"Originally I wanted to call my eldest brother directly.

But one thing comes to mind, I don't know whether to call my elder brother or not."

Qimeng was silent for three minutes before she spoke to Luo Hao.

"Tell me!"

Luo Hao sat on the chair again and looked at Qimeng

"In fact, I have a sister who has been separated since she was a child, and she has not been found yet.

And my eldest brother not only raised me, but also promised to help me find her who was lost outside.

Therefore, no matter what dangerous tasks my eldest brother sent me to do, I never frowned.

Qimeng said slowly

"younger sister! I didn't expect this."

Luo Hao became a little interested:

"What's your sister's name?"

"I can't remember.

I was a little girl when she and I separated.

And she was just a baby in her arms. Meng

Luo shook her head:

"The eldest brother’s power in Taiwan is already one of the best.

If I want to find her, I must rely on my elder brother's help.

Except for my eldest brother, no other forces in Taiwan will help me like this."

"It has been so many years. If your sister was really in Taiwan, with Chen Song's power, he would have found her long ago if he had helped you find her seriously.

Even if it cannot be found, it is impossible that there is no news at all.

But there has been no news for so many years. There are only two reasons.

First, your sister is not in Taiwan.

The second one is that Chen Song didn't help you find it at all."

Luo Hao said

"Impossible, eldest brother is not such a person!"

Qimeng's face changed slightly, but her retort tone was not so firm.

"Yeah? Qimeng, you overestimate your value in Chen Song's eyes.

I forgot to tell you something.

During the time when you were captured by Hong Guang's people, Chen Song did not send anyone to find you.

In his eyes, you are just a pawn that can be given up easily.

How could such an insignificant subordinate be worthy of sending someone to help you search for your sister every day for ten years?"

Luo Hao's words left Qimeng unable to say a word to refute.

After following Chen Song for so many years, Meng didn't understand Chen Song. It was impossible.

It was just out of gratitude to Chen Song and the desire to find her sister. Because of him, Qimeng had never thought about this before, and she never allowed herself to think about it.

In her opinion, the most important thing was to repay Chen Song for her kindness. , and Chen Song helped her find her lost sister.

But in the past two days, she thought that she was bound to die.

When people are desperate, they always think of many things before facing death. , will also have many thoughts that she has never had before.

For example, Qimeng doesn't want to experience such despair again.

She doesn't want to die without being able to find her only relative.

"Why don't we take a gamble!"

Luo Hao said

"What to bet on?"

Qimeng raised her head and looked at Luo Hao in confusion.

"Just bet on whether Chen Song has helped you find your sister in all these years.

If I win, you will do two things for me.

If I lose, I will give you all the money I win in the Gambling King Competition to use as funds to find your sister."

Luo Hao said

"No need to gamble, I owe you two lives.

If you want me to help you with something, just tell me."

Qimeng shook her head.

"No, you don't owe me anything.

Or do you have no confidence in Chen Song?

In other words, don’t you want to spend an extra ten million to find your sister?

It is better to seek help from others than from yourself.

This time the winner of the Gambling King Competition will receive a bonus of 10 million.

If you win, you can take at least 10 million and hire the best private detective in Taiwan to find her."

Luo Hao's words moved Qimeng.

As Chen Song's gold medal fighter, although she had lived a fine life since she was a child, it did not mean that she was wealthy.

In fact, people like Qimeng and Billy were under Chen Song and Hong. For those who work under his command, having a bank account worth a million is considered too much.

After all, in the gambling world, the most important thing in the underworld is people who can fight, resist, and kill.

"I originally owed him two lives.

If I win, it will prove that my eldest brother did not cheat on me.

And I also have money to find my sister.

At worst, even if I win, I will just do two things for Luo Hao."

Qi Meng thought for a while and felt that there was no harm in whether she lost or won, so she nodded.

"Don't worry, even if it's not at the gambling table.

But as long as it's a bet, I hope to win with dignity.

I will find a private detective in Taiwan to investigate this matter.

Based on the exchange rate between the Taiwan dollar and the Hong Kong dollar, two to three million Hong Kong dollars would be spent.

The matter is crystal clear."

Luo Hao's words made Qimeng feel a little uneasy.

I don't know why, but she didn't have the slightest confidence in her victory.

Maybe it's because Luo Hao hasn't lost since her debut.

Maybe it's because in her heart, she doesn't care about Chen Song. I'm not as confident as I say


The next day, Luo Hao did not take Hong Guang's car, but drove to the venue by himself.

Knowing clearly that Hong Guang would be detrimental to him in the next few days, he would naturally not take Hong Guang's car again.

Although he is a talented artist and bold, he will not take his own life for granted.

Hong Guang didn't think much about this.

He simply thought that Luo Hao got up early and wanted to drive his own car.

After all, it is normal for young people to like driving sports cars. _To read the novel without underline, please download Feilu

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