At the end of the cave that was colorfully reflected by the magic moss, Lei Xiao looked at the giant three-masted battleship in front of him, which was the size of a luxury cruise ship. The surprise on his face was beyond words.

"I originally thought that this vast underground cave was magical enough, but I didn't expect that there is such a huge thing hidden here."

In awe, Lei Xiao, who was standing on a flat rock slope, narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

From the position he was currently standing at, he had a commanding view of the entire giant ship.

On the giant wooden ship, the first thing that caught the eye were the three towering masts located in the front, middle and rear parts of the huge hull.

Each of these three masts is twenty or thirty meters high, especially the one in the middle, which is extremely thick and has an observation deck at the top.

Moreover, on each mast, there are huge black sails stretched out, like huge black curtains, hanging quietly in mid-air.

It is worth noting that these black sails are not only covered with a thick layer of dust.

Moreover, many places have been corroded by time, cracking holes of various sizes.

"It seems that this ship has been parked here for a long time."

Noticing this, Lei Xiao lowered his gaze and continued to observe.

What caught his eye next was the mottled open-air deck of the giant ship.

On the side of the ship on both sides, you can clearly see cannons arranged neatly and fixed on them.

On the hull below, there are also dense cannon firing ports, which obviously shows that this warship has extremely good firepower.

However, the most eye-catching thing is the bow at the sharp end of the deck.

The one standing there is a copper-colored metal statue with a lion's body and sharp claws, but an eagle's head and wings.

Looking at it carefully, in the eagle's beak of this very magical creature, there is also a huge broken talon, standing tall and proud.

Just when Lei Xiao saw this, Chao Yan came over with his big eyes blinking and said: "Lord, this griffin bow statue with a dragon's claw in its mouth looks really special."

"So that's it, a gryphon with a dragon's claw in its mouth?" Hearing this, Lei Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

Through his understanding over this period of time, he clearly understood.

In this world, although griffons are also extremely ferocious monsters.

However, compared with the Dragon Clan, which stands at one of the top of the power pyramid, it is undoubtedly still far from being an opponent and is not at the same energy level at all.

"It seems that the owner of this ship has some ideas." Thinking of this, Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

On the other side, the petite wind chime stood in the back row, looking around on tiptoes.

His little face was full of surprise, and he murmured to himself blankly: "It's so amazing, I didn't expect that a super big battleship would appear here..."

"The point is, why is this giant ship anchored here?" After being stunned for a long time, Qin Qian, whose fair face was full of doubts, said immediately.

"That's right, you must know that the area we are in is a rolling mountain range." Looking at the huge beast in front of him, Jiang Hao swallowed unconsciously and exclaimed.

"Lord, they are right." At this time, A Ling could be seen calming down and first looking away from the giant ship.

Then he quickly came to Lei Xiao's side, Dai Mei frowned slightly and said: "Lengyan Kingdom is originally an inland country that is not bordered by the sea.

There are only a few inland canals, and they are very far away from here. Therefore, it is indeed unconventional for a large warship to appear here. "

"Yes, yes, Lord Lord, by the way, how did this giant ship get in?"

Blinking his big eyes in confusion, Chaoyan said with confusion on his face: "Judging from what we just saw along the way.

There is no way this huge ship with such a huge body can enter here. "

"Is it possible that this underground cave has other entrances and exits?" After pondering for a moment, Qin Qian blinked her long eyelashes and said thoughtfully.

"Ye Cang, let's go around and take a look." On the other side, Lei Xiao nodded to the muscular priest beside him.

"Yes! Lord." Hearing this, Ye Cang's figure flashed, his magic wings vibrated, and then turned into a pale golden meteor and disappeared in front of everyone.

A moment later, as a gust of wind passed by, Ye Cang reappeared in front of Lei Xiao, bowed and said: "Lord Qi, except for the passage we came from.

There are solid mountain walls on three sides, and there are no other entrances or exits. "

"How could this happen?" After hearing this, Qin Qian's delicate face was full of confusion, and she said in surprise: "Then how did this giant ship get here?"

At this time, the curious expression on Lei Xiao's face became more and more obvious, just like Qin Qian's doubts.

It is really puzzling that a huge ship of this size would appear deep in this underground cave.

"I know! Maybe, someone used teleportation to teleport the entire giant ship directly in from outside this mountain!"

After pondering for a moment, Chao Yan transformed into a girl with freckles, and suddenly showed a look of enlightenment.

"That possibility really cannot be ruled out."

Nodding thoughtfully, Ye Cang pushed the golden eyes that did not exist in the eyes of Qin Qian and others, and said: "However, the distance of teleportation is very limited.

There are no large rivers around here.

Therefore, in order to achieve this, it is only possible to achieve this unless there is a powerful space magic expert who uses teleportation along the way. "

"However, it is said that teleportation consumes a lot of magic power, let alone teleporting such a huge thing. What is the point of doing this?"

On the other side, Bai Wei's furry ears covered in the hood twitched, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Well, let's get on the boat and take a look first." After thinking for a moment, Lei Xiao shrugged slightly and nodded to the knotweed.

"Lord, leave it to your subordinates." Directly opposite, Huzhang understood, and with a movement of his body, he quickly jumped among the jagged rocks with lightning speed, and then landed steadily on the hull of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the energy in the whole body of the knotweed was strong, and it was obvious that it was conducting all-round perception.

A moment later, a rough voice reached Lei Xiao's ears: "Lord Qi, my subordinates have already explored the entire hull and the surrounding waters, and there is no other aura present."

"Okay, let's go take a look too."

After finishing speaking, Lei Xiao and the remaining subordinates showed off their magical powers and soon arrived on the hull of the ship, stirring up a burst of dust.

Looking at the elegant movements of Lei Xiao and others, Qin Qian and the other four lords, while marveling, also began to move towards the giant ship.

The first thing Lei Xiao did when he arrived on the ship was to rush to a row of cannons that were tightly fixed on the side of the ship and began to look at them carefully.

On the dusty surface of these naval guns, which were similar to breech-loading guns, one could vaguely see strange patterns engraved on them, and there was a conspicuous groove on the lower side.

Lei Xiao was naturally familiar with a cannon of this structure. It was a magic cannon!

Overjoyed, Lei Xiao immediately opened the attribute bar of one of the magic cannons.

[Name: Ancient magic cannon "Fire\

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