Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 557 Freedom and Fertility

Big Cat and Red chatted a few more words, and after learning the name of the agricultural state from each other, they left the cafe.

Wen Rensheng has already begun to confirm through other channels that it is impossible to completely block such a big event.

He soon confirmed that a week ago, a week ago, in the state of Waorda in the middle of McCann, there was a sudden thick fog on the border, and then people could enter but not supplies, but materials could enter and exit.

Red did not lie, and it is impossible to lie, but the other party still made a mistake. Materials can not only enter, but also exit.

Just as he thought, this is a large and flat whirlpool door.

From this point of view, I should go there and do some work to see if any new mysterious events can be triggered.

Thinking of going away, Wen Rensheng directly controlled the big cat and searched for the nearest route on the map.

This search revealed that the state that was ruled by the catastrophe was very close to the state where the big cat was located, only hundreds of kilometers away, almost bordering on the border.

Ordinarily it is so close, the news should be easy to spread, but the big cat didn't hear it from the local citizens, which shows that the McCann people have a strong ability to block news from ordinary people.

With such a short distance, Wen Rensheng didn't even need a car, and let the big cat gallop all the way along the road, and arrived at the border of Waoda in half an hour.

A thick fog about three meters high diffused into a line across the eyes of the big cat. Under the moonlight, the side could not be seen at a glance, like a wall, separating the two sides.

After a while, Wen Rensheng heard the sound of cars and people's voices. Looking back, it turned out that a group of vehicles appeared from a distance on the road behind. After driving over, they slowly stopped in front of the thick fog.

"Buck, are you there?" A black man jumped off a pickup truck at the head of the convoy and shouted towards the opposite side of the thick fog.

"Solder, we are here. We are all ready and waiting for your goods to be delivered." A rough man's voice came from the opposite side.

Then the big cat saw two conveyor belts appearing in the dense fog, and they were slowly advancing towards this side, and stopped after pushing four or five meters.

Then the two conveyor belts started running at the same time, running in opposite directions. It was obvious that they were going to barter.

Humans are really adaptable.

Soon Wen Rensheng saw a large amount of fuel, machinery, and tools being unloaded from the convoy, and chemical fiber bags were brought in from the opposite side.

Wheat, corn, etc. are written in English on the bag...

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, the opposite state has a population of more than 10 million, counting on natural reproduction, when will it be able to satisfy the appetite of the source of disaster?

Unless the other party intends to operate for a long time and does not plan to leave.

In that case, the situation on the earth will change greatly in the future.

The transaction took a long time, mainly because there were too many goods on the opposite side, and this transaction method was too slow.

The big cat watched patiently. After a while, the sound of two women arguing suddenly came from the opposite side.

"I'm going out, I'm getting out of this country place!"

"No, Fantine, there will be death..."

"I'm going out, Laura, I can't bear a day here!"

Then there was the voice of Buck from the opposite side: "Woman, come down, no one can go on this conveyor belt, this is ordinary equipment, not those mysterious and weird transport planes!"

However, his words seemed useless, because the big cat then heard a scream, and then a bone was sent over on a conveyor belt!

"Oh, what a stupid woman!" Solder asked people to throw the bones aside, he didn't care at all, and just cursed.

Ordinary people will turn into bones when they enter the dense fog without any protection. It seems that this is a special isolation zone for creatures...

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

"Poor woman, wait, this is a man's skeleton..." At this moment, a guy in charge of throwing bones suddenly said.

"Uh, how did you find out?" asked the partner next to him.

The big cat looked up and saw that the human bone thrown on the side of the road was indeed a man's bone, because women's bones are very slender and can be easily distinguished from men's bones.

"I'm a senior doctor. I used to... well, if it wasn't for a problem in the hospital where I work, how could I follow you to do these rough jobs now?" The doctor said disdainfully.

Even a senior doctor has to work hard to survive, which is really a sign of troubled times.

At this moment, there was a wailing sound from the opposite side.

"Fantine, my poor little bird, how can you be so stupid? Do you think that by turning yourself into a woman, the damned thing won't recognize it? They say that only a woman who has given birth to five children can leave here, and It is impossible for you to have children..." This was the voice of Laura just now.

"It's all a mess of rules, it's really a devilish method."

When the people in the convoy heard this, they started talking.

"Women who have given birth to many children can come out? Is this the latest information?" Someone muttered.

"Could it be that if you have many children, you will be protected by God? You won't be threatened by those demons again?" Someone had an idea.

Someone said disdainfully: "This has nothing to do with you, you are a man."

"Men can have children too," argued the man.

"never heard of that."

"I'm ignorant, I don't know, I heard that in a certain place in the south, men there can have children, just like in a myth and legend in Dongzhou."

"You're talking about Journey to the West, right? It's unimaginable. Where did this kid come from?"

Wen Rensheng was really eye-opening. The land of McCann, the so-called pinnacle city, has become so grotesque?

However, that source of disaster is really smart, or vicious.

Only after giving birth to five children can they be born. In that case, in twenty years, the population will double several times, perfectly breaking the disadvantages of low birth rate brought about by industrialization.

The birth rate in industrial countries is not high, because people have security in old age, the demand for children is greatly reduced, and the difficulty of raising a child is greatly increased.

As for the Mikans, they hate childbirth, which was clearly reflected in the previous life. The main population has not grown for many years, so that the composition has changed.

The reason for aversion to procreation is for freedom, more personal enjoyment of time.

But now to be free, one needs to have more children.

What an ironic fact.

After giving birth to five children, the mother can leave, but can the mother really leave?

After leaving, how will her children be raised? You can imagine how difficult it is to expect a man to raise five children.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, let the big cat go through the thick fog, and jumped in.

There was a surprised voice from behind.

"It seems that something got in just now."

"It's just an ignorant wild rabbit. It can go in but not out, and you can go in too."

"I won't go in. There is nothing but food in there. I don't want to be a farmer for the rest of my life."

"Really? Maybe in the future we will scramble to escape in." Someone said so.

"why would you say so?"

"I heard that it is very peaceful inside, and nothing strange has happened for a few days."

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