Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 51 Charging Interest

Just as Horus wanted the Emperor to pay more attention to himself than to the other Primarchs.

Every child of light desire wants more favor from his father.

At the beginning, Rasta asked each of them if they wanted the position of disciple.

Hain refused. He knew that he was not a qualified leader at that time, he was impulsive and irritable, and the reason why he agreed to Rasta was just because he wanted to die gloriously.

At the beginning, Hain really regarded his master as an evil god who was eyeing his soul.

The Assassin's disciple gradually accepted and relied on the Whisper in assassinations one after another. Her world was occupied by the desire for light. Finally, she joined the ranks of disciples who followed the Sixth Evil God.

The forty-three disciples were in a war, and he was the last one left alive. The entire battlefield was burning, covering hundreds of kilometers in radius. Only his own breathing responded to the rhythm of the smoke, and he was missing an arm.

When the scavenging mutants arrived, he was ready to die. He never saw much light in his life, and he always lived as a survivor in the war.

Battle after battle, survival again and again, people just getting to know each other left this world like this.

He was ready to give up his life in front of the mutants, and then the evil god asked him if he wanted to understand the meaning of life.

After nodding, he relied on his name of Immortal Lucifer to pull up a team and led many people on the battleship given by the evil god to head towards the world that was about to be destroyed.


Almost all disciples were confused before they came to this world. These confusions may be so great that they can cause a person to collapse, or they may only be hidden in the deepest part of their hearts at a ten thousandth level.

In this way, the despicable Sixth Evil God broke through their defenses and then tricked them into handing over their souls.

As the only one of the forty-four disciples who has the strongest religious atmosphere, Osiris accepted the identity of the first disciple on Mars when the other disciples rejected him.

He was born to spread more gospel to the Lord, and he would remove the confusion in the hearts of other disciples.

Osiris's desire for light is to make the light in the hearts of all light chasers clear enough to illuminate the bumpy road to meet the Lord of Lights.

He is a fisherman, not a fisherman.

There is no one better suited to be the first disciple, and he has filled the role over the past many years.

Rasta could hear the voices of the disciples. They told Osiris that the position of the first disciple should be replaced, and they were just acting coquettishly to Light.

They longed for the Lord to spend more time with them.

The Assassin's disciple was relatively simple-minded and failed to see through this, but the other disciples doted on her, including Osiris.

This is why Osiris deliberately showed a panicked expression.

After the episode passed, Raste began to tell Osiris about the tasks he planned to assign to him.

He told the story of how he had been transformed into a mess by the great scumbag demon.

"So, are people with those eight qualities you mentioned necessary?"

Osiris couldn't wait. Although he should be a stable person, he just couldn't help it.

"No, I just fooled it casually. The so-called eight characteristics actually only need to be big enough.

Huestis is a smart devil. If you give such a smart bug a symbol, it will pursue extreme perfection.

Its work efficiency is also very high, which can be seen from the praise and difficulties made by those four old guys.

So I selected it while scattering grain while setting up the bird trap.

The eight qualities mean the eight changes, and it itself is one of the reasons that allows the eight changes to evolve and branch endlessly.

I don't need it to find eight people strictly according to my requirements. It will never find the most satisfactory one, and the variations can reach an infinite number.

Well, this was not in its original plan.

But even if it goes wrong in many places and the result is unsatisfactory, as long as there are enough changes in the process, then this thing is still completed and it is within my plan.

Everything is just a ritual. I am destined to succeed from the moment I lay out the plan.

Those eight skulls were never controlled by the bug, they would find their own owners.

The fear engraved in the minds of the nine-headed gods will drive these skulls to obey my will completely.

What I call the real puppets are actually these nine skulls, not the exceptionally good-looking porter. "

Rasta explained his layout.

While receiving the admiring looks from Osiris and the Assassin disciples, he looked at the disciple wearing the anklet in the distance, feeling very weak in his heart but calm in his expression.

When persuading Doan to come to this world, her request was so special that even if the love letters in the wishing box were unsigned, you could still identify which four were written by her.

After all, he was the most rebellious disciple who asked the Sixth Evil God for a necklace to use as an anklet.

Later, she learned that Guangyu, who could see the timeline, never wore a necklace. The necklace was deliberately worn on her stairs from the beginning.

This made her obsessed with that request even deeper.

Rasta lowered her head and began to wonder if there was any possibility of evading the original request.

"After I help you complete your great deeds, let me play with the body of this evil god..."

These words seemed to still be echoing in Guang Yu’s ears.

In the previous wishing box, Doan strongly requested to pay some interest first, because Guangyu's goal was too ambitious, and she had to see some returns first.

At first, Doan was joking. Her dream at that time was to become the governor of a planet, but she felt that the possibility was too low and did not speak out.

Later, she really became the governor, but she took the joke seriously. It didn't really matter whether the governor was the governor or not.

This made the Sixth Evil God, who originally thought it was just a joke, gradually stop laughing.

He read her heart, saw her true dream, and gave it to her.

But before she became the governor, her jokes really became her expectations.

Rasta thought for a while, and then he sent away the assassin disciples and Osiris. He felt that there was something that needed to be said clearly.

The Supreme Leader of Li Ting and the Lord of Li Ting walked one behind the other in silence.

The competitors among the disciples looked at him and asked what happened to the assassin's disciples.

The assassin's disciple bit into the small persimmon and couldn't say anything.

Finally, we came to the temple where Rasta rested. This place was built by the disciples without any outsider intervention.

"You finally figured it out?"

With no one around, Doan decided to commit blasphemy.

"No, I have something to say to you..."

Guang Yu made a last-ditch effort to explain the misunderstanding.

"I won't listen!"

Doan kicked the door shut and collected interest.

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