The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 2391 Don’t know what to do (Part 1)

For families with children, the family atmosphere is lively, especially if there are four children, one senior and three juniors, although the youngest child is only half a year old and can't speak yet.

But the Yang family is not as lively now. During the meal, Yang Dongxu and Zhou Ya hugged each other. Yang Dongxu held his daughter Tangtang and fed her from time to time.

Although Tangtang has now learned to eat by herself, after all, the relationship between father and daughter needs to be cultivated and warmed up after being separated for so long, so Yang Dongxu holds and feeds her food. This is not considered doting, and it is probably just two days of boredom. In two days, something will definitely happen and she will have grown up. You can take care of the meal yourself.

Zhou Ya held Tiantian, while Tiantian held the milk bottle, drinking milk while looking around with big eyes. The atmosphere was very relaxed as the adults ate and chatted. Wen Chen finished his meal and ran to his room to continue doing his homework.

Although the topic of reducing the burden on students has been very hot in recent years, there are not so many homeworks in elementary schools. After all, many new words must be written several times to deepen students' memory.

There are also stories and texts that need to be memorized, as well as various mathematical formulas and arithmetic problems. Each of them may not seem like a lot, but it really adds up to a lot.

Fortunately, both Yang Dongxu and Zhou Ya are relatively open-minded. The main reason is that Wen Chen's grades have always been among the top three in the school, and he has been ranked first in the school for a long time.

Therefore, the two of them were not as anxious as other parents to enroll Wenchen in various cram schools. As for the transition from primary school to junior high school, in addition to cultural classes, some high-end private schools also examine students' extracurricular reading, as well as some talents and other miscellaneous bonus points.

The two of them have no such worries, because they have no plans to send their son to any aristocratic school, just a public school.

With Wenchen's grades, it was easy for him to enter a better public school, so neither of them put any pressure on their son. As for after-school hobbies, Wen Chen likes to play Go, which was somewhat influenced by his grandfather.

So I signed up for a Go hobby class, which only takes two hours on a Saturday afternoon. As for the other hobby of martial arts training, whether it is Yang Dongxu, the father, or Du Heng and other bodyguards at home, they can teach Wen Chen, so there is no need to sign up for a class.

There were no cram schools or extracurricular interest classes, and Wen Chen had to wait until after nine o'clock to do his homework every night. You can imagine the homework pressure for students who have signed up for a bunch of interest classes and cram schools.

"Just play in the living room. You are not allowed to go to the room. If you disturb your brother from doing homework, see how I beat you." Seeing Wen Chen saying hello and leaving the table after finishing the meal, Wen Wu also put down his chopsticks and said that he was full, and wanted to talk to himself as he said so. My brother entered the room together.

Children's favorite thing is to play with older children. Wen Chen is the only eldest child in the family, so Wen Wu naturally becomes a little follower. Not only him, but also seeing his two brothers leave the table after eating and sitting in his father's arms. Tangtang began to move her butt restlessly, wanting to get off.

"I know." Wen Wu responded unhappily, but he was not happy at all. He was not bad at being obedient. He wandered around the living room with his lips pouted and did not go to the room.

Because he knew that even though his father usually loved him, it was okay to sit on his neck and pull the hair on his head.

But sometimes if I dare to be disobedient, my father will really beat me if I hit someone. I can still tell the difference between going to the room to play with my brother later or having a civil and military show.

After eating the meal for more than half an hour, Tangtang ran impatiently to find her second brother Wenwu. The two of them were rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the living room, and they burrowed under the sofa without knowing what they were looking for.

Yang Dongxu ignored them. Children just can't sit still. As long as they don't cause trouble or damage the sofa with a knife, Yang Dongxu usually won't say anything about rummaging through boxes or digging out mouse holes. .

After drinking the milk, Tiantian kept yawning. Zhou Ya took her back to the room and put her to sleep. Dong Yao followed her, asking for advice on giving birth and raising children.

In the living room, Yang Dongxu and Ran Hao were slowly drinking tea. A few of them were chatting about their children at first. After all, one was a father of four children and the other was an expectant father. 2:1 was very topical.

While chatting, we somehow ended up talking about Ran Hao's work, whether it was delivering express delivery or working in society.

The main purpose is not to let Ran Hao earn money to support himself, but to train Ran Hao. Let him not always float in the air and be self-righteous, let his simple and straightforward brain have a little common sense of worldliness, be a little wary of other people's thoughts, and don't always believe what others say and be played around by others.

Now, both my grandpa and Ran Feifei are quite satisfied with the training in this area. Therefore, he continues to stay at the bottom of the labor market, and Ran Hao basically has nothing to learn.

Grandpa and Ran Feifei's hope is that Ran Hao can manage the family's tens of millions of assets in the future and pass on the family.

So now that Ran Hao has grown up, the best thing is to give him a suitable environment to continue growing instead of wasting time at the bottom.

"I've said this before, especially since I stayed in Yanjing for half a year and nothing happened, so my parents wanted to let me go back.

I am not opposed to going back, and I would even arrange to work in a furniture factory. But I actually can’t learn much when I go back, because my father has arranged for me to be exposed to furniture factories since I was a child.

After graduation, whether I was cutting wood on the ground floor of a furniture factory, or later following a truck to deliver goods, I was very familiar with these things. So what I can do now is middle management in a furniture factory.

But there is a saying that the management of a furniture factory is fundamentally different from the management of factories outside. First of all, the employees in the furniture factory are all veteran employees who have been working in the furniture factory for more than ten years. Some of them are even the sons of old employees or their relatives.

And basically the employees are all locals from all over the country. The wages offered by the furniture factory are not low. Not only are they provided with five insurances and one housing fund, but the benefits during the holidays are also unmatched by other local factories.

Therefore, there is basically no such thing as petty theft or cheating in the factory. Because once you do this, you will not only be fired from the factory and lose a good job, but you will also be stabbed in the spine by your neighbors.

Therefore, when it comes to factory management and human affairs, there is nothing to learn from the formal factory management methods outside, and there is no need to use the formal factory management methods unless you open a branch factory elsewhere and follow the formal methods.

Otherwise, the personnel affairs in the furniture factory are not so much about management as they are about human nature and sophistication. It's enough for people who have nothing to do but drink and brag.

There is nothing to learn about personnel matters, and there is nothing to learn about sales. Because the brands of furniture factories can be sold locally better than some foreign brands.

Especially now that many furniture are made of synthetic version, our furniture is all solid wood. There is no need to promote the quality by oneself. When the workers in the factory go back to chat, they can sell out the goods just by saying a few words, so there is no sales entertainment. Ran Hao said with a bitter smile.

I used to be very rebellious and didn't want to learn even after being beaten by my father, but now I want to learn. I found that I had already learned what I needed to learn from the beatings I received.

What I need to do now is to understand more about people and the world. During holidays and festivals, I can go for a walk in the workshop if I have nothing to do. If my son is getting married or my daughter is getting married, I just need to go have a wedding banquet to save face. The rest is really Nothing more.

Just like Ran Hao said, his furniture factory is different from the so-called regular factories outside. Whether it's the employees or the sales, they all have local characteristics and cannot be generalized. I guess most of the time when I go back, I just eat and drink.

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