Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 71 So wicked

All Necron began to operate.

The battleship's space jump protection device has been turned on to prevent the space station from being a trap, and powerful melee units such as cans and Eldar succubi will jump to help.

The tall Necron warriors have begun to form following their own memory matrix programs.

Trazin's pomp was huge, with two Lich Guards serving as a guard of honor for him, and fourteen Death Marks following behind him, waiting for orders at any time.

The Necron sailors docked the battleship to the space station without encountering any resistance.

The immortals immediately disembarked and occupied the nearest airport. The vanguard had already scanned the airport and there was no threat of destruction.

"Yeah, well done."

Trazin held her head high and praised the brave immortal.

The Immortal held his weapon and bowed very respectfully. The Spare Ribs were quite satisfied with Trazin as their boss, because he was very generous, unlike some black-hearted Spare Ribs who blindly squeezed and refused to resurrect him.

"Your praise is my motivation."

The Immortal's response ended, and Trazin got off the battleship, tapping the scepter in his hand on the airport deck.

"Let's go."

Trazin admired the shape of the space station so much that he felt it necessary to add it to his collection.

He decided that he would give the survivors on this station a little Necron shock.

The rays of the four suns shone coldly on the space station. While admiring his future collection, Trazin began to move towards the first lit room of the space station.

Mark of Death began to occupy important firepower points everywhere, and the dimensional pockets allowed these rib snipers to space jump to their desired location.

The death mark of some sluts looked cool when they opened their dimensional pockets and walked in, until this death mark got a big kick from the captain.

"Don't you know you can't steal Lord Trazin's limelight?"

This death mark immediately admits its mistake.

As a collector, Trazin began to evaluate the space station.

"Look here, the proportions of rare metals are just right, it's a pretty good alloy, it's extremely resistant to high temperatures, it's to withstand the heat of the four stars.

Well, the home planet of this civilization should have been torn apart by the sun, so the civilization has become extinct.

This kind of situation is not common in the galaxy, but it is not rare enough to happen in thousands of years.

All civilizations will encounter inevitable natural disasters at some stage.

Only by surviving it can you get on the galactic stage. If you can't survive it, it will be destroyed until only a few lucky people who have had bad luck are left to linger in this place.

Fortunately, they met a true historian and collector, and I will let future generations remember their civilization.

I will choose a good place in my museum to put the space station and write a small introduction to it.

Well, they should sincerely thank me.

Okay, here comes the first room, and I bet you that the life inside must be weird and even ugly.

This is in order to cope with the necessary appearance of the four stars. The evolution of life is all about efforts to stay alive.

Adapt to nature, and nature can tolerate you..."

Trazin boasted and opened the first door himself.

Behind the door was a strange, ugly, dark-looking guy, wearing Pharaoh-level armor, holding a scepter, and followed by two Lich Guards.

I can't say that it is very similar to Trazin, I can only say that it is exactly the same.

Just when Trazin was shocked by the little Necron, Trazin inside the door raised his hand and gave him a big hand, and then closed the door.

Trazin's Emperor-level armor didn't even have a pop-up protective device to resist this attack. The armor thought that it was Trazin too!

Why did it stop Trazin from hitting herself? What if this is a special hobby?

A Dabi Dou was so beaten by the Endless One that he wondered if he had not woken up and was still sleeping in the tomb of the Nehrak dynasty.

Not only Trazin, but also the other Necrons were stunned. Their memory matrix and four secondary thoughts were greatly impacted.

"This place...is a bit evil..."

Trazin commented, then backed away some distance.

If you do everything yourself, you are not considered an undead overlord. He pointed out a Lich Guard and asked him to open the second door.

Nothing happened this time. The Lich Guard stepped aside and showed Trazin the scene inside.

There is no one inside, but there are many crops planted, bright green and colorful.

This is in line with the positioning of the farm, with rows of tomatoes, tall plum trees on both sides, and a large number of peas and sweet potato vines. The walls are even covered with yams, and there are dwarf apples further away.

These crops looked familiar to Trazin, but he did not immediately think about Terra's crops.

The agricultural world of the Human Empire only grows the highest-yielding crops, and taste is not considered. These things do not exist within the Human Empire.

Trazin went in and walked around, and even smelled it with the olfactory capture system, confirming that this was a space farm.

In doubt, he walked out with the Lich Guard who was facing an enemy and closed the door again.

The moment he closed the door, he was hesitating whether to open it himself and see what would happen.

Unexpectedly, the door was opened from the other side, and the guy who was "grotesque" and "ugly" in Trazin's mouth was hit by another big dog.

This time Trazin was fully prepared. He calmly waved his scepter to block the opponent's hand, just about to taunt the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's scepter waved down!

After the door closed again, Trazin touched the undamaged Hierophant-class armor, falling into the Necron's suspicion.

Eventually, he found an excuse.

"This civilization is very good. It is a special defense device. I admire it very much."

If you really appreciate that the tone is not so weird, everyone is actually willing to believe it.

Trazin's steps moved much faster, and he decided to go to the second lit room to take a look.

In fact, he already wanted to quit, but the dignity and curiosity of the Necron Overlord did not allow it. Besides, his body was just a clone, and he would die if he died.

Trazin opened the door again.

Fortunately, no mirror figure came out to caress his cheek this time.

However, his expression was obviously not good, and the living metal was distorted.

He immediately closed the door, before the thing inside the door could react.

Those other ribs who looked away from Trazin's figure and saw what was inside the door were livid with fear.

There is only an energy life form with a humanoid outline composed of light flow inside the door, and the other party is eating.

Well, the humanoid silhouette energy life form uses a remote device to suck the energy of the four stars like a straw.

This scene seemed familiar.

"Let's go, let's respect other people's civilization, respect their freedom, and respect human rights. It's so inappropriate. I'm ashamed of what I did."

If it weren't for the living metal body, Trazin would have started to wet his pants.

He tried several times to space jump back to his battleship, but failed.

The death marks also looked at each other, their dimensional pockets malfunctioning.

At this moment, Trazin changed from the Necron overlord to the number one athlete of the Nehrak dynasty.

He ran wildly, preparing to return the same way he came, but the airport had changed its appearance when he arrived, forming a closed space. It was obvious that the structure of the space station had changed without his knowledge.

This space station has turned into a maze at this moment.

The two doors he had opened and the two doors he had not opened ran faster than him and had already arrived in front of him, blocking his progress.

The other Necron began to plead for attack, and Trazin signaled a ceasefire, trying to make out the two he had opened.

Seeing that Trazin calmed down, the four gates began to change positions at high speed.

Yes, it’s that kind of game where you quickly change cards and guess the same suit.

Trazin hesitated and came to a door.

open the door.

Dabi Kabuto!

He came to another door. The door opened by itself, and there was still a big bidou.

Who is so wicked to do this to trap the undead?

He gritted his teeth and opened the third door. He would rather see the god of the material universe now than suffer the psychological shadow caused by Da Bi Dou.

Trazin's mood was tense. This stimulation was too strong, much stronger than any random pleasure Slaanesh gave her.

Fortunately, there was nothing but a long table inside the door, just an empty room.

Trazin was finally thankful for a near miss.

At this moment, a foot appeared behind him.

He was kicked into this room!

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