Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 391 Huaxin, do you want to date two people at the same time?

Li Xuehao's speed is very fast, and every time he moves, he is almost twenty meters away.

After several ups and downs, Naomi Fukuoka has been seen.

However, unlike what Ayane Yamamoto said, Naomi Fukuoka did not encounter any danger, but stood alone in the middle of the path, seemingly thinking about something.

"Miss Naomi!" Although she looked very safe, Li Xuehao thought of what Yamamoto Ayane said before, and still rushed to her side uneasily.

"Koji, are you here?" Hearing the voice, Naomi Fukuoka turned around with surprise in her tone, as if she didn't expect him to come so quickly.

"Ayane said you were in danger, so I..." At this point, Li Xuehao suddenly realized that he was calling Yamamoto Ayane's name, and he didn't include the word "senior" at the end.

If a lower grader calls a higher grader by his or her first name, or if there are differences between men and women, there is almost no need to explain this relationship.

Li Xuehao stood stunned for a moment, believing that Naomi Fukuoka had heard it.

Naomi Fukuoka did hear it, but she didn't speak, her expression didn't change at all, and she still looked so cold.

After a while, when Li Xuehao was feeling uneasy, she asked calmly: "When did Koji and Ayane start dating?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Xuehao had no luck, and the thing he was most worried about happened: "I'm sorry, Miss Naomi, I..."

Before he could continue, Naomi Fukuoka suddenly grabbed one of his hands and interrupted him: "Actually, I already knew it when we were in the car."

"In the car..." Li Xuehao didn't know what kind of complicated feeling he felt in his heart at this moment, but being held by Fukuoka Naomi made him feel much calmer. It seemed that she was not angry at all, or not as he imagined. Angry in a big rage.

"Ayane and I have known each other since the first grade of junior high school. Putting lipprints on drink bottles has been a destiny theory she insisted on since elementary school. She said that as soon as we started dating, she would never do such childish behavior again. "

The feeling in Li Xuehao's heart became more complicated. Was it because of this exposure? However, even if this is the case, how can Naomi Fukuoka be sure that the person Yamamoto Ayane is dating is him and not someone else?

When this idea first came up, I immediately cursed myself for being so stupid. Among the people who came to climb the mountain today, there was no other possibility except him. Among the three men, one is the younger brother of Fukuoka Naomi, and is already married, and the other is the younger brother of Yamamoto Ayane, which is even more impossible, so only he is the most suitable "candidate".

"I'm sorry..." This is the only thing Li Xuehao can think of now.

Naomi Fukuoka shook her head, turned her eyes away, and looked into the distance: "At first, I didn't have a good impression of Koji. In my opinion, you are an arrogant and impolite guy..."

Li Xuehao also remembered very clearly that the two had already "became enemies" when they first met. At that time, they were strangers to each other, so naturally they would not have any respect, and it was understandable to be rude.

"... That day, you sent me to the health room. At least you proved that you were not a rough guy. Later, you helped me..."

Naomi Fukuoka told everything about the two of them one by one, which made Li Xuehao feel an ominous premonition in his heart: "Miss Naomi, are you going to break up with me?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized again. He said the wrong thing. The two of them had never really dated at all, and there was no such thing as a breakup.

Naomi Fukuoka turned back and looked at him seriously: "You have already dated Ayane, from now on..."

Do you want to stop looking for her in the future? Li Xuehao could almost imagine what she would say next.

"Remember to call Ayane when eating lunch from now on, the three of us will be together." Fukuoka Naomi's words were unexpected, and she looked at him with a faint look.

"...Sister Naomi, what did you say? Is this true?" Li Xuehao wondered whether he heard wrongly or had auditory hallucinations, mistaking his thoughts for what Naomi Fukuoka said.

"Kouji is really carefree. Do you want to date Ayane and I at the same time?" Seeing the expectant expression on his face, Naomi Fukuoka looked calm, and her eyes suddenly became sharp, revealing a dangerous flavor.

Li Xuehao didn't dare to look at him, feeling helpless that his thoughts had been exposed.

"Hmph!" Fukuoka Naomi snorted angrily, turned around, and stopped talking.

Li Xuehao didn't understand what she meant at all, and asked him to call Yamamoto Ayane and the three of them to have a lunch together, but he did not give a clear attitude towards the matter of dating at the same time.

At this time, Yamamoto Ayane and Yamamoto Ryota ran over panting from a distance, but the eyes of both siblings were focused on someone.

"Manaka, how did you disappear? Tell me quickly. You really scared us just now." Ryota Yamamoto stepped forward and wanted to touch his body, but he looked scared and hesitant.

"Disappeared?" Fukuoka Naomi had already turned around when the two siblings ran over. When she heard this inexplicable words, she asked in confusion.

Yamamoto Ryota suddenly became excited and said: "Senior Fukuoka, I just heard that you were in danger, and then you disappeared all of a sudden..." While speaking, he also demonstrated it himself.

The confusion in Fukuoka Naomi's eyes became more intense, and she looked at Yamamoto Ayane beside her, who nodded to her, proving that this matter was true.

Then several people's eyes were fixed on Li Xuehao in unison, as if waiting for his explanation.

"Actually..." Li Xuehao was about to continue, but Yamamoto Ryota couldn't wait anymore, "Manzaka, hurry up, do it again, I want to see how you disappear, hurry up!" By the end of the sentence, he was already gritting his teeth.

"Are you sure?" After Li Xuehao asked, he disappeared in a flash, then appeared behind Ryota Yamamoto and patted him on the shoulder.

Yamamoto Ryota was startled again and threw himself to the ground with a scream.

"This is..." Naomi Fukuoka, who was so close, was also shocked and could no longer maintain her cold expression. This was simply not something that humans could do.

Although Yamamoto Ayane had seen her once before, this time the distance was closer and she could see it more clearly. A big living person disappeared out of thin air, as if he suddenly entered another dimension, and then burst out of the sky in another place, with something in his heart. A creepy feeling.

Li Xuehao knew that his actions really scared a few people, so he explained: "Actually, this is a special ability, but only I can do it."

"Why are you the only one who can do this? It's so unfair!" Ryota Yamamoto got up from the ground. Perhaps he was "scared" twice. He could accept it rationally, but he said with an indignant look.

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