Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 59 Father’s Doctor

Matthew originally wanted to rest for a night to recharge his batteries so that he would be energetic enough to cope with the many changes in the next day.

Until he discovered that after being implanted in the bones of gods, he no longer felt tired easily.

Huestis poured him another cup of black tea and said he would be leaving today too.

It still has to find hosts for the other seven skulls, so it can't waste time here with its colleagues.

Wasted time means it has no value, no value…

"If it's not valuable, it's your turn to worship me today next year."

Huestis tried to establish a life-and-death relationship with a colleague he had known for less than a day.

"Why do you think I have lived longer than you? You are a senior and a great demon, so you are obviously more useful."

Matthew asked one thing out of curiosity, which was also his concern.

"The great Lord God did not take away my soul, but took away yours, which shows that in His eyes, you may be more useful than me.

This proves that you may live longer than me. "

Huestis saw this clearly.

The Lord of Lights has special treatment for a very small number of people, and this scum demon, which has lived for so long that it has destroyed more than one world order, is obviously not one of them.

"Why are you so obsessed with having someone worship you? Logically speaking, you have lived for so long, and you should have seen too many life, separation, and death."

"It was because I didn't have money to worship someone that I was gradually seduced by Chaos and fell into the devil's path."

Huestis sighed about the past, and then disappeared in front of Matthew's eyes just as he came.

This farewell message left a huge void in the imagination, leaving Matthew a little confused as to what to say.

Just when he made up his mind to build a tomb for Huestis even if he died, the other party came back again and took away the empty teacup in his hand.

Matthew was dissatisfied with the stinginess of his predecessors.

Huestis had to explain.

It said: “When I was still a human being, our civilization collapsed, the king was dying, and everyone was donating supplies.

Aunt Lumis donated some medical supplies.

Uncle Aruna donated a little sobriety shot..."

He seems to be a good king, so it's no wonder that Huestis fell into the devil's path because he couldn't worship the other party - or so Matthew thought.

The scumbag demon finished his next words.

“Brother Stanley donated a chair, and the captain of the guard donated a spear.

Others donated fire sources, fuel and so on.

Everyone is very enthusiastic, and they have something handy to keep the king from dying so easily and living uncomfortablely.

I was the only one who had nothing to lose. I grabbed the drunkard’s glass and threw it out, killing the king..."

"...So, this wine glass is the one that killed the king?"


"That's good,"

"This goblet of yours is made from the king's skull."


Until Huestis left again, Matthew was still confused.

His expression is like "The Nun Doesn't Know the Joy of Fishing".

At dawn, Erebus woke up feeling a little sleepy.

He was very restless last night. He was excited about going to the church, but also worried about his father, so he tossed and turned in sleep, and it took a long time before he fell asleep.

When I wake up now, I feel like my brain is not very clear.

Matthew has prepared breakfast.

He gained abilities similar to those of a material provider.

Erebus looked at the sumptuous meal on the table and pinched his face.

Very good, not a dream.

"Where did this come from?"

There was probably nothing else to eat at home except the awful Cornish table butter and the not-so-soft bread with a little potato.

"Erebus, my child, you are right. Sometimes faith is really important, so I also started to believe in God."

Matthew put down his apron and wolfed down the mashed potatoes on the table.

To be honest, he was really hungry for a long time.

Erebus asked curiously while feeling sorry for his father.

"Then which god do you believe in? The Lord of Courage? The God of Art? Deep Blue Wisdom? Or Life..."

Erebus, who had always been resentful of his father being an infidel, was as happy as a child at this moment.

Matthew didn't know whether to introduce the great lust of light to his children.

One of the pieces of knowledge Abates gave him was very clear.

Telling the believers and servants of other evil gods any name or detailed image description of light desire can kill them, and even many secondary gods will die before they can fully pronounce his name.

Matthew was trying to find the right words to introduce the most powerful Chaos God to Erebus.

He actually wanted to convert Erebas. After all, in his eyes, the other four Chaos Gods were not good things.

After worrying and thinking, the confused believer received God’s enlightenment.

After Matthew received the Light Desire Network signal, he finally began to understand why Huestis behaved like that when he taught himself prayers.

"The God I believe in..."

He really couldn't say it out loud.

"Is it a god that I don't know about? Congratulations, father, maybe you have received the exclusive favor of a certain god. He is a special god who lives alone, and it is very difficult to select followers..."

"I didn't mean that, I meant, my God, He calls himself...

[Father’s doctor], yes, that’s [Father’s doctor]. "

Matthew stretched out his hand and pinched the side of Erebus's face that had not been pinched. He confirmed that he was not dreaming after the other party cried out in pain.

"What is the vocation of this father-physician god?"

Erebas's expression was also very strange. He clearly heard the strange words spoken by his father.

"It seems to be to treat those who are not very mentally or physically sound, have a lot of dark history, like to use Poké Balls, have imperfect family education, don't care about their son's interpersonal relationships, hoard canned food all day long, eat alone and don't answer phone calls, and are harsh and harsh. Smelly, I also like the beauty hidden in the golden house..."

After an astonishing tirade, Matthew began to finish.

"Probably a good evil god who treats this kind of unfit father and teaches him how to be a father."

His expression was complex, but not as complex as his description.

Erebus began to feel the need to persuade his father to become a nonbeliever again.

After breakfast, Matthew began to prepare a bag for his son, which was filled with food.

During this process, Erebus heard at least four sentences of "Is that enough for my son?"

Dad was back in good health and there was plenty of food at home, which finally made Erebus feel relieved and start his journey.

Watching his son trudging away from home through knee-deep snow, Matthew reached out his hand.

A lantern appeared in his hand. His body was densely covered with the patterns of Abates' divine corpse, mixed with shallow corpse spots, which looked a bit strange.

"I will use ten times a hundred times the cruel means to end your life."

Matthew used the power of Abates to directly become invisible, and could no longer be perceived by the naked eye. He walked on the snow without leaving a trace, following his son step by step, waiting for the beast to appear.

Erebus didn't know that a beast named Paul was quietly following behind him, nor did he know that his father had turned on his invisibility and was following Paul.

He didn't even know that behind his father, the emperor, who had just removed the pink color from his body, looked back at Guang Yu with a speechless expression.

"You didn't say anything about your sarcasm beforehand, but what do you mean by sneaking around behind me? Are you going to plot against that four-god believer like that beast, or are you going to plot against that beast like your new believer?"

Guangyu didn't answer the question, he was holding up the "Ohm Messiah Glory Collector's Edition" while admiring at the same time.

"Wow, another page!"

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