The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2420 Are you going to the Basa dinner?

"Who are you two?" Looking at the two people getting off the motorcycle, Principal Wang's eyes wandered between Ran Hao and Li Meng, and finally focused on Ran Hao, "You seem to have become a little different. ?”

"Don't show off your brain cells to make assumptions. It's impossible for the two of us." Li Meng directly glanced at Principal Wang.

Ran Hao, who originally wanted to explain, heard Li Meng's words, swallowed back what he was about to say, and then said, "What has changed so much? Why do you and Li Meng both say that today?"

Facing Li Meng, Principal Wang smiled and did not answer. He had no loss whether Li Meng and Ran Hao were together or not, but he was happy to see the results.

In fact, if he could marry Li Meng, his career would definitely reach a higher level. But given his temperament, it's obviously impossible, because Father Li Meng is not someone to be trifled with.

If he married Li Meng and still showed off like this outside, Li Meng's father would really dare to break his legs.

So after smiling for a while, he looked at Ran Hao again, "How can I put it? I feel like you feel much more relaxed today than before."

Although she and Ran Hao have not known each other for a long time, they have not been together very often recently because of something else. But because Ran Hao has changed so much recently, it will be obvious to him as long as he meets him a few times.

At the beginning of the year, because Ran Hao had just received special freedom from his family, he was like Erha in the south who saw snow. He obviously wanted to restrain himself, but he couldn't control the joy in his heart. At that time, Ran Hao felt quite high-spirited.

Later, Ran Hao fell into confusion because he didn't know what he was doing. Although he was happy to go out and play every day, and even seemed to be more interested in women, he seemed to have no direction. What should he do every day? There are no goals.

And as time went by, Ran Hao began to feel more confused and anxious. It seems that he is aware that the free time given by his family is counting down, but he still does nothing and feels restless.

Where is Ran Hao today? Not to mention the high spirits at the beginning of the year, I also have an indescribable confidence compared to the beginning of the year.

This self-confidence was not blind self-confidence, but seemed to have some confidence or a trump card, which completely freed him from his previous restlessness, and made him look much clearer.

Hearing Principal Wang's words, Ran Hao smiled and nodded, "I feel much more relaxed than before."

"Have you decided what you want to do?" Li Meng couldn't help but ask.

"The specifics haven't been determined yet, but there is an option." Ran Hao said.

Principal Wang became curious, "What are you going to do?"

"If I really can't find anything else to do, I'm going to start a timber business. I'll import some higher-end timber from abroad, such as mahogany.

As you all know, my family makes furniture, and my father forced me to learn a lot of wood and other things in the industry. Although some things must have changed when I was studying at that time compared to now. However, knowledge such as wood type and quality will not change. If you really want to do this, you can just find someone knowledgeable to learn and make up for the other changes for a while. "

"What about channels, import and export trade?" Principal Wang said subconsciously, but he remembered something mid-sentence, smiled and shook his head, "I forgot about your family situation. You don't need to look at platforms and channels to start a business, as long as Whatever you want to do, you can build the platform yourself without relying on others.”

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Ran Hao smiled modestly.

But humility is humility, and all three of them knew it. Given Ran Hao's family background, what Principal Wang said was not an exaggeration at all, and was even a bit conservative.

As long as Ran Haozheng is willing to do it, not to mention the Yang family, his eldest sister Ran Feifei alone can arrange all the channels for him, and it is an extremely complete upstream and downstream arrangement, so the company can run smoothly when it is opened. That kind of thing.

"Okay, stop talking about me. What are your plans for today?" Ran Hao clapped his hands to end the topic.

"Ask him, is he organizing the game today?" Li Meng raised her chin and gestured to Principal Wang.

"I don't have any specific arrangements. I was just too busy some time ago and finally had some free time. I asked you to come out for a walk. By the way, do you like to attend the charity banquet?" Principal Wang said.

"What charity party?"

"The theme of the Basha charity banquet is children's relief funds." Principal Wang said.

"Is this thing reliable?" It was Ran Hao who asked this question.

Because the Yang family does charity, Ran Hao also does charity every year, and not only does his father do it himself, but he also pressures Ran Hao, his reluctant son, to understand and participate in depth.

On more than one occasion, Ran Hao personally drove some desks and benches specially built by the furniture factory to schools in poor areas. The Ran family is very low-key about these good deeds and never publicizes them.

And because he couldn't be in the limelight, although Ran Hao didn't like doing this in the past, he was forced to participate by his father, so he knew a little bit about the so-called charity donations and other such things.

Therefore, when Principal Wang said it was a charity dinner, what he thought of was: Is this donation reliable? He doesn't mind donating, what he cares about is whether the money he donates can really reach the hands of those in need. In addition, he is outspoken and has no defense against Principal Wang and Li Meng, so he blurts out whatever is on his mind.

"This charity banquet is a bit impetuous, there are many celebrities and artists." It was Li Meng who said this.

She obviously knows a little more about this charity banquet than Ran Hao, plus she has met a lot of all kinds of people at her father's villa.

I understand better what the core of this charity banquet is. Charity cannot be said to be a cover, because people really make donations and do charity. But it is undeniable that attracting attention in the name of charity and then making headlines in various reports in the news media are the focus.

"I can't guarantee that it's unreliable. You just go there to join in the fun and don't need to donate." Principal Wang first answered Ran Hao's question, and then said to Li Meng, "I went because there are many celebrities. I spent money to do charity. It’s on the headlines. It costs about the same as the hype, and this one is more cost-effective and cost-effective.”

Principal Wang was also very straightforward. He could do some charity in a low-key manner without asking for anything in return. But while making a charitable donation like this tonight, you can also get the popularity you need at the moment. Why would you not enjoy it if you want to save face and dignity?

"Then go take a look and just join in the fun, but if I come across an auction item I like and take it, I don't want cameras or any news reports."

Li Meng knew about Principal Wang's efforts to make his live broadcast platform popular, so he was not surprised by Principal Wang's actions.

She had nothing to do at night, and the Barsha Charity Dinner had become quite popular in recent years, so she planned to go and watch the fun.

"Are there any auction items?" Ran Hao asked in surprise.

The charities he knew about before were direct donations, and he was obviously unfamiliar with this kind of charity dinner that used celebrity auction items as a gimmick.

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