Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 685: Fierce Fight in the Subway (Part 1)

As soon as Liu Xing walked out of the room, he received a call from Wesker.

"Captain, did something happen at the subway station again?" Liu Xing asked.

Wesker sighed and said with a wry smile: "Yes, another murder occurred at the subway station today, and this time three people died. These three deceased were all staff of the subway station. They should have been there yesterday." We were killed by those ghouls when we were inspecting the subway line at night, but I don’t know why the subway station called the police now; although we don’t need to go to the site for investigation today, we still have to be on standby at the police station, so we can’t Reese, you must arrive at the police station on time."

Sure enough, something happened again.

After Liu Xing hung up the phone, he told Leon and Jill about the incident.

"It seems that Allen has to step down now." Leon said happily.

Gil shook his head and said with some worry: "To be honest, I would rather Allen sit firmly as director than see so many people die at the hands of ghouls. And even if Allen steps down, House Once the director takes over again, those ghouls won't be easy to deal with. Director House may still take the blame and resign by then."

Liu Xing agreed with Jill's idea.

Although Allen's resignation is a good thing for his group, the mess Allen left behind is difficult to clean up. It is difficult to deal with the ghouls alone. . . Moreover, Liu Xing "knows the future" and knows how much the London Police Department will pay to suppress the five ghouls.

In order to prevent Allen from causing trouble for his group, Liu Xing and the others quickly finished breakfast and came to the police station.

As soon as they walked into the police station, Liu Xing and others noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the police station. To put it simply, it was very dull.

It seems that the serial murders on the subway have put huge pressure on the Metropolitan Police.

Returning to their office, Liu Xing and the other three saw Wesker looking frowning.

"Captain, what's wrong with you? Has Allen already come to trouble us?" Leon asked.

Wesker shook his head, sighed and said: "No, no, no, I'm just worrying about my own private matters. We have been busy handling various cases during this period, so I forgot that I promised to do it some time ago. My daughter wants to take her on an outing, so my daughter has been ignoring me for the past two days, and I didn’t expect that my wife also took my daughter’s side. Now I am alone at home. I came home yesterday We can only eat instant noodles... ugh."

Liu Xing raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Wesker to be worried about this matter.

From this point of view, this may be one of the reasons why Wesker chose to quit the police force and become a detective after solving the subway serial murder case, so that he could spend more time with his family.

"Forget it, let's not talk about my personal affairs. Now let's get back to the topic. I just found out the details of today's case from my friend. First of all, it has been confirmed that the three subway station staff were dead. They were in the hands of ghouls, and their corpses were also chewed. But the most important thing is that a staff member brought a video recorder and happened to be recording, so the two ghouls appeared in the video. They are ghosts, and they have completely transformed into ghouls, and they have lost their human characteristics."

"In addition, the two ghouls seemed to have lost the ability to use human language, because after encountering the two ghouls, the three staff members tried to beg for mercy from the two ghouls, and then The two ghouls had a brief discussion, but they used an unknown language during the discussion, but I think it should be the language of the ghouls. After all, the intelligence of the ghouls is on par with us humans. So it’s normal for ghouls to have writing and language. Of course, this raises the question of how these two ghouls learned ghoul language.”

"If this is a natural ability, then that's okay, but if other ghouls teach them, then this is not good news, because it means that the five ghouls have found the organization. It will be even more difficult for us to deal with them, and it seems that those ghouls are planning to live in the subway station permanently, so I heard that the people above have given a death order to Allen, or the entire police department, If those ghouls cannot be completely eliminated within a week, then the top management of our police department will have to be replaced." Wesker said seriously.

Liu Xing nodded, frowned and said: "It seems that these five ghouls have become a serious problem for us, so if nothing else happens, Allen will arrange for us to enter the subway to hunt down those ghouls. ghost."

"That's right." Wesker nodded and said: "If nothing else happens, we will enter the subway station tonight to hunt down those ghouls. But fortunately, Allen is not so arrogant as to think that we can rely only on these policemen. We can deal with those ghouls, so he has invited reinforcements from the military, and he will also equip us all with submachine guns and better body armor."

Is it going to start today?

Liu Xing looked at Wesker with some surprise. Could it be that because he took away "Chris", the roundup of ghouls was advanced?

But this is also a good thing for Liu Xing. After all, if these ghouls are dealt with in advance, he will have more time to prepare for the subsequent "Holy Book" projection battle.

Just then, Chris walked into the office.

Wesker raised his eyebrows and said happily: "Chris, you are back. Are you finished with your work there?"

Liu Xing looked at Chris who was forcibly held in Wesker's arms, and knew that he was really going to the subway station to round up those ghouls tonight, because according to future Alice, Chris was rounding up those ghouls by virtue of his Due to his outstanding performance in Operation Ghoul, he was promoted to the position of Chief of Manchester Police.

So Chris will definitely not miss this operation to suppress the ghouls.

But having said that, Liu Xing discovered that Chris had indeed been "missing" for a long time. He had not seen Chris again since the night when Miss Wang was attacked. Now he almost forgot that Chris existed. NPC.

Chris chuckled, pushed Wesker away and said, "Wesker, can you get rid of your habit of cuddling? Others thought we were good friends when they saw it. As for my matter, it's over. After finishing our work, I have to say that the policemen in the American Lighthouse Country are really more tempered than the last, and they almost think of themselves as uncles."

Wesker looked at the confused Liu Xing and others and said with a smile: "Chris, uh, let's call this place Dake. Dake received a mission before and took his team members to assist the American Lighthouse Nation. The police over there are handling a cross-border smuggling case."

Chris nodded and continued: "This cross-border smuggling case is not simple, because this group of smugglers is an internationally famous arms smuggler. They once smuggled a large number of weapons from the lighthouse country of the United States to various countries in South America. You must know that the United States Although the weapons sold in the stores in the Lighthouse Country are all castrated versions, after modification, they are much better than the broken guns in South America. Therefore, these weapons are deeply loved by the big drug lords in South America. Therefore, this time the police of the American Lighthouse Country In order to get rid of this group of smugglers, I chose to cooperate with our English police. Because I have an informant who has friendship with those smugglers, Director House put me in charge of this matter."

"This time, these smugglers landed in Scotland with a large number of modified American firearms, and then planned to find an opportunity to transport them to England. Fortunately, my eyes were strong enough and I provided intelligence in time so that we could stop them at sea. If one of them is right, their weapons advantage at sea will be unable to be used, and each one of them will become a turtle in the urn. But what I didn't expect is that the buyers of this batch of arms are actually related to a group of fanatical believers who believe in deep divers. , and those fanatics also clearly requested to bring arms to Liverpool, so we followed the clues and went to arrest those fanatics."

"Fortunately, those fanatics didn't have the support of the deep divers behind them, so we easily caught those fanatics in Liverpool. However, those fanatics were all hard-core and refused to say why they wanted to buy this batch of arms. , and they also found an opportunity to commit mass suicide, so this case became an unsolved case, so I took people back to London directly. Unexpectedly, so many things happened in the past few days, and that guy Allen actually It’s really frustrating to be our immediate boss.”

Liu Xing frowned and couldn't help but start complaining - you guys who believe in Cthulhu are no longer "Cthulhu", but you are still importing arms from abroad. The most important thing is that you were caught by the police. This is Really Tsai.

But then again, why did this group of Cthulhu fanatics go to Liverpool again?

Could it be.

Liu Xing suddenly thought of a possibility - a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

These Cthulhu believers sacrificed a small group of people just to attract the attention of the police and let the police focus on Liverpool while they were causing trouble elsewhere.

So, what are these followers of Cthulhu doing?

Liu Xing couldn't think of it for a while.

At this moment, Sergey also walked into the office.

"Big news, Allen has decided to organize us to enter the subway station to capture those ghouls after the subway stops running tonight." Sergey said loudly: "But fortunately, I heard that the military Support from the border has arrived in London, we just need to cooperate with the military operations."

Liu Xing and others looked at each other.

Wesker touched his chin and said: "It seems that Allen is really anxious this time, and Dak, you came back at the right time. It would be great if we can be assigned to the same team by then. , because you are the top sharpshooter of our police station."

Chris laughed, waved his hand and said: "Wesker, please don't flatter me here. No matter how good my marksmanship is, it's only limited to pistols, and tonight, pistols alone can't deal with those ghouls, let alone us." They should not be assigned to the same team, because every team tonight needs a few special policemen to hold the line. Otherwise, if the ordinary policemen are frightened when they encounter those ghouls, then they will all It’s become a late-night snack for ghouls.”

As soon as Chris finished speaking, a policeman walked into the office and said, "Captain Wesker, Captain Chris, Director Allen wants you to go to his office now."

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

Wesker and Chris didn't stay in Allen's office for long, and soon came back to announce the specific details of tonight's operation.

Because there are not many police officers with guns in the London Police Department, Allen transferred a group of armed police officers from several cities around London to London, and then in order to ensure that these police officers can successfully use submachine guns to fight tonight, so Liu Xing and others now have to go to the shooting range for emergency training.

As for the support sent by the military, there are not many people sent by the military to ensure that it does not cause panic among London citizens. Therefore, the configuration of each team tonight is ten policemen and ten soldiers. , but in response to Chris's guess, the special police officers of the London Police Department were assigned to various teams, so Liu Xing and Jill were in a team, while Wesker was in a team with Leon.

Fortunately, the areas the two teams are responsible for are connected to each other, so if one team discovers a ghoul, the other team can also provide support in a short time.

I won’t go into details about the shooting training during the day, because the characteristics of “Chris” made Liu Xing’s shooting performance very good today, so Liu Xing was temporarily promoted to the deputy captain of his team, because the captain was from the military.

This is good news for Liu Xing. After all, he can finally stop being a soldier.

Twelve o'clock at midnight.

Because the Metropolitan Police had notified the London Underground in advance, all London Underground stations had been completely cleared at this time.

After Liu Xing put on his body armor, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Liu Xing knew very well that tonight was a hurdle that he had to overcome, because he would definitely fight those ghouls head-on. After all, the Cthulhu Run Game Hall would not let him watch the show from the side.

And the most important thing is that Liu Xing is not optimistic about the teammates around him. After all, they are just NPCs. If the Cthulhu Team Game Hall wants to plot against him and kill him in a plot, these teammates of his will probably They are not the one-stop enemy of those ghouls, and I can't expect these teammates to focus their fire to kill one or two ghouls in an instant.

Liu Xing now misses Zhang Jingxu and Yin En.

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