Bai Ye clapped his hands, and the sounds in the laboratory gradually subsided. He looked around and his eyes fell on the neatly arranged cloning cabins. In each cabin lay quietly a life that had not yet awakened.

"Okay, that's it for today." Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, as if carrying some irresistible majesty. He turned around and said to the experimenters in the laboratory.

The experimenters stopped what they were doing, some were recording data, and some were adjusting equipment. They looked up at Bai Ye, with tired but satisfied expressions on their faces.

"Okay, Dr. Bai Ye." A young experimenter responded. He stretched and then began to clean up his workbench.

Other experimenters also began to pack up their things, talking among themselves and walking out of the laboratory. Their voices echoed in the corridor, fading away.

Walter walked to Bai Ye, his eyes never leaving the cloning cabins. He frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

"What do you think of today's progress?" Bai Ye asked, with a hint of unnoticeable expectation in his voice.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the transparent shell of the cloning capsule. The cold touch from his fingers made him frown. He moved closer and carefully observed the situation inside the cloning cabin. The clone lay quietly in the liquid, as if sleeping. Their faces are vague and immature, as if they have never experienced the vicissitudes of this world.

He turned back to the cloning cabin and looked at the sleeping clones again. Their faces are still vague and childish, as if they are indifferent to the world. There was a surge of complex emotions in Bai Ye's heart, including expectations and worries.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the entire laboratory was immersed in an inexplicable atmosphere. Bai Ye and Walter stood like this, as if they were having some kind of silent communication with the clones.

Bai Ye didn't answer immediately, and turned his eyes to the cloning cabins again. Each cabin is like a small world, containing unknown life.

Bai Ye didn't speak, just nodded silently. He turned and walked toward the exit of the laboratory, followed by Walter.

The two of them stood quietly in front of the cloning cabin, looking at the sleeping beings. Their hearts were filled with mixed emotions, including expectations and worries.

"We have no other choice." Bai Ye finally said, with a hint of helplessness and determination in his voice, "This world can no longer bear any more losses."

Bai Ye walked to the cloning cabin and stopped. He stared at the neatly arranged cloning cabins. Each cabin was like a small world, containing unknown life. His eyes wandered over the cloning cabin, as if searching for something.

He stood there as if cut off from the world. His heart was filled with complex emotions and thoughts, but he did not speak out. He just stood there silently, guarding those sleeping lives.

He walked into the laboratory slowly, each step appearing heavy and firm. The door slowly closed behind him, cutting off the noise and light from the outside world, leaving only a dark and depressing atmosphere in the laboratory.

Bai Ye's eyes revealed a complex emotion. He was thinking about the significance and value of these clones, as well as his own responsibilities and mission. He knew that these clones were carefully created by him and his team, and they carried the hope of the future of mankind. But at the same time, he also knew that the existence of these clones also brought about a series of problems and dilemmas.

He knew that no matter what the future held, he had to shoulder his responsibilities. He must move on, for the sake of those sleeping lives and for the hope of the future of mankind.

The footsteps of the two people echoed in the empty laboratory, with an indescribable heaviness and depression. They walked out of the laboratory and disappeared down the corridor.

He stood up, walked to the window, and stared at the night sky outside. His heart was full of confusion and confusion. He didn't know whether his choice was correct or where the future would go.

The lights in the laboratory gradually dimmed, and only the indicator lights of the cloning cabins were still flashing faintly. The figures of Bai Ye and Walter looked increasingly heavy and lonely in the dim light.

He sighed and turned to the other side of the laboratory. His steps were a little heavy, as if he were held back by an invisible force. He walked to a table with some experimental reports and data scattered on it. He sat down and began to read the information carefully.

Walter was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "There is progress, but... can these clones really live up to our expectations?"

As the night gets darker, the lights in the laboratory gradually dim. Bai Ye stood alone in front of the cloning cabin, like a lonely watcher. His figure looked increasingly heavy and lonely in the dim light.

Night fell, and the entire laboratory was shrouded in darkness. In this silent and depressing night, no one can predict what will happen in the future. I can only wait silently for the arrival of dawn and the beginning of a new day.

After a while, the door of the laboratory slowly opened again, and a dim light penetrated the crack of the door, reflecting in the empty and silent room. Bai Ye's figure appeared at the door, with an indescribable complex expression on his face, as if he was experiencing an inner struggle.

After an unknown amount of time, Walter finally broke the silence: "Let's go, there is more work to do tomorrow."

His brows were furrowed, his eyes focused and sharp. He carefully read every report and analyzed every piece of data. His heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. Could these clones really be what they expected? Can they really shoulder the hope of humanity's future?

Time seemed to become slow and heavy at this moment. Bai Ye was immersed in data and reports, forgetting the passage of time. His fingers tapped lightly on the table, making a rhythmic sound. This voice echoed in the empty laboratory, seeming particularly abrupt and lonely.

Walter nodded and said nothing more. He knew what Bai Ye said was true, and they really had no other better choice.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Ye finally stopped what he was doing. He raised his head and looked out the window. It was pitch black outside the window, with only sporadic lights twinkling in the distance. He felt an inexplicable depression and heaviness, as if the whole world was shrouded in darkness.

The lights in the laboratory were completely extinguished, leaving only the indicator lights of the cloning cabins still flashing lonely. And those sleeping lives are still waiting for their unknown fate.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the entire laboratory was immersed in an inexplicable atmosphere. Only Bai Ye stood there alone, facing the sleeping clones.

The night is getting darker and darker, but Bai Ye still has no intention of leaving. He seemed to be bound by an invisible force and could not escape from this place.

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