Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 327 Clear up the doubts, you carefree brat!

"I think Mrs. Hosaya can explain this to you." Faced with Chinatsu Hosaya's suspicion, Li Xuehao pushed Mrs. Hosaya out.

"Mom?" Chinatsu Hosotani looked at her mother doubtfully.

Eriko Hosotani nodded and said, "Actually, it's because Manaka-kun was taken care of by your father before..."

"So you are here to repay us?" Hosotani Chinatsu looked directly at Li Xuehao and continued what her mother had not finished.

"You can say that." Li Xuehao responded. He also knew that it would take more than a few words to convince her. The reason why he came to meet with Hosotani Chinatsu was because of his current status. Presumably a high school student is better than those who are older and bald. Middle-aged men should make people less worried.

But it seems that the effect is not as good as expected. At least Li Xuehao noticed that when he was a "customer" before, Chinatsu Hosotani had a good impression of him, but now she is almost looking at someone with bad intentions. , maybe she suspected that there was some "huge conspiracy" involved, so she thought that his previous visit to her to buy cosmetics might also be part of the "conspiracy", and her goodwill naturally disappeared.

"Can I have a few words with you alone?" Chinatsu Hosotani said, then looked at her mother next to her, "Mom..."

"Okay, I'll leave for a moment, but don't be too rude, Chinatsu." Mrs. Hosoya also understood her daughter's temper, looked at Li Xuehao apologetically, turned and left. But he didn't go far, and sat down on another seat about ten meters away from the two of them. This way, although he couldn't hear the conversation between the two, he could rush forward immediately if an accident occurred.

Seeing that her mother had left, Chinatsu Hosotani withdrew her gaze and focused on Li Xuehao. She was no longer as scrupulous about her words as before and asked directly: "Have you really been taken care of by my father?"

"Well, even though it's just a small thing, I still keep it in mind." Li Xuehao deliberately said it was a small matter in order to be more convincing.

Hosotani Chinatsu said nothing and looked at him expressionlessly, perhaps trying to tell whether it was true or not from his face.

Li Xuehao didn't feel guilty, but when he saw that she still didn't believe it, he suddenly thought of someone and said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Mizuhashi Ryoko."

"Teacher Mizuhashi?" Chinatsu Hosotani couldn't help but be startled when she heard the familiar name. Her mother had never told her before that the other person also knew Teacher Mizuhashi.

"Yes, I am her...brother." Thinking that Mrs. Xigu had already misunderstood this "fact", Li Xuehao could only let the misunderstanding continue.

The expression on Hosotani Chinatsu's face finally calmed down, probably because she had a familiar person as a "guarantee", so she didn't act so nervous anymore: "I can buy back the cosmetics I bought before."

"No need." Li Xuehao didn't expect her to say this. He probably thought that he went to her to buy cosmetics to help her, so he didn't want to owe a favor and now wanted to buy them back.

"I know why you did that, but I want to buy it back." Hosotani Chinatsu looked very stubborn.

"I think that's impossible. I've already given it away." Li Xuehao said.

"Huh?" Chinatsu Hosotani didn't seem to believe it and looked at him suspiciously.

Li Xuehao sighed inwardly, don't you even believe the truth? "Actually, just like what I told you before, I really have a few girls I'm dating, so I need a lot of cosmetics to give away, and even the ones I bought are not enough. I also wanted to buy them from you, but I heard You changed your place of work."

After hearing what he said, Chinatsu Hosaya had a strange look on her face, and she looked a bit like a scumbag. This guy was dating several girls at the same time, and he actually said it without any shame.

But even after admitting this kind of thing, Hosotani Chinatsu has no reason not to believe it.

"Did you also help with my house?" Chinatsu Hosotani asked again.

"I just happened to meet you, so you don't need to be too grateful to me." Li Xuehao knew that she was referring to the fact that the area where her house was being demolished to build a high-end apartment building, which also reminded him of another thing, "Oh, by the way, your mother has a stable job now, but her job is too far away from home. I think it's better to buy or rent a house in this area. This is at least more convenient, isn't it?"

"...Thank you." Chinatsu Hosotani looked at him for a long time, and then said with sincere gratitude. Although he is a little carefree, he is also a very gentle person who can consider so much.

"Don't be too polite, I also want to repay you..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Chinatsu Hosotani, "My father didn't actually take care of you, right? It was Mr. Mizuhashi who asked you to help us, right? no?"

Li Xuehao was stunned. He didn't expect that she would think like this and directly give all the credit to the woman Mizuhashi Ryoko. But he made no excuses, neither admitted nor denied.

This made Chinatsu Hosotani even more sure of her thoughts: "I know that Teacher Mizuhashi was afraid that I wouldn't be able to accept it, so I asked you specifically." At this point, she paused, with a look of nostalgia on her face, "Actually, Seeing my mother so happy now, I realized how ridiculous my persistence was. Please rest assured that I will not refuse your kindness. When I am able in the future, I hope I can repay you."

"That's good if you think so. Life always looks forward, so work hard." Li Xuehao also breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing her such positive words, he had fulfilled his last words to the evil spirit. .

However, Chinatsu Hosotani gave him a strange look, probably thinking that such words were completely inappropriate for someone of his age to say: "You don't look like a high school brat."

"I'm still wearing my school uniform." Li Xuehao pointed to the Yingye High School logo on his chest, and understood that the "kid" in her words was not a term of contempt, but an alternative term to bring people closer together.

"Are you from Sakurano High School?" Chinatsu Hosotani looked at him for a moment, then glared at him, "You philandering brat!"

"Uh..." Li Xuehao was choked for a moment, but she remembered this most clearly, and quickly changed the subject, "I heard that you are working in a family restaurant now, right?"

"Yeah." Chinatsu Hosotani nodded. She seemed a little bored. She grabbed the juice on the table and took a small sip.

"If you really want your mother to feel at ease, it's best to go back to school and continue your studies." Li Xuehao took the opportunity to advise.

Chinatsu Hosotani hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "I have already thought about it. I will go back to school after another month of working."

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