After eating supper, Zimli stretched her waist. At this moment, her waist was slightly bulging, and her sultry curve made her even more attractive than before.

"how? Sleepy? If you insist on resting here, I can reluctantly agree."

Ji Chen looked at the double bed in the room. He didn't know why, but when he was redeeming it before, he had inexplicably exchanged it for a double bed.

"You are so beautiful! Zimli spat out her sweet tongue and turned to walk outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, several figures rushed in and lay down directly on the ground.

"I was just passing by."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was the only person standing outside the door. After a slight cough, he returned to his rest area.

As for the guys lying on the ground,

Isuzu Daichi and my Na Baxie lowered their heads silently. , disappeared from sight very quickly.

As for the remaining three people, they asked innocently.

"that....Do you have anything to eat? We are a little hungry."

Facing the shameless requests of these three guys, Ji Chen just���With a smile, he kicked them out with one kick.

"Look, I told you, these guys must be out there eavesdropping."

Ji Chen shrugged and looked at Zimli, who was so shy that she was almost embarrassed to see others.

"I...I won’t come to your place anymore!"

Zimli thought of some of the whispers she had just said to Ji Chen in the room. The tone was obviously different from usual.

As the pilot of the competition, she knew very well that what happened in the rest area would be seen by the audience!

Although the two of them stayed in the room, isolated from the audience, there was no way these guys would overhear something at the door and relay it to the audience!

The thought of whispering in the room with the boys at night! The incident was broadcast live to the whole world, and Zimli felt a little suffocated.

After all, there were some things....

People are not completely ready yet!

"Not coming? That's not okay."

Ji Chen suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Zimli in his arms. At this moment, the three Hongdu people who had been kicked out sat on the floor and stared blankly.

Not far away, there were three figures sneaking out. Head.

At this moment, Zimli felt that her mind was blank. She had never been held in the arms of the opposite sex like this before!....

This was being hugged while being broadcast live to the whole world!

In an instant, Zimli's whole body became stiff.

But when she smelled the warm and familiar scent, her body began to feel weak involuntarily.

"you...Don't bully me."

Zimli raised her head, with tears already beginning to well up in her big, bulging eyes.

"I'm just announcing to everyone that you are mine!"

Ji Chen looked outside. He knew that there were many hidden cameras in the rest area. Now, he faced it all calmly.

Hearing Ji Chen say those words loudly, Zimli's eyes were startled. Although she had already I know Ji Chen’s thoughts, but...

He never actually said it.

The two of them have always maintained a state of not revealing anything. Unexpectedly, tonight, Ji Chen actually announced it directly in front of everyone.

"how about you?"

Ji Chen looked at Zimli in his arms. The latter looked shy and didn't know what to say.

"Marry him! Marry him!"

Sakurai Keikazu got two small flowers from nowhere, held them in his hands, and kept waving them.

It was just the words he shouted...

This is what two people who are just about to fall in love should say!

"you...Why don't you go check your brain and stop competing? If you don't have money, I'll pay for the medical expenses."

Kurama Mione had a look of disgust on his face. The originally good atmosphere was completely ruined by Sakurai Keikazu's few words at this moment.

"It depends on your performance. If you perform well, I will...It can give you a chance to be an intern boyfriend."

While looking at Ji Chen, Zimli suddenly felt a surge of courage, left Ji Chen's arms, and said with a slight wink.

"Well, then I will work hard."

Ji Chen pursed his lips slightly. After watching Zimli leave, he glanced at the guys watching the show and suddenly smiled knowingly. It was really thanks to these clowns that he was able to break this relationship so smoothly today.

Then. , Ji Chen decisively closed the door, not giving them a chance to continue gossiping.

Kurama Miyin looked at the closed door pitifully. She originally wanted to get food from Ji Chen, but now it seems that she is not welcome at all.

"It's too early to feel uncomfortable now. Just take a look at the support data chart."

After Hidetoshi Ukiyo gave a hint, he also closed his door.

After hearing this, everyone looked at the data graph one after another, and then discovered that in such a short period of time, the audience's support for several contestants had directly A big change has come to

Kamen Rider Dark Dragon, the current support rate.....

"Ninety-nine percent!"

"What a joke!"

Everyone looked at the data chart blankly, and suddenly thought that the reason why they and others were so careful to eavesdrop was because they wanted to increase the audience's support for themselves through this matter.

Now, Ji. As soon as Chen made it public, the audience went to support him!

In this case, what happened to him and others just now ?...

Aren't they all working for Ji Chen?

"Damn it! This thing is more sinister than a fox!"

Sakurai Kagewa looked up to the sky and screamed. Then, a piece of wood fell from the sky and hit him directly in the face.

In the distance, the voice of Hidetoshi Ukiyo could be heard.

"The fox is not only sinister, but also vengeful!"

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