The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 176: Alert the enemy! The three local giants!

Bian Yuda's mouth is very hard, but his bones are very soft.

Without much effort, Zuo Yida came in with the confession.

"Master Hou, let me ask you clearly."

"Bian Xiong, the commander of the Shandong capital, was born in the Bian clan of Hejian Prefecture in the capital. After being a civil servant, he was selected as the honorary guard of Emperor Tianshun (Zhu Qizhen) and was highly regarded."

"Not long after, the little Tatar prince attacked Datong and took advantage of the victory to reach Yanmen Pass. The imperial court sent Baoguo Gong Zhu Yong to lead an army to meet the enemy. Bian Xiong went out with the army and beheaded more than thirty people. Therefore, he became famous, and then he rose all the way until he was promoted. Commander-in-Chief of Shandong Province."

The civil heroes refer to the descendants of those civilian officials, generals and descendants who died innocently and tragically in the civil disaster in order to protect the scumbag emperor Zhu Qizhen.

Zhu Qizhen, a scumbag, still has some conscience. After his restoration and accession to the throne, he gave these fallen ministers the title of hero, supporting and compensating their widows and families, and most of the military generals' children were elected as honorary guards to show their favor. Maybe he wanted to use this Make up for the guilt in your heart.

"Evidence?" Tang Mu sarcastically said: "The Jin Yiwei first reported and then cut off the imperial power charter. Since when do you need evidence to arrest someone?"

"Do you know the significance of this Shandong Beiwa Dusi?"

"If anyone dares to resist secretly, kill him; if anyone dares to slack off and get things done, kill him; if anyone dares to defy the odds, kill him!"

In short, annihilating enemies at sea is the core of coastal defense strategy, and it is also an effective coastal defense system.

Tang Hao continued to turn his head to look at the coastal defense map and fell into deep thought.

"What should I do now?"

For example, Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese general, was suppressed by civil servants and gentry for most of his life. He met Zhang Juzheng, the prime minister who rescued him, and was promoted. Finally, with his numerous military exploits, he became the commander-in-chief of Jizhou, responsible for the military affairs of three towns in the north, and was finally awarded the title of Zhengyipinzuodudu. , equivalent to the military region commander in later generations.

Wei Zhang took the lead in expressing his stance and said in a deep voice: "The last general takes orders!"

"Wei Zhang, in the past, you were not the only one to be blamed for the corruption of the Guard House, but now that I am here, I just want to ask you a question."

Tang Hao asked with a thoughtful smile. It was not like he had done nothing during the half year of military training. He had made up some basic common sense of this era, including but not limited to some of the more famous gentry families, such as the capital. The Bian clan of Hejian Prefecture.

Bian Xiong naturally didn't care about the life or death of his nephew. The reason why he made Bian Yuda the leader of the Wendeng camp was just to facilitate the transaction with the Japanese pirates.

After hearing Bian Xiong's message, the two frontier officials did not dare to neglect and hurried over immediately.

"Now that the Marquis of Zhongshan is here, you can't wait to be his dog, right?"

For another example, in order to eliminate maritime threats from Southeast Asia, Zheng He's fleet once launched a fierce battle with them in the Strait of Malacca.

"Tang Mu Yi Dao, send brothers to garrison the 3rd Battalion and 24th Guards under the jurisdiction of Beiwa Dusi, integrate all the combatable soldiers, Wei Zhang mobilizes your subordinates to fully cooperate!"

"Save his life first, imprison him temporarily, and tell him that if he wants to live, he can be a tainted witness and identify his good uncle, or he will die!"

Just imagine what it would be like to be targeted by the ferocious Marquis Zhongshan?

In addition to being frightened, Bian Xiong couldn't help but burst into anger.

"It's so peaceful in Shandong now. We need to find something to do for our Dragon Crossing the River."

"Why are you panicking? Does Tang Hao dare to attack you directly? Isn't it possible that all the troops in your guard station are just for show?"

"Turns out what a waste!" Tang Hao was a little disappointed for a moment, then waved his hand.

"Yes, but not entirely!"

After a brief silence, Bian Xiong couldn't help but speak.

The worst case scenario is death. Wei Zhang has already had enough of this kind of frustrating life!

The corruption of the coastal Japanese system in the Ming Dynasty is not the fault of one person, but the fault of a certain group!

Just like Changlu Yunsi, there are too many people who want Biwadusi to be corrupted!

Because only when the Japanese pirates are defeated can they collude with the Japanese pirates to smuggle goods and make huge profits!

Tang Hao wanted to see how deep the water in Shandong's officialdom was!

"Very good, now execute my first order."

From this, it is not difficult to see that after the civil servants and gentry took control of the government, they had already extended their hands to the local officialdom. Each of these commanders was either more obedient or one of their own. As for those who were disobedient, they would be punished for life. It is impossible for them to sit in such a high position of real power.

After the Keren Proclamation, the Ming Dynasty began to shrink its coastal defense lines. The ocean-going fleet was recalled, the construction of large ships stopped, and island bases were abandoned. The retreat policy severely damaged the navy, and the coastal defense lines were pushed back to the coast from the open sea and even the outer ocean.

"Wei Zhang!"

Tang Hao immediately asked about the business, already unable to restrain the bloodthirsty nature in his heart.

"I am not afraid that they will take action, but I am afraid that they will not take action!"

"Then the matter of colluding with Japanese pirates to smuggle for profit, has the torture been clear?"

Tang Hao asked with a smile.

The three local departments refer to the Chief Secretary for Prosecution (hereinafter referred to as the Chief Secretary), the Chief Secretary for Punishment (hereinafter referred to as the Chief Secretary), and the Metropolitan Commander-in-Chief Division (the Chief Secretary for short). These three agencies are responsible for local administrative, judicial and military affairs respectively. .

In addition, the Ming Dynasty Navy often dispatched fleets to attack enemy-occupied islands and destroy Japanese pirate bases. The culmination of this offensive strategy was that during the battle to pursue Japanese pirates, naval officers reached the coast of Korea and the Ryukyu Islands.

The three giants in Tang Mu's mouth were the highest officials of the three local departments of the Ming Dynasty, the chief envoy, the inspector-general, and the capital commander.

Wei Zhang said in a deep voice: "Strengthen coastal defense and resist Japanese pirates."

Japanese pirates deserve to die!

In addition, there is an inspection department in the local area, and its piers are scattered all over the coastal areas, forming an effective reconnaissance and defense system. Shandong also has a governor-general's coastal troops and horses to suppress Japanese pirates. The third coastal defense battalion coordinates the coastal defense stations, the patrol sea route is in charge of coastal defense affairs in Qingden Lai and other places, and the military preparation route is responsible for military affairs. The establishment of these institutions is undoubtedly conducive to strengthening the coordination and mobile combat capabilities of various coastal guards, and provides a favorable guarantee for Shandong's coastal defense.

Du commander envoy (from the second rank), Du command Tongzhi (from the second rank), Du command Qianshi (zheng third rank); Chief envoy (from the second rank), Shenzheng (from the third rank), Counselor (from the fourth rank); Envoy (the third rank), Deputy Envoy (the fourth rank), Qianshi (the fifth rank).

Japanese pirates are just bastards, so of course they deserve to die!

Those who colluded with the Japanese pirates for profit and led to the corruption of the Japanese capital should be damned even more!

"I've made such a big noise now, do you think those people will panic, and what will they do?"

Zuo Yidao gave the answer expressionlessly. Jinyiwei was originally an intelligence agency, so he still knew the information.

Zhu Maogong stroked his long beard and said: "This Tang Hao went to the third coastal defense camp of Beiwa Dusi. He didn't give Ji Hongwei a chance to speak and drove him away!"

The Marquis of Zhongshan was not forcing him, but giving him a chance to make meritorious deeds!

"But Lord Marquis, Bian Xiong's side..."

"Secondly, if you want to cut through the mess quickly, it's basically impossible. I can kill officials of the level of the Three Big Three, but killing them will only alert the enemy, so it's better to stop them quietly."

"Come here, please go and invite the other two people to discuss the matter immediately, and tell them that if they don't come, the Marquis of Zhongshan will break into the house and ransack the house!"

To be honest, he is really not afraid of any Shandong commander. The simplest and fastest way is to lead the army to kill him directly, cut off the head of the hero over there and kick it as a ball!

One by one, he will never be lenient!

However, Huang Xingfu had already made up his mind and seemed quite calm.

Huang Xingfu said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Wei Zhang was suddenly shaken all over.

In the secret room, the three giants met again.

The "other two" mentioned by Bian Xiong are naturally Huang Xingfu, the chief envoy of Shandong, and Zhu Maogong, the inspector-general of Shandong. Both of them were Jinshi during the Chenghua period, and they also had the support of powerful forces behind them. Otherwise, they would not have been able to become officials in the border areas. above the location.

The three departments are connected to different central authorities. The Chief Envoy is responsible for the Ministry of Household Affairs, the General Inspector is responsible for the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the Commander-in-Chief is responsible for the Fifth Army Governor's Office and the Ministry of War. Today, the Fifth Army Governor's Office It exists in name only, but in fact the Ministry of War is in charge.

But in this way, it is tantamount to alerting the snake. After all, Bian Xiong is equivalent to a broker, responsible for maintaining this trade channel.

"Go and do it immediately! I will make my own arrangements for other matters!"

After hearing this, the generals immediately set off to carry out the military orders.

These bastards who colluded with Japanese pirates also deserve to be killed!

"Japanese pirates deserve to be killed, and so do these bastards! Do you have the courage to follow me and kill these bastards? Recast the Japanese capital that made the Japanese pirates fearful?"

"Facts have proved that Emperor Taizongwen's decision-making was extremely wise. At least from the Yongle to Xuande years, even if the Japanese pirates had forcibly plundered, they were repelled by our Ming soldiers. Moreover, during the Hongwu and Yongle years, the Ming navy maintained high combat effectiveness. , and proactively went out to sea to eliminate Japanese pirates. In response to the maritime threats from Japanese pirates, the Ming Dynasty sent thousands of warships to patrol the north and south seas every year, the so-called spring patrol and summer patrol. "

The "three local departments" are independent and have no affiliation with each other. However, the levels of the "three departments" are different, with the capital commander as the highest, the administrative envoy as the second, and the inspector as the lowest.

Hearing this, Tang Hao glanced at Tang Mu with a strange expression.

"First, my goal is to collude with the Japanese gentry and Jin gentry, so naturally I have to come here to prepare the Japanese capital, rather than go to Jinan, Shandong."

"You are so kind!"

It’s no exaggeration to say that those Japanese pirates deserve to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

The three divisions together formed the core of the local government in the Ming Dynasty and aimed to strengthen centralization. The Chief Secretary is the general agency of civil affairs, responsible for local administrative affairs, and is responsible for the power of money and food; the Chief Secretary is the general agency of the judiciary, in charge of judicial supervision; the General Secretary is the general agency of the military, responsible for military affairs. These three agencies are directly responsible to the central government and are not subordinate to each other, ensuring the central government's effective control over local governments.

The Ming Dynasty also had spring patrols and summer patrols. First, the fleet patrolled the sea, alerting, reconnaissance, and looking for opportunities to annihilate the enemy. When it was discovered that Japanese pirates had penetrated into the inland sea, the alarm communication system was used to concentrate the navy and the outer island defenders to coordinate the annihilation. If the Japanese pirates Upon landing, the navy and coastal garrison troops will coordinate to annihilate them.

The word "kill" was spoken three times in a row, and the atmosphere in the entire hall instantly dropped to freezing point.

"Tang Hao is definitely targeting me now, I'm afraid he will take action!"

From the Hongwu period, the coastal defense system was built, to the Yongle period, the three major battalions of Shandong Beiwa Dusi and Coastal Defense were established, from the central Dudufu to the local Dudu Commandery Division, Commander Envoy, Thousand Households, Hundred Households, and Chief Flag Officer , small flag officers, etc. form a strict management and combat system.

There is nothing to say. He has been the commander of the Japanese pirates for so many years and has witnessed with his own eyes that too many coastal people have their families separated and their families destroyed due to the plunder and harassment of Japanese pirates.

Zuo Yidao took the order and left, and the meeting hall fell into silence again.

"I want to see if Tang Hao is capable of overturning Shandong's officialdom!"

"Master Marquis, it seems we are too merciful this time."

When the servant heard this, he immediately went to deliver the order.

When Tang Mu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The military garrison system not only did not interfere with farming, but also raised troops to prepare for Japanese invaders, killing two birds with one stone. Therefore, it was promoted in the coastal guards in the early Ming Dynasty.

Tang Hao was lucky. As soon as he came to the Ming Dynasty, he accidentally rescued the young emperor, so he "reached the sky in one step" and reached a peak that ordinary generals could not reach in their lifetime.

Of course, the little actions of these people could not be hidden from Jin Yiwei's eyes, so Zuo Yidao immediately reported the matter.

The two sides are not at the same level at all. The Weisuo army can be called officers and soldiers, while Tang Hao's Beijing army is a serious soldier!

"Tang Hao went directly to Beiwa Dusi instead of the capital city of Jinan, which means he didn't dare to attack us directly!"

To brake with stillness?


“If you want coastal defense to be safe, you must increase the defense force on the land, turning points into areas, just like the Great Wall on the sea to guard the capital. So Emperor Taizong Wen improved the coastal defense on the basis of the Hongwu period, and successively built three cities in Jimo, Dengzhou, and Wendeng. The coastal defense battalions—Jimo Camp, Dengzhou Camp and Wendeng Camp were established."

"After taking down these three giants and handing them over to Zuo Yidao for interrogation, won't it be clear at a glance who is behind the scenes colluding with the Japanese pirates to smuggle for profit?"

"The Bian family of Hejian Prefecture? It seems to be a family of officials!"

If you really want to say it, the Beiwa system is corrupt. It is really no wonder that Wei Zhang and other coastal guard generals are involved. Even if they themselves must have committed corruption, after all, it is a personal behavior and cannot affect the overall situation.

Zuo Yidao shook his head and said: "Yuda here is a dandy. He relies on Bian Xiong's relationship to be the commander of the first battalion. He only knows that Bian Xiong asked him to be the commander of Wendeng Battalion in order to make it easier to smuggle goods. That’s all!”

The inspector, Zhu Maogong, frowned and fell into deep thought, thinking about countermeasures.

Coupled with the restrictions imposed by civil servants who patrolled the sea lanes, they neglected their duties, indulged in pleasure, and even engaged in corruption and bribery... As a result, a good coastal Japan-preparation system was completely corrupted!

"What the Marquis means is..."

He immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted with red eyes: "I am willing to follow the Marquis to the death!"

But now, Bian Yuda was directly found out by Tang Hao, and he also learned that the person behind him was himself!

Yu Dayou, who is as famous as him, did not have as good luck as Qi Jiguang. He led the "Yu Family Army" to an invincible victory, winning consecutive battles, and became a famous anti-Japanese general by virtue of his military exploits. However, he was not promoted in official positions, but was imprisoned many times. When I was about to know my destiny in my forties, I was still just a fifth-level official and commanding officer!

This is the method of literati.

Bian Xiong directly pointed the finger at the inspector Zhu Maogong and asked: "What does Ji Hongwei do for a living? How could he easily let Wei Zhang surrender to Tang Hao?"

Since then, Shandong has basically completely lost the initiative to prevent Japanese pirates at sea, and can only rely on coastal fortifications to passively resist Japanese pirates. The result of this passive anti-Japanese strategy is: once a large number of Japanese pirates invade a certain place, the local area will be destroyed. The officers and soldiers were unable to resist, and the nearby guard posts often had no time to respond. By the time reinforcements arrived, the Japanese pirates had already looted everything and moved to other places to plunder. Passive Japanese defense often had nothing to do with this kind of roving behavior of Japanese pirates.

In particular, Wei Zhang was also the commander of the Japanese Imperial Guard. His duty was to protect the people of Shandong from Japanese invasion, but what had he protected over the years?

The person Tang Hao really wanted to kill was the gentry who provided the goods to form this trade chain!

"Emperor Taizong Wen is different from Emperor Taizu Gao. Emperor Taizu Gao was extremely resistant to maritime military affairs, but Emperor Taizong Wen attached great importance to it. Any good method is a method that can be used. For the vast sea, if you want to defeat the Japanese pirates, you must It is necessary to take the initiative and conduct maritime patrols to protect the land, which is why Zheng He's feat of sailing to the West was possible. "

Of course, there must be people here who are pretending to surrender, and Tang Hao doesn't care.

The informant who rushed to Jinan from the Biwadusi Mansion successfully met his master.

"The Marquis is right. The Bian family is indeed a family of officials. There are many officials named Bian in the court, such as Bian Xian, the censor of Huguang Road, who is famous for his uprightness in both the government and the public."

Among the three giants, he, the chief envoy, is the oldest and the oldest, so he ranks first.

It is not advisable to scare the snake away, but it is absolutely possible to stop the situation with silence.

Tang Mu smiled sadly: "According to the past rules, we should go to Jinan first and take care of the three giants in Shandong's officialdom. Why is there any need to go to such trouble?"

When Bian Xiong, the commander of the Shandong capital, learned of Tang Hao's actions, he was immediately furious, but at the same time he was a little panicked.

"What a arrogant Marquis of Zhongshan!" Huang Xingfu, the chief envoy, sighed.

It is always better to be proactive than to be passive defensive.

Tang Hao explained quietly: "During the Yongle period, Emperor Taizong Wen originally intended to rectify the situation of coastal defense instability. In addition, he intended to move the capital to Beijing and use Beijing as the capital. Then Shandong's coastal defense will be directly related to the security of Zhili, so Coastal defense reforms for Shandong and other places began to be brewed, gradually increasing the number of garrisoned soldiers and establishing three major battalions. However, although the Coastal Guard Station was established at the time, it belonged to the Shandong Capital Command and Envoy Department in terms of regulations. The Capital Command and Envoy Department was responsible for the military affairs of Shandong. At that time, Shandong The area was much larger than the current Shandong, and the commander-in-chief had a lot of work, so there was no time to take care of coastal defense, so the Shandong Beiwadu Division and the three coastal defense battalions came into being. "

"What about you?" Tang Hao looked at General Beiwa Dusi behind Wei Zhang.

The Marquis of Zhongshan suddenly asked, and all the Beiwadusi generals looked tense.

Has this kid been following me for a long time? Why is he becoming more and more evil?

Zuo Yidao scolded angrily: "You also said that they are the three local giants. How dare you arrest people directly without evidence? This will violate the rules and even bring criticism to the Marquis!"

These generals looked at each other, and then they all knelt down and swore allegiance.

However, shortly after they walked out of the hall, several fast horses headed straight for Jinan, the Shandong Administrative Office.

But even so, Tang Hao can't really do whatever he wants, or there is no need for him to go directly to trouble the three giants of Shandong officialdom.

Hearing this, Bian Xiong smiled bitterly and shook his head. How dare those miscellaneous fish under his command make enemies of Tang's 10,000 elite Beijing troops!

Tang Hao was also happy. He liked to watch Tang Mu and Zuo Yidao quarrel the most, but Zuo Yidao, the cold-faced man with facial paralysis, was far less sharp-tongued than Tang Mu, so he was always the one who got the short end of the stick. The man with facial paralysis was so angry that he wanted to Draw a knife and kill someone.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Maogong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"you mean……"

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