Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 45 The King of Inspiration

Unbeknownst to Ibosas, its great Lord of Slaanesh was collapsing and being called mother.

It teleported itself to an altitude of six thousand meters with the Temple Tower, and then began to fall freely.

It's obviously winter here, and the place Ibosas chose is the most extreme place on the entire planet with Sileta.

The perennial storm was mixed with metallic snow, and the native creatures in the clouds that had long been contaminated by Slaanesh spread their wings like manta rays and sprayed out a large number of gnawing insects.

Ibosas was not afraid of all this, it was reveling in its spree, and it was descending so fast that it generated an extremely terrifying high temperature around it.

The Gnawing Insects can't even get close to it and will be burned to ashes. The minus 50 degrees Celsius temperature of the Hesi'er Pagoda is simply two extremes from the temperature near it.

When Ibosas hit the ground, it smashed a huge crater into the entire ground, and thick ice and snow in the distance rose up to a height of more than ten meters.

Ibosas began to look up at the mountains before it.

The highest point of this stacked mountain is the Temple of Joy, its goal.

Even in terrifying storms and extreme cold, the rich power of joy in the temple can guide Ibosas like a beacon.

In front of it was a large number of leader alien troops, but it didn't pay attention to these garbage.

It raised its hand and looked at the palm of its hand. The power of the secondary god given to it by the great Lord of Chaos allowed it to treat the alien army guarding the temple as insignificant dust and smoke.

In fact, it does.

It stretches its hand flat forward and then holds it empty.

Countless leader aliens, their warrior leaders, and other unit leaders opened their eyes like this, and blood and flesh that turned into liquid earth seeped out of their armors, flowed down, and then gathered together to squirm.

A drop, a handful, a bunch or even a strand.

Countless pink and purple rays of light fell from these alien bodies.

Ibosas enjoyed the power of walking in the real universe as a god. As it took one step at a time, the pink-purple light gathered into a stream and washed towards it.

The spine of Elloys was insatiable, absorbing all the power of pleasure without hesitation.

"I need more! More!"

Ibosas is insatiable at this moment, but it is misguided. Its insatiable desire means that it will never be satisfied with the power of the Lord God Slaanesh.

This is a blasphemy in fraud.

Moreover, he was blaspheming two chaos gods at the same time.

When the foot of the seventh-level mountain was covered with flesh and mud, heavy snow fell again, freezing everything to death.

This high mountain has another layer of bottom mountain.

After trampling countless corpses to reach the top, Ibosas had already taken the temple into his sights.

"I will dedicate all of this to the greatest and most powerful Chaos God!"

The god strode towards the temple.

It was also at this time that the earth shook.

One after another, hideous and ugly heads poked out from the edge of the seventh-level mountain that held the temple.

There were never seven mountains, only six, and the last one was formed by the entanglement of countless serpentine demons of Slaanesh.

They have endlessly happily intercourse and merged into one over the long years, and have formed a huge complex life with shared organs.

Sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six Slaanesh demonic snakes turned into a flytrap trap, countless flesh and blood rolled around, and the seventh-level mountain began to turn into a gathered circle.

Responsible for capping these circles are the heads of the demon snakes. Their human-faced heads are spitting out large amounts of venom that acts as digestive fluid, trying to kill Ibosas.

"You will never understand what true power means!"

At the feet of Ibosas, the joy-depriving flames began to rise, then spread, and finally enveloped all the demonic snakes.

This one-sided massacre made Ibosas feel that the voices of those Slaanesh serpents were so beautiful.

After the arrival of Ibosas, the Seven Mountains changed again and again.

The change in the sacred number finally alerted the Prince of Joy, or the Princess of Lust.

Slaanesh's will stretched out from the warp, and he saw the god who destroyed his temple through the statue of him in the temple where he had exhausted almost all his desires.


Slaanesh could not believe that there were gods other than Lust and the Emperor who could walk freely in the real universe.

He sensed some kind of conspiracy.

Ib'sath sensed Slaanesh's will coalescing from the temple, making it suspicious.

Didn’t the Chaos God it worships say that this is the temple of Tzeentch?

"Who are you?"

Almost at the same time, two gods who were once supposed to be the relationship between creator and created asked this question at the same time.

Slaanesh and his disfigured spawn are completely unrecognizable to each other.

In comparison, Loken and Horus are much better. They are not just recognizable at first sight, but they share the same mother.

"I am Slaanesh, the Lord of Joy. You don't know me? All the secondary gods in the subspace have been slaughtered by light desire. Even if they are born again, they will have to go through forty-four years of the real universe. How did you escape? than what He devoured fearfully?"

Shalish really wanted to form an alliance with this secondary god who walked in the real universe. He could use the other person to do many things. For this reason, he could ignore the other party's slight offense against him.

Ibosas was carefully observing Salish's will.

In its opinion, it looks too similar and consistent.

It cannot be said that the Tzeentch in front of him is very similar to the Lord of Joy, it can only be said that they are exactly the same.

So Ibosas decided to give the other party a chance.

"How do you prove that you are the master of pleasure?"

Salish opened his arms in the subspace, showing the cruelty and extreme joy of countless blood villains in the long years. He was extremely proud of his own power.

But Ibosas was so disappointed.

It glanced at the temple of "Xin Liezhi, the Lord of Changes" with a look of contempt.

"You blue waste! You actually use this stereotype to imitate the great Lord of Joy! Your holy number is not worthy of being so similar to the Lord of Joy.

Do you think you can deceive me this way? My wisdom is above yours! You simply cannot understand true desire! "

In Ibosas' view, how can this kind of petty desire be compared with devouring the Chaos Gods.

Moreover, when this "Tzeentch" introduced himself to it, Abba Abba was always slurred and could not even speak clearly.

Ibosas burst into the Temple of Joy and began destroying everything in sight, once again gaining temporary satisfaction.

The intense pleasure made it obsessed with this kind of plunder, and it smashed the mountains below it in excitement.

Until it turns the triple mountains into dust blown away in the storm.

It stood quietly on the remaining four high mountains, and began to search for the next location in the world of the Temple of Joy in the increasingly terrifying emptiness.

The wind and snow became stronger and stronger, and eventually its body was submerged in it.

In subspace, in the palace of the Lord of Joy.

Sally's face turned pale with anger, and the old man's long tongue was even withdrawn from the top of his peak.

He desperately wanted to know who was plotting against him.

His spiritual power may not be as good as that of Xin Liezhi, but with the help of his control over people's thoughts, he began to read the shallow consciousness of various beings on the recent planet called Yusirta.

Finally, He found the culprit.

"Eating children? A can of baby fish in one bite? King of inspiration?!"

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