Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 28 The power of rejuvenation

Being too confused, Horus still wanted to make a final push.

He tentatively wanted another code name that could at least suit his temperament.

"Is there anything else besides this?"

"Yes, I have!"

Guang Yu responded to him openly.

Horus laughed like an Internet addicted child on the spot.

"That one, I don't choose, just this new one."

"Okay, Ding Ding Car!"


The young Wolf Shepherd finally felt that the responsibility of this legion was too great, and that he was still young and needed to hone his skills.

"It's hard for me to be qualified for such a title. Please let me think about it."

Guang Yu also wanted to lie to him.

"Ding Ding Che is an extremely terrifying terror chariot. Even if it carries Wuxidixi, Igubigu and all their friends at the same time, it is easy for Ding Ding Che..."

Horus directly covered his ears - I won't listen! Don't even think about lying to me!

The Sixth Evil God felt frustrated for the first time against his Corruption Whisper. As expected of the original body, his resistance was so strong.

Horus then asked curiously about another matter.


"I don't listen! I don't listen!"


Why are you acting like a child?

Seeing that the wicked Li Ting Supreme was still angry, Horus turned around and found the Chain Sword Master.

The Chainsword Master dared to point his sword at Khorne and slay the Chosen, but he was somewhat reserved when it came to his father's brother, another Primarch.

"What was that faint glow on your body before?"

Horus noticed that the Cerberus fire-breathing tank and the Chainsword Master would occasionally glow dimly when they entered and exited the alien army.

"I'm telling you, it's not that I can't do seven in and seven out, it's just that the other side can't hold it.

As for the faint brilliance on my body, according to our master, this is called [the power of my life]! "

When explaining, the Chainsword Master didn't forget to mention that his record actually has a lot of depth to explore.

"My ability to survive?"

Horus looked strange. He knew about the orcs. The orcs had a power that was very similar to this, but their emotions were different.

"That's right, so every time we Ultramarines are on the verge of despair, we will blow...

Ahem, you will start to work hard while boosting morale, and then you will gain strength! "

The Chainsword Master is convinced of this. He has escaped from trouble more than once because of my power.

He couldn't explain the principle, but it was all over.

Horus was very sure that this power came from lust for light, and this old man was still sulking with him.

The reason for Rasta's anger was simple.

Young people don't know how to praise. If you are given a chance, you will run away just because of a little face.

Although I just lied to you about joining the Garden Baby Army, but you can’t do this. I also wanted to trick you into going to the Emperor with the code name of Dot Dot or Ding Ding Car in exchange for Igubigu. What about the code name? Why don’t you take the bait?

How does this make me read the Emperor's jokes?

The trend of light and lust is like a scourge, trying to poison the emperor, but the media is not in good contact with it.

As for the strength of the Ultramarines, it’s easy to understand.

Any kind-hearted life can live freely according to its own wishes and please the lust of light.

Surviving in a desperate situation fits this standard very well.

If you please me, I will bless you. This is a standard subspace process.

Is there a problem? No problem at all.

The battlefield was cleared quickly, and Horus came to ask for instructions from the Emperor's partners.

"Do what you want."

At the same time as Guang Yu gave his reply, a group of Smurfs ran over.

"Master, we are responsible for protecting you from those bald, hairy, and futile people."


Two groups of Astartes from different legions had a dispute on the spot over who provided their material providers.

"Let's go, let's go, they're making noise."

Rasta turned around and ran into the Astra Militarum, urging these people to leave quickly, ignoring the snipe and clam.

Horus's network administrator and Guilliman's warriors immediately stopped arguing.

After leaving some people behind in this area, according to the information given by the battleship's high-altitude survey, gunboats and even more heavy air and land firepower fell from the battleship and entered the battlefield.

This time the Emperor did not assign any Titans to the Luna Wolves.

Titans are giant mechas piloted by humans. They are regarded by the Mechanicus as the embodiment of the power of the God of All Machines.

From the reconnaissance-type Warhound Titans to the mountain-high Emperor Titans, no one is easy to deal with.

These divine creations in the eyes of the Mechanicus are usually produced in various forging worlds similar to Mars. After being baptized by the Mechanicus and given machine souls, they begin to contribute every roar to the Great Crusade.

Of course, it is also possible to appear in the agricultural world as a large harvester...

The Astartes mobilize very quickly, and if one has to pay attention to the Astra Militarum as mortal auxiliaries, they can rush to the next battlefield even faster.

The battleships of the Seventh Company were in the sky and began to attack the ground from time to time, destroying the gathering of aliens and sending these heretics who had lost their air power into a panic.

This alien civilization was still engaged in civil war before the arrival of the Imperial Space Marines.

They are roughly divided into four regional organizations or countries, and they conquer each other. Even within the same force, they fight with each other and kill their companions.

Rasta was not surprised by this at all. It was very normal for an alien who believed in Khorne to do such a thing.

The marching speed is maintained very well. When there is no stop, it is not that we have not encountered the enemy, it is as if we have encountered the enemy.

Rasta is trying to find even one alien on this planet who has his favorite traits.

But no, the physiological differences between different life forms are huge. So far, some bean sprouts have this characteristic.

He didn't like the Spare Ribs very much. When he conquered a certain planet with the White Scars, he discovered a sleeping Necron dynasty, which was awakened by the war between the Astartes and the aliens.

When these ribs were about to reprimand the ants in front of them, the fragment of the Star God they imprisoned felt an extremely terrifying presence.

Reminded by the unconscious fragments of the Star God, these ribs ran away overnight carrying their own dynasty.

How to defeat a subspace concept evil god who can ignore the constraints of the real universe?

The Astartes' advance soon stopped in an alien city.

Khorne has abandoned this planet. He feels that there is no need to pay attention here anymore. These weak and timid beings can no longer pose any threat to the canned people who eat the lone eater.

But He quickly rejected his own opinion. He was even shocked. He was shocked that there could be such a brave life in the mortal world.

Not only him, but also Tzeentch looked sideways at this moment.

The attention of two subspace evil gods fell on an alien.

This alien requires a one-on-one fight with someone.

Facing these canned horrors, he didn't want to die worthless.

"This is war, alien, you have no right to make any conditions!"

The captain of the power hammer raised his hammer and pointed at the alien. He felt that there was no need to waste time on this kind of enemy.

The opponent is hiding behind a defense similar to a void shield, but it doesn't take much time to break through this defense.

"I think you are eager to end this battle as soon as possible. If you agree to my request, I can close this endless field."

The name of the alien's shield sounds bluffing.

Just when the Ultramarines were about to attack, Horus raised his hand and stopped them.

The young wolf god was very interested in the alien's proposal.

"I allow you to challenge one on one, but you cannot bring any super-standard weapons, and neither will we."

Horus was very confident in his children and the Ultramarines. Even if it was the Astra Militarum, he didn't think they would definitely lose.

The lust of light is here, even if you lose the one-on-one challenge, your side will not die.

The alien began to look at these "invaders".

He was about to choose a useless blue can, but the next second he received a chain saw from other resident aliens. The sword master jumped from the Cerberus fire-breathing tank and hacked their civilization's unparalleled god's choice. message.

Horus was so tall that he was excluded, and the provocative look from Acton beside him was ignored by him.

After ignoring a large group of Space Marines, he stood on tiptoe and looked behind him. A bunch of Astra Militarum soldiers wearing standard equipment looked exactly the same in the eyes of the aliens, and it was impossible to tell who was stronger.

At this time, his eyes lit up and he saw a guy with black hair and black eyes who looked like he must not be beaten.

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