Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 38 Keeping the secret correct

Ibosas, the Abyss of Gambling, has always been a very sober demon of Slaanesh.

It clearly understands its positioning.

The title of the Four Evil Gods of Subspace may sound bluffing.

But in fact, how big is the subspace? It was a place of chaos in both space and time, and the entire galaxy might not be as big as the subspace.

The four evil gods and even the secondary gods have opened up chaotic realms of varying sizes in the subspace.

These realms of chaos are divided into different zones.

Many lesser gods consider the Six Circles of Joy and the palace at their center to be the entire Chaos Realm of Slaanesh. In fact, this is wrong.

That was just Slaanesh's domain palace, not his entire territory.

The number of great demons under each evil god is actually quite considerable. With the huge territory and the support of the galaxy, the great demons can even be mass-produced. It just depends on whether the four evil gods are willing to upgrade the various alien civilizations in the real universe to demons. .

Well-known demons, such as Skarbrand and the Two-Headed Roast Duck, can truly represent the combat power of the demons.

In the shadow of these great demons, there are more unknown great demons. These great demons are far inferior to the top great demons in terms of strength and ability, and they are not loved by the chaos gods.

Ibosas had only seen a Slaanesh Daemon last month, who had been banished back to the warp after being surrounded by the Astra Militarum of the Imperium of Man.

Yes, without the Astartes, without the Primarch, without the Custodes, without any special combat units, the big demon was beaten to a pulp under the concentrated fire of many flashlights, that is, the laser rifles of the Astra Militarum.

The strength of the Astra Militarum is actually not weak. Every shot of the standard weapons in their hands has the power of the main battle tanks of the Ancient Terra era, and the power can also increase dramatically.

When some great demons were so weak that they were hacked to death by the Astartes, even these Astartes didn't realize much about their specialness, only thinking that they were elite monstrosities.

Many of the alien civilizations encountered during human expeditions have powerful existences, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of life strength.

Individual beings of some alien civilizations can even tear apart weak and powerful demons with their bare hands.

It was in such an environment that Ibosas managed to survive.

It opens gambling palaces everywhere, harvesting a wave and leaving. The desire to devour others will spread to the entire world starting from the gamblers who have lost their limbs.

This can please its main god endlessly.

It has always been cautious in doing things, avoiding the direct confrontation of the Great Expedition and only doing such bad things on remote planets.

These days, it quietly enjoyed the demons under its command for a while, and then it discovered a prey that seemed to be the original body.

It had no intention of conveying this news to Slaanesh. If it really conveyed it back, it would be deprived of credit as an ordinary great demon whose reputation did not reflect his ability to do things and was not recognized by Slaanesh.

Slaanesh would send his own powerful servants to gain the primarch's loyalty.

Ibosas patiently poisoned the Primarch's future subjects, forcing him to take the bait.

Ibosas had not yet tasted the taste of the Primarch. During this period, it began to abstain from sexual intercourse so that it could finally vent all its accumulated desires on the fallen Primarch.

It knew that its appearance was ugly, but it didn't matter. It felt that its skills were very good, and with the temptation and blessing of Lord Slaanesh, it could easily capture the prey of the original body that had not awakened its memory.

Until its brain begins to become slower and slower, unable to understand the things around it.

This makes it extremely frightened. It knows that it has cognitive shielding, but it does not know what information it has blocked in its cognition.

As the demons used as parts and fuel in its gambling maze died one by one, this fear even gave it the urge to abandon this body immediately and exile itself back to the subspace.

But it was obviously wishful thinking, because the warp was frozen.

It waited anxiously for the unknown and terrifying existence to approach.

Finally, it simply knelt on the ground and waited for the other party's arrival.

The moment the curtain was lifted, it kowtowed humbly, not daring to say a word.

"Keep your head up."

The voice of the deity behind the curtain is female.

This made Ibosas feel ecstatic for a moment.

Because among the four main gods, only its main god Slaanesh can show people the opposite sex.

But it quickly woke up again.

Its main god Slaanesh does not have the ability to descend directly into the real universe, and...

Moreover, Ibosas still clearly remembers the fact that the top Moska Brand was so intimidated by Tzeentch that he finally lost his iron job and could no longer work as a dog for Khorne.

Ibosas took the order and raised his head, carefully observing the life behind the curtain.

It only saw an unusually tall woman, wearing a dress that was a bit conservative for it, but the tempting pattern on her belly seemed to prove something.

Its cognitive shield prevents it from seeing the terrifying thing next to it.

The terrible thing is singing a double act with the Wolf Goddess. He says something and the Wolf Goddess says something.

"Is this your attitude when you meet me? Ibosas?"

Horus repeated the words of Lust.

A great demon like Ibosas, who is not particularly favored by his own god, has actually not seen the Lord Slaanesh for some years.

It quickly tore open its skin, exposing the distorted flesh and blood and various messy tissues.

At the same time, it showed a happy expression, and the souls in its flesh and blood suddenly screamed.

"I am willing to offer endless sacrifices to the Lord Slaanesh..."

It didn't dare to finish its words because it couldn't be sure that the person in front of it was really its main god Slaanesh.

Tzeentch did not defeat the great demon once or twice, but Skarbrand was more representative.

The Great Demon of Nurgle was once deceived by Tzeentch into buying a bunch of detergent to wash his father's garden, saying that it must be washed until it sparkles, so that it can be rejuvenated.

The big devil was stewed that day and used to feed the microbes in the garden.

Horus knew that the other party was guessing that she was not Slaanesh, and she felt troubled by this. She went to see Guangyu, but Guangyu calmly said a time limit.

So Horus repeated these words.

"I only give you fifteen breaths!"

Fifteen breaths is enough.

The Astartes' nerves react very quickly, and the demons who are their opponents are naturally not bad either.

Ibosas began to confirm whether the god in front of him was his main god, and he began to enter the triple confirmation secret.

"The god in front of me is related to Liu!"

There is no fluctuation in its heart, and the code is confirmed.

It is still uneasy and performs a second password confirmation.

"The deity in front of me is both male and female."

This password was of course passed.

"The god in front of you is the Lord God of Chaos, who controls the power of joy."

There was a thump in its heart, but the fluctuation was not large enough. Obviously, there was something wrong with this password.

While it was wondering, the god spoke.

"I only have a small part of the authority to enjoy happiness in the real universe."

Ibosas began to measure the truth of this statement, and it was true.

Yes, the great Lord God found some way to break the restrictions and send the incarnation into the real universe. Naturally, it is impossible to have all the rights of pleasure.

After entering the triple password, Ibosas began to bow respectfully in front of the Lord God of Chaos.

It has no idea that although every answer it comes up with is true, the puzzle pieces put together are extremely wrong.

It loudly praises the Lord of pleasure before it, swears to Him that it will compose a blueprint for Him, and complete it with a double sacrifice of pain and pleasure.

Until this moment, Ibosas's faith had not been completely directed to the god in front of him.

He used the power of Tzeentch he had stolen to fool the demon's desire for light, and began to deceive its knowledge and distort its beliefs.


Guangyu began to take out a piece of paper, which recorded what Slaanesh said when he deceived Nusgreen,

"I am here!"

Ibosas was honored that its chief god was willing to pronounce its name.

Horus stared dumbfoundedly as Light Desire coaxed a great demon of Slaanesh into spinning around while making improvised cheat sheets.

At this moment, she felt that Light Desire was the master of all changes. It was really outrageous.

"You have lived up to my expectations, my loyal servant."

After hearing this compliment, Ibosas almost rolled his eyes and spit out a disgusting long tongue.

Among the desires of some Slaanesh demons, there is a desire for Slaanesh's praise and approval, and this can never be satisfied. Even just hearing a response from Slaanesh can reach the peak of pleasure in various senses.

Horus felt a little nauseous. This Slaanesh demon seemed to be...

"After gaining some more powers, I have become more perfect and I have undergone some changes. My slave, do you want to try to change with me?"

This deception is actually unreasonable.

Because this is what Slaanesh used to convince Nusgren when he was disguised as Lust of Light.

But it is very reasonable, because it is too real. Raste directly threw the impact of Slaanesh's projection on the surroundings and the feelings it made on others at that moment into Ibosas's mind.

"What changes?"

"I have become more qualified now!"

"?" After repeating this sentence, Horus slowly typed a question mark.

The great demon of Slaanesh lying on the ground was even more stunned.

ha? What does it mean to be qualified?

"Having qualities means that I am more perfect, can't you understand?"

Guangyu said, casually pulling out a god's spine.

Horus's scalp was numb. She really didn't want to get involved with this thing. If she accepted the strengthening of the god's spine, she would have to endure a certain amount of pain.

She reacted - good guy, does quality pointing mean there are branches?

Ibosas had no idea that it was experiencing a subspace fraud. Faced with the rebuke from the Lord of Chaos, Ibosas panicked. It was full of praise for the quality Lord God it believed in.

Then, like feeding a dog, Guang Lu threw the spine of the god in his hand in front of Ibosas.

"Very well, now, pick up Elloys's spine, I have something I need you to do."

The backbone of Ellores, Ellores, sounds vaguely familiar.

Ibosas picked up the spine, looked at it over and over, and almost threw the "branches" in his hand the next moment.

Ellores, the lesser god of blood and pain, overlaps with some of Slaanesh's powers, but is extremely contradictory.

Because Ellores does not take pleasure in bloody pain, he represents meaningless penance and self-trampling worthless cruelty.

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