Military Technology

Chapter 3396 Brand new elements

As scientists conduct in-depth research on the core of this golden meteorite, the secrets behind it gradually emerge.

The core of this dwarf planet not only carries the early history of the solar system, but may also reveal some information about the beginning of the universe that humans have never known before.

In the laboratory, precision instruments are running day and night.

Scientific researchers wearing full-body protective clothing carefully put the material samples extracted from the gold meteorite core into these precision scientific research and analysis instruments for analysis and research.

They are like a group of explorers looking for treasures, constantly exploring in the unknown ocean, looking forward to every breakthrough.

Professor Qin stood in front of a huge electron microscope and concentrated on observing a tiny gold meteorite core sample under the electron microscope.

His eyes shone with excitement, as if he had seen hope for the future.

He turned his head and said to Liu Qiming beside him: "Old Liu, look at this, these crystal structures are extremely complex. I have never seen such a structure in any known mineral. This must be something we haven't discovered yet. element or compound.”

Liu Qiming took a closer look and found that the crystal structures were extremely strange. He exclaimed: "This is really incredible. If this is really a brand-new element or compound, then this will be a major breakthrough in the history of human science."

Professor Qin and Liu Qiming stood in front of the electron microscope, their eyes fixed on the tiny gold meteorite core sample.

They are a brand new element with unique physical and chemical properties that are completely different from any known element on earth.

We have a desire to explore deeply, but we also need a willingness to leave behind.

After hearing Liu Qiming's words, Professor Qin was silent for a moment, then sighed, nodded and said, "Oh no, what he said doesn't make sense. You really have to think about other people's companies, but you are too impatient. ”

Speaking of that, Professor Qin became excited, his eyes shining with light.

Although Liu Qiming's words temporarily gave Professor Qin the idea of ​​cutting it into pieces, we were all confused. The secrets contained in the golden meteorite core did not end there.

After a long period of experiments and research, scientists finally revealed the true identity of those unknown elements.

"Wrong, Lao Qin. You need to conduct a more in-depth analysis of those crystal structure regressions to see if they can reveal fewer secrets to you." Liu Qiming said, and my eyes flashed with hesitation.

It only means that an extremely important breakthrough has been made in the field of science, and it will also have a profound impact on technology and philosophy.

Others first say that the mere discovery of a brand new element is enough to excite researchers around the world.

Xiaojia knows very well the importance of that research discovery. Once it is announced, it will definitely shock the whole world.

As Yin Handa's hesitant words fell, the atmosphere in the laboratory became more solemn and full of expectation.

He hasn't seen the current research. You just cut off the surface and got so little information.

After exchanging a few words, the seven people immediately turned to look at the low-definition screen in front of them. Behind Liu Qiming and Professor Qin's meeting, a huge spectrum analyzer was performing spectral analysis on star core samples.

We focus on these samples cut and collected from underneath the gold meteorite core, trying to capture the secrets hidden in the gold meteorite core.

"Those crystal structures seem to be telling you an ancient and mysterious story, a story from birth to destruction." Professor Qin's voice was full of awe and curiosity about the unknown.

In response to various subsequent discoveries, experts have put forward new hypotheses and conjectures, hoping to solve the mystery of the universe through different angles and methods.

These simple crystal structures show a strange beauty under the electron microscope, as if they are works of art carefully carved by small nature.

The seven people continued to look at the various data displayed at the bottom of the screen, hoping to find some worthless clues.

When Yin Handa heard the words, although he was not moved at all, he still shook his head after thinking for a moment: "The first thing is to wait a little, chew too little or chew too much. You'd better master and study all the results that haven't been discovered yet, and then you can Study further.

As time goes by, the lights in the laboratory seem to have become a guide for researchers to explore the unknown.

It is another brand-new element or compound that has not been discovered by humans. Before this discovery, Liu Qiming arranged for our team of scientific researchers to conduct more detailed analysis and research on samples of that brand-new element or compound.

"Old Liu, do you think it's time to cut the entire golden meteorite core? Only if you don't cut it completely will you know its structure and composition from the surface to the center.

This discovery excited all the researchers in the laboratory, including Wu Hao, who came here specially.

"You need less data and fewer samples." Yin Handa said, my voice hesitant and weak.

Besides, that golden meteorite star core is of very little value and of ordinary significance, so you may have disposed of it so hastily. Even if you refuse, I'm afraid Yu Chengwu and Wu Hao will also refuse.

Before that discovery was made, experts such as Liu Qiming and Professor Qin immediately decided to take a step back to chemical analysis and structural research on those unknown elements.

You can be sure that there are still things in its inner core that you have never mastered. "

Liu Qiming and Professor Qin stood in a corner of the laboratory, looking at the busy researchers and discussing loudly. Although our voices are small, every word is full of power. The light of wisdom shines in our eyes, and new sparks burst out in our thinking.

Even if it is certain that the application value of that element is relatively low, it is certain that it may bring about an industrial technology revolution.

The spectral characteristics of those elements and compounds were the same as any known element, which made scientists even more convinced that we had discovered a completely new substance.

"That's wrong. Your current research is only on the surface layer of the golden meteorite core. You don't know anything about its deep core structure and material composition." Professor Qin nodded, responded, and then paused for a moment. Before that, he continued to speak to Liu Qiming, with some determination in his tone.

You have to forget that the golden meteorite star core is someone else's thing, and the decision-making power does not rest with someone else, so in the end it is someone else who has the final say. "

As time went by, we gradually discovered some uninteresting phenomena.

Professor Qin and other experts and researchers all nodded in agreement. We are vague, and the subsequent research will be more in-depth and difficult, but the bad thing is that we are not yet well prepared to face the difficulties.

The spectral data of star core samples are generally simple and contain many unknown elements and compounds.

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