Shock! A great start, a miracle happened with the mutation

Chapter 167 The Snow Beast Attacks Again

Chu Feng: Although I am a farmer, I still have pursuits. I still have few experience points to level up, so I just want to kill a few monsters in the challenge field.

There is less than 50 experience points left to reach level 8, just kill a few monsters and you're done.

Qin Sheng: You may not be aware of the dangers of the challenge field, but even level 1 monsters may not be something you, a farmer, can fight against. Listen to my brother's advice and give up this idea. Don't waste your life on impulse!

Jiang Dawei: Qin Sheng is right. As a farmer, you only need to plant the land well, and leave the fighting and killing to those combat professionals.

Chu Feng: I live in the uninhabited land of Chifeng Wasteland. Do you know how dangerous it is here? Can you do it without any strength?

Jiang Dawei: I’ve told you to leave the Chifeng Wasteland no man’s land a long time ago. Why didn’t you listen?

Chu Feng: I am a farmer, where else can I go after leaving the no-man’s land of Chifeng Wasteland?

Jiang Dawei: Go find Zhang Qian and let her protect you, right?

Li Zhenfeng: With Zhang Qian, the Master of Thunder and Lightning, you don’t have to worry about danger, and you can enjoy a good life. You have to work hard for at least thirty years. Why do you have to be so stubborn?

Zhang Qiang: Although it is a bit embarrassing to eat soft food, it is better than being frightened in the no-man's land of Chifeng wasteland.

Zhu Jun: I agree with this view.

Han Dong: I really envy you, boy. Zhang Qian didn't like me, otherwise I would have crawled to find her.

Feng Xingping: Sometimes you have to put down your dignity and compromise with life!

Lin Miaomiao: We are all classmates. We all support you if you take this step bravely.

Chu Feng: I hereby solemnly declare that I am different from you. I am capable and do not need to be fooled!

Zhang Qiang: You are still too young.

Liu Tianxiao: I just like to see you bragging seriously.

Feng Xingping: Liu Tianxiao, do you have any sympathy? Didn’t you see that Chu Feng’s condition was getting worse? Why are you still irritating him?

Liu Tianxiao: I was abrupt, Chu Feng, you keep blowing.

Chu Feng: We are not from the same world. I have nothing in common with you. Goodbye!

Jiang Dawei: We are also doing it for Chu Feng’s good, so why is he angry?

Feng Xingping: This is what neurosis is like. When you misunderstood me, I felt the same way.


Zhang Qian: Don’t talk about this kind of thing in the group anymore. Doesn’t Chu Feng want to lose face?

Qin Sheng: Zhang Qian, why don’t you set an example? Watching Chu Feng embark on a path of no return?

Zhang Qian: I’ve been busy with everything lately. When I get past this busy stage, I will personally go to the no-man’s land of Chifeng Wasteland and take Chu Feng away even if I use violent means.

Zhang Qiang: This is true love!


After closing the friend group, Chu Feng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and admired the snow scene.

The snow is falling heavily and doesn't show any signs of stopping.

If this continues, the snow removal mobilization will begin again tomorrow.

I just don’t know if that snow beast will come again?

After watching for a while, Chu Feng withdrew his gaze, then walked out of the fortress and wandered around the shelter.

In the courtyard, the ancient war tree stands beside the fortress, already in hibernation.

In the garage, the smart chariot and the smart robot were chatting enthusiastically, like brothers, and they had established a deep relationship.

In the warehouse, Zheng Peng was diligently refining incendiary bombs.

The Bull Demon stood aside, yawning out of boredom, almost falling asleep.

In the canteen, Yang Qi led people to clean up the ingredients and prepare for dinner. Everyone cooperated happily, and laughter could be heard from time to time.

On the city wall, a mechanical warrior stood proudly with a scimitar in hand, remaining motionless despite the wind and snow, like a lonely swordsman, looking into the distance, looking for his next opponent.

Warm scenes flashed through Chu Feng's eyes one after another.

It is really impossible for ordinary people to build such a safe shelter in the dangerous and uninhabited land of Chifeng Wasteland so that the brothers can live a stable life.

A sense of pride surged into my heart.

Chu Feng curled his lips, "Tomorrow will be better!"


Spent a peaceful night.

The next morning.

The wind and snow stopped, and the sky and earth once again turned into a world covered in silver light.

After breakfast, Chu Feng started to mobilize the snow removal.

After two hours of work, the snow inside the shelter and on the city walls was cleared.

During this period, it has been very stable.

Just when everyone thought the snow beast would not appear, an accident happened.

A big snowball fell from the sky and hit Cao Guang squarely on the head.


Cao Guang screamed and fell to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was confused.

The one who throws the snowball must be the snowman.

But the snow in the shelter has been cleared. Where did the snowman come from?

Chu Feng squinted his eyes and saw that there was no shadow of the snowman around at all.

"Cao Guang, are you okay?"

Zheng Peng asked worriedly.

"It hurts me so much."

Cao Guang covered his head and screamed.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a big bump on Cao Guang's head, which was even bloodshot.

No wonder she screamed so miserably, her feelings were really hurt.

call out!

At this moment, another big snowball shot over.

Chu Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and he slapped it casually.

The snowball exploded into a snow mist, blurring the vision.

Chu Fengxu squinted his eyes and pondered.

Snowballs are flying down from the sky.

Could it be that the snowman threw the snowball from a high point?

Thinking of this, Chu Feng quickly raised his head and swept away.

I saw a few snow-white figures shaking on the roof of the basketball hall, and they were clearly snowmen.

There are also several snowmen standing on the roofs of several other buildings.

Compared to the last time, the snowman was now a bit taller, closer to about two meters, and his eyes were still shining with scarlet color, as if he had mutated.

"The snowman is on the roof."

Chu Feng reminded.

The snow on the roof has not been cleared, and the snowman is shaped by the accumulation of snow.

"It's really a snowman!"

Everyone's expressions froze.

"Ah! I've been discovered."

One of the snowmen screamed.

"what to do?"

asked another snowman.

“When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, so fight them!”

"Yes, fight them!"

"Hit him!"

There was an eerie commotion in the shelter.

Immediately, all the snowmen launched an attack.

Amidst the roaring sound in the sky, big snowballs shot out like cannonballs.

They all hid behind me, and Zhang Chong stood in front holding a shield.

Yang Qi and others hurriedly ran behind Zhang Chong.

Those snowballs were like big rocks. It hurt when they hit them. They didn't dare to carry them with their bodies.

Chu Feng and Song Chenggang stood motionless.

The defenses of the two are extremely strong, and those snowballs cannot cause any harm to them.

"Brother Feng, think of a way to kill these snowmen."

Yin Hao shouted anxiously.

It's too frustrating to hide under a shield and get beaten like this.

Chu Feng's eyes flashed.

The Yeti's combat effectiveness is very average, and it's easy to kill them.

The key is that they are standing on the roof, and they may damage the building if they attack, which is a bit of a taboo.

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