Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 90 Gene Tank

In the setting sun, the heat wave of the transport ship's tail flame distorted everything in the field of vision.

Along with the mobile force, three transport ships pierced the sky, shattered the clouds, and slowly turned into small dots that were no longer clear.

Where a large number of flexible troops and auxiliary troops were originally stationed, there was only a lost steel licking dog left.

It now fully understands the mood of another senior, the big licking dog Fulgrim.

pain! It hurts so much! The machine soul is unhappy! The machine soul is unhappy!

"We're just going to watch it spinning around on other people's track marks. Do you think it's a car?"

The Chain Sword Master took out his saxophone, but failed to coax his precious tank back.

"I'm giving you a death order. We are leaving this planet soon, and it has to follow us. If you can't coax it back, I'll have your juice!"

Captain Power Hammer is a particularly good captain of the Legion of Astartes, very good at deflecting blame.

He was about to go back to organize the army, but unexpectedly, the Chain Sword Master patted his shoulder seven or eight times in succession.

"Alas, captain, captain, the master is here!"

"Where is it?"

Captain Power Hammer has something to eat again, well, this time he has to shamelessly eat some tiger eggs or something.

For no other reason, it tastes better when you eat and drink.

Rasta was sitting on the Cerberus fire-breathing tank, admiring the sunset with it.

Others can't hear the sound of this dog-licking tank, but He can hear this guy crying.

"You are somewhat promising."

Rasta had a headache from the noise.

"Master, it's gone, and it didn't even look back at me! Its angular arcs that moved my machine soul, its deep and eye-catching paint, its spacious troop transport compartment, and the sound of its gears turning, all hit me My bulletproof chassis.

I really want to be crushed to death by its huge tracks..."

The licking dog tank's speech was extremely Slaanesh, and he was so stunned that he was speechless.

"Eat first, and I'll tell you while eating. I happen to have something you need to do, and I'll take you out for a few days."

Raste's words made the unrequited love tank, who thought he had lost his love, feel less sad.

It seems good to go out with the master.

This was the first time the freckled Astra Militarum female soldier saw her material provider. She was holding a bowl, biting her chopsticks, and occasionally glancing at the Evil God.

Sorghum rice, boiled multi-striped melon, fried poached eggs with full color and flavor, stewed bacon, and an ear of roasted corn for each person.

Rasta ate it while sitting on the Chosen Tank, and he took a bite of the fried egg.

"Master, is it still possible for Yanzi and I?"

The God-chosen licking dog felt that he was not worthy of the other person and was almost depressed.

"I don't know about this, and you don't want to smoke cigarettes. They call you the son of smoke."

Guangyu chewed the fried egg and took a sip of the clear melon soup.

"It doesn't make it seem like I'm much closer to it, the distance is getting closer..."

This tank has become greasy.

This made Rasta feel a little melancholy, thinking that at the beginning, this was still an ignorant little machine spirit that had just opened up. Unfortunately, it grew up too fast and changed into this appearance. I really wanted to cancel its divine choice.

"I think instead of being here with unrequited love, you should work on improving yourself so that you feel worthy of it."

Guangyu still respects the rights of tanks.

"No, I feel I'm not worthy. I feel ashamed in front of it..."

This dog-licking tank even choked on his anger.

"Don't think like that. You have absorbed enough knowledge now. Let me ask you a question. Titan, you know."

The time of evil and evil deeds.

"Are you talking about those divine machines?"

The God's Chosen Tank recalled the first stop after its machine soul awakened. On that battlefield, it had seen two Titans blasting aliens and destroying fortresses. It would be an exaggeration to describe those war machines as devastating.

"Do you think Titan is worthy of your Son of Gunsmoke?"

From the moment he possessed intelligence, Rasta treated the little tank as an Astartes-like child.

A Titan would definitely be worthy of a Son of Gunsmoke, but the dog-licking tank didn't want to answer.

"Then let me ask you again, you were chosen by me, and I am a god and you are a machine.

Can it be understood that you are also a god's machine? How are you compared to those Titans? "

The perverse equation of light and desire is directly established.

well? It seems, it seems to make sense - that's what the dog-licking tank thinks.

"But the Titan's size and firepower..."

It also tries to distinguish itself from the Titans.

Rasta gave it no time to think and started bombing directly.

"Think about it, Titans all have levels. How many Titans are used by the Emperor himself? None.

The Emperor and I formed a legion. I am the legion commander. You are my divine choice. You are the machine of the gods.

Even the Emperor-class Titans do not monopolize the Emperor.

So, you are a Titan, and not just any Titan.

No! Even the Emperor-level Titan is inferior to you. How about it? Do you feel more confident in yourself now? "

After some persuasion, Tank, who had never built up his confidence after fighting against a big demon, finally got over his emotional pain.

But it cares about one thing.

"But I don't even have a name. I couldn't even tell it what my name was."

"No, from now on, you have a name."

Rasta took out a Poké Ball.

"You want to name me?"

This makes the God's Chosen Tank very excited. After all, it has a name, which means that it is a living being, not a cold steel machine.

"That's right!"

The sixth evil god smiled and stroked the head of the iron licker.

"Then, my name is..."

"How about calling you Volkan?"

Light Desire directly gave his chosen one the same name as the Primarch of the Salamander.

"Does this name have any special meaning?"

The licker tank, who really couldn't get his own god's thoughts, was puzzled.

"Let me tell you, in a world called Dragon Ball, there is a kind of super-powerful fighting machine called an android, which can destroy a planet with just one blow! Among these androids, there is one that looks the best and is considered the backbone of the pack, called Android 18." "Is there any connection between Android 18 and Vorkan?" "Of course, our human empire also has its own Android 18, named Vorkan, who likes metal very much. Think about it, is it a good match for you?" "Why haven't I heard of this Vorkan?" "Oh, that's because he is still wandering outside, and the Emperor hasn't found his son yet." "..." The dog-licking tank has been matched step by step from the Hellhound Flame Tank to the God Machine, and then to the Emperor Titan. Now it's directly matched to the Primarch. "You should give me a new name, something more straightforward so that people can understand it at once." Rast handed the bowl and chopsticks he had eaten clean to the Chainsaw Swordmaster who climbed up. "How about this, you should be called Little Vukan, which means Little Charmander."

"I'd better just call myself Little Charmander. I don't want to be torn into scrap metal by the fire lizards."

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