Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 671 Sergey’s new discovery

Early the next morning, Liu Xing got up on time.

The reason is very simple. The special committee called Liu Xing early in the morning and asked Liu Xing and the others to go to their place for a new round of questioning after work today.

It has to be said that Liu Xing now finally understands why the police in England do not like to carry guns.

Liu Xing woke up Leon and Jill, and the three of them had some breakfast and went to work.

After another hour of questioning, Liu Xing and the other three returned to the office.

"I finally understand how difficult these people from the special committee are. No wonder the rate of our police in England getting fewer and fewer guns." Lyon couldn't help complaining.

Wesker, who had been sitting in the office drinking tea for a long time, shook his head and said with a smile: "Haha, the people on the special committee are basically a group of laymen, that's why they are so difficult to deal with, but this time, to be honest, it's Allen. You want to trick us, otherwise the special committee wouldn’t be able to come to you so frequently for questioning.”

Liu Xing shrugged. Many official institutions in England have this problem, that is, laymen guide experts. For example, the legendary Football Association of England is complained and hated by major football clubs and fans in England because of those of the Football Association. Everyone doesn’t understand football, so the Football Association often makes some magical moves.

And the Select Committee on Police Shootings isn't much better.

"By the way, Captain, how is the situation over there?" Leon asked.

Wesker shook his head and said helplessly: "It's exactly as we thought before. That guy Allen has already ordered the people from the Special Committee and the Physical Evidence Section. You have no way to get rid of the harassment of the guys from the Special Committee for the time being, and it's also There is no way to get my pistol back, but I have a good friend in the evidence department, and he told me that when Allen was looking for them, he said he would return the pistol to you in half a month."

I see.

Only then did Liu Xing realize that Allen was not targeting his group because they were close associates of Director House, but because Allen believed that his group was likely to destroy the Corpse Cult's mission in the "Holy Book" "Projection layout in the battle, and use these small means in advance to limit the actions of his party.

After all, my group was the first to arrive at Locke's son's wedding, and I also attended the wedding with Dio.

Therefore, it is understandable for Allen to target his own group, because the battle for the projection of the "Holy Book" in half a month is really important.

But having said that, Liu Xing felt that if he were in Allen's position, he would probably do something to himself, because Allen would definitely want to know what he knew.

Therefore, Liu Xing suspected that Allen would also set a trap for himself, and then he would be arrested and interrogated openly.

You must proceed with caution next.

"Captain, is there any new news over there at the subway station?" Jill said expectantly.

Wesker shook his head and said: "There is still no news from the subway station, but many people claimed to see figures flashing outside the window while the subway was moving, so I think those ghouls haven't left the subway yet. It’s the right place to stand, and they should be testing us. If Allen doesn’t take any action, I’m afraid those ghouls will continue to take action.”

Liu Xing nodded, but he was a little confused - why didn't the Corpse Cult recruit those five ghouls?

Logically speaking, there is no essential difference between the ghouls transformed from humans and the original ghouls, so although the five ghouls may only be regarded as half-ghouls, they are still a good group. The combat power can play a certain role in the battle for the projection of the "Holy Book" half a month later. At least it is much more useful than those ordinary followers of the Corpse Food Cult.

However, the Corpse Cult did not accept them, but left them to fend for themselves in the subway station, and now it is possible to cause trouble for Allen, making it possible for Allen to step down early.


Liu Xing had a flash of inspiration and finally understood what the Corpse Eater Church did.

The reason is simple. Although Allen has now become the chief of the London Police Department, his reputation within the London Police Department is not good and his foundation is not deep. Therefore, if he were not busy dealing with the attack case now, I am afraid that Allen would be Everyone in the Metropolitan Police was ordered to move.

In the battle for the "Holy Book" half a month later, all the forces combined will dispatch at least a thousand people to engage in a big melee, and it will still be in the city of London, so the London police will definitely go there by then. Intervene in this matter, and Allen, a young man, can't stop it.

Therefore, in order to prevent the London police from disrupting the situation, the Ghoul Cult specially arranged for the five ghouls to cause trouble in the subway station to attract the attention of the London police and create a certain amount of public pressure, and then appear in the projection of the "Holy Book" Before, Allen could legitimately lead most of the London Police Department to catch those ghouls.

Even if handled properly, the Corpse Cult can arrange for those ghouls to hide near the strongholds of other forces, and use the knife of the London Police Department to deal with the people of other forces.

This is really a good move.

But this is also a conspiracy, so if you want to break the situation, you have to force Allen to order the capture of those ghouls in advance.

It seems that we have to rely on Miss Wang.

Just then, Sergey walked in with a smile.

It seems that Elsa has really gone home.

Sergey put the coffee he was carrying on the phone on the table and said: "I heard that Chris and you were tricked by that old guy Allen yesterday and were interrogated by the people from the special committee until one or two o'clock, so you must be Didn’t sleep well.”

Liu Xing took out a cup of coffee and nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, we were asked by the special committee people to write a report early this morning, so now we do have some head pain, but then again , Elsa should have gone home by now."

Sergey nodded and said happily: "I knew Chris that you could find a way to get Elsa to go home, and it seems that she has given up on her boyfriend..."

Before Sergey could finish speaking, the phone in his pocket rang.

"The work call may be about the attack." Sergey answered the phone after making a silent gesture and turned on the speakerphone.

Sergey is indeed a man who repays kindness.

"Sergey, someone just called the police and reported that a car and a young man who had been shot were found in the suburbs. I have led people to the battlefield now. Please pack your things and come over to have a look." A middle-aged man's voice said sounded.

Liu Xing knew that Elsa's boyfriend had been discovered and called the police. . . Of course, the person who called the police was probably Miss Wang.

Sergey raised his eyebrows and said, "Rex, are you making a fuss out of a molehill? This kind of highway robbery and murder case can be handled by just any forensic doctor who lives nearby, so is it necessary to call me over? ? And I will be responsible for some work on the attack case later."

After Rex was silent for a moment, he whispered: "Didn't you ask me to check your sister's boyfriend before? The deceased in today's case was your sister's boyfriend, so you and this guy It doesn’t matter if you file a case.”

Sergey frowned and said with a surprised look on his face: "What, you said the deceased was my sister's boyfriend?! Rex, you wait at the scene, I will be there in half an hour."

After Sergei finished speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Liu Xing and others: "I have to go to the scene immediately. I will tell you some new information about the attack later."

Wesker shook his head, stood up and said, "Sergey, please drive outside and wait for a while. I will go and talk to the boss now to see if we can take charge of this case."

Sergey nodded and said as he walked: "No problem, I'll go back and pack my things now. Captain Wesker, please call me if you have any results."

"Chris, please get ready first." Wesker said and left the office.

Five minutes later, Weeks came back and said, "Let's go, I have taken charge of this case."

Ever since, Liu Xing and others set off in a car with Sergey.

In the car, Leon smiled and said: "Sergey, it wasn't you who shot your sister's boyfriend, was it?"

Sergey shook his head and said with a wry smile: "How is that possible? My sister's boyfriend should have been killed yesterday, because my sister told me yesterday that her boyfriend suddenly disappeared. She suspected that I was looking for someone to kill him. Seized, but I was at the police station yesterday dealing with the corpses of those assault cases, so I have time to deal with her boyfriend, and there is no need for me to kill her boyfriend."

Liu Xing nodded and changed the subject: "By the way, Sergey, is there any new news about the attack?"

Sergey took out a report and said: "Didn't I analyze an unknown toxin from the bodies of those attackers yesterday? Because I had no way to analyze its components, I simply analyzed the blood of those attackers. After being injected into the bodies of mice, it was discovered that the mice suddenly died suddenly within a minute. This shows how terrible these toxins are, and they are still so powerful after being diluted by human blood."

"So I diluted the blood again for testing, and found that this toxin also has a certain hypnotic effect after dilution. It can make the mice lose self-consciousness and have various reactions to sounds, so I think those attackers are very likely We were hypnotized by the mastermind from the beginning, so this mastermind may be more difficult to deal with than we thought. After all, toxins like this are simply terrible, but my report has also been withdrawn by the people above. came back because they thought it couldn’t be true.”

"In addition, I originally planned to dissect the bodies of several victims, but found that the bodies of those victims had been returned to their families by that old guy Allen, so I ran to the funeral home to ask for them. Look at those corpses again, but my acquaintances at the funeral home told me that those corpses have been cremated. This is a bit strange. After all, cremation is not popular among the aristocratic gentlemen, because they all have their own family cemeteries where they can perform it. Burial.”

"So I asked my acquaintance if he noticed anything strange when the corpses were cremated. As a result, my acquaintance told me that those who delivered the corpses asked the staff of their funeral home to leave the cremation room. , they personally performed the cremation, but because the cremation process was quite troublesome, a staff member was left standing aside to provide guidance in the end.”

"It turns out that those people seemed to be rushing to cremate the corpses, directly cremating multiple corpses at once. Moreover, the corpses originally needed to be disembowelled to ensure that the gas would not accumulate in the body and explode during the cremation, but those The person simply poked a few big holes in the corpses. It seemed that they had no respect for the corpses at all, and the family members did not express dissatisfaction. The most important thing was that after the cremation, the family members did not even ask for the ashes. He just left."

"However, after a secret investigation by an acquaintance of mine, I found that those family members were indeed not fake, so they couldn't say anything more. Then when they were cleaning the ashes, they found some strange bones... I'll give them here first. Let’s do some popular science. Generally, cremation cannot completely reduce the body to ashes, so some of the relatively large and hard bones such as leg bones are likely to be left behind. However, these bones have also changed because they have been burned for a long time. They are fragile, so the staff will crush them one by one and mix them into the ashes.”

"But the staff responsible for collecting the ashes found that they could not recognize the bones. You must know that those staff have been in the funeral home for more than ten years and may know the appearance of each human bone better than we professionals, so I specially I asked the staff again, and they described to me what those strange bones looked like, but I didn’t know which part of the human body those bones actually were.”

After listening to Sergey's story, Lyon and others were all confused. Only Liu Xing knew the truth.

Those toxins were obviously made by Tener using the knowledge of other races, especially the snake people, so it is normal for Sergey to not be able to analyze the specific ingredients. Moreover, the toxin has a hypnotic effect and Liu Xing also It was expected, after all, it was impossible for all the attackers to want to die for Tener.

As for those strange bones, it is very likely that the killed followers of the Corpse Food Cult have begun to undergo transformation, so some of their bones have mutated. That is why the Corpse Cult is so anxious to dispose of the corpses. After all, It would be troublesome if these corpses were found to be strange.

Tomorrow is another day of Tomb Sweeping Day. I have to go back to my hometown to pay homage to my ancestors and give my grandpa a tombstone. Because the custom here is that it takes a few years after a person's death to officially erect a tombstone and renovate the tomb, so as the eldest grandson, I must I had to carry the tombstone and stones up the mountain myself.

Then, because my second grandfather was celebrating his 80th birthday, he had it done directly in his hometown, so I had to wait in my hometown until the day after tomorrow before I could go home.

The most important thing is that my hometown is located at the junction of two counties, so the mobile phone signal is zero, so there is no way to update.

Of course, I won’t do any more pigeons this month after tomorrow, hehe.

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