take refuge in any of our Chaos Lord Gods.

It is really a pity to reason to this conclusion.

And the scene of sending a big demon to fight for the Primarch is too cliché, really, too cliché, and I don't like it. "

Xin Liezhi has withdrawn from the fight for Sanguinius, and he does not doubt the future that Guangyu sees.

The real universe is the home court of light desire and the emperor. No, it should be said that both chaos and reality are the home court of light desire.

Lust of light can distract that angel at any time, but He doesn't, which can explain a lot of things.

"You didn't take care of it and let Khorne be tempted to rob it. This drama lacks tension."

The Lord of Change's heart was itching, and he felt the need to add some obstruction to the paraplegic Lord on the brass throne.

"Let me see, where is he? The son of lust."

Nusgreen has been traveling around the world recently, doing the same thing as his father.

He has gone through several legions.

Wherever there is a Slaanesh demon on the battlefield, Salish will flirt with him, give him some indulgence, and reduce the difficulty of victory to a human-machine level, so that Nusgreen can easily win.

The artist has no interest in Sally's bizarre role-playing and uniform play.

It was just the arrival of Salish, coupled with the artist's excellence, that made many female Astra Militarum soldiers fall in love with her.

He is not the son of the Emperor, so his identity is not particularly special, which is enough to make the hearts of the female soldiers who don't know Guang Yu's true identity quicken.

Show mercy everywhere and be ruthless, Nusgreen's crime is heinous!

The painter who stole the hearts of too many girls is currently staying on the planet occupied by the Fourth Company of the Third Legion.

The Sons of Phoenix chatted happily with the Sons of Lust, discussing various topics in Ancient Terra.

These Astartes, who were born into the nobles of Terra, could chat with Nusgreen about everything from romance to poetry.

Nusgren once suspected that this legion was his father's demon army rather than the Emperor's angels.

"Thank you for the pizza, but could you please, could you please not have the pineapple rings?"

The Fourth Captain of the Light Desire Demon Army had some opinions on the food that Nusgreen was drawing due to his genetically inherited taste and a little genetic defect of perfection obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He was almost on his knees begging the painter.

It's too much, it's too cruel, it's too cruel!

He was born into a Terran noble, and one of his family's ancestral mottos is that you can't put fruit on pizza.

After undergoing the Astartes transformation surgery, his obsession in this regard deepened.

When Nussgreen started painting, he was still marveling at how the artist had drawn the pizza to the right size, but when it came time to draw the toppings, one of his two hearts nearly stopped.

Nusgreen stopped writing, frowned, and raised his hand.

This means preparation for battle.

The Fourth Company Commander of Sons of Phoenix became alert.

"Please step aside for a moment, one of the biggest heretics is here."

Nussgreen looked straight at his painting.

The scene in the painting is a kitchen, and the main scene is a dining table with some pizza or pasta on it.

But in the shadow deep in the kitchen, there is a blue door.

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

The very polite Lord of Changes knocks on the door in the painting, achieving the ultimate in decency and etiquette.

"Do you have anything to say? Bluefur?"

Nusgreen didn't have a good attitude towards the four old guys.

Tzeentch pushes through the door in the painting.

"Good afternoon, my dear painter, it seems that you are having a dinner together. Can you invite me to sit at the table and enjoy this delicious food together? In return, I can tell you something, for example, who is worthy of being taken under the wing of your father? little angel.”

Don't wait for updates in the early morning. Go to bed early. Updates will start at 5pm tomorrow.

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