Before the afterglow faded, the golden power armor warriors shuttled among the wreckage, like golden flashes of light wandering in the starry sky. They moved quickly, opening the fragments of the spacecraft one by one, followed closely by the followers of the Church of Universal Truth who were looking for and subduing them.

The soldiers used advanced detection equipment to scan every piece of debris, looking for enemies hidden within. When they found traces of the believers, the warriors wearing golden power armor rushed toward the target like golden retrievers.

The believers of the Universal Truth Church cried out for help desperately and helplessly in front of the golden power armor warriors. They knelt among the wreckage, helpless, trying to find a way out in pleading tones. However, the expressions of the soldiers were cold and they could not listen to everything.

A believer's voice trembled and he begged: "Sir, please spare us. We are just deceived and don't know the truth about this cult."

The golden power armor warrior didn't respond, just looked at them indifferently, his weapon still pointing forward. There is no mercy in the eyes of the soldiers. They have transcended the shackles of emotion and become ruthless enforcers.

Another believer knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face and his voice trembling: "We have really repented and rehabilitated ourselves. We no longer believe in the cult. Please give us a chance."

The faces of the soldiers were expressionless, as if they could not hear the sounds of pleading.

After saying these words, Star-Lord's smile became complicated and sad. He raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, as if he wanted to drive those unbearable memories out of the depths of his memory.

As the last believer was subdued, the golden power armor warriors in the night sky stood on the ruins of the spacecraft fragments, silently staring at the stars. Their mission was accomplished, and there was no room for tolerance for the remnants of the Church of Universal Truth.

"We're done, Clint. We finally sought justice for those innocent lives." Star-Lord exhaled deeply, his eyes flashing with grief for the past and expectations for the future.

The two stared at the distant scene in silence. Star-Lord's smile gradually faded and was replaced by a sad gaze.

He clapped his hands happily and let out exaggerated cheers, completely forgetting the dangerous situation just now. A smile gradually bloomed on his face, and he even laughed until tears came to his eyes.

"We have to find a way to stop Galactus, otherwise the earth will face greater danger, but fortunately our boss always has a way."

While the two were talking, Bai Ye descended from the sky with Black Bolt and Silver Glider. At this time, there was no trace of another Cosmic Truth Church spacecraft in the sky.

There is nothing more satisfying than revenge.

As these words fell, the weapons of the golden power armor warriors emitted dazzling light, shooting at the pleading believers without mercy. Their shouts rang out in the night sky, but were instantly drowned out by the roar of weapons.

The distant firelight reflected on his face, outlining a twisted and crazy shadow. His laughter echoed in the air, becoming the background sound of all this as the Church of Universal Truth collapsed.

The warriors' movements were clean and precise. They dance in the night sky like messengers of judgment in the golden storm. For the peace of the earth and the tranquility of the stars, they carry out their mission of justice without hesitation.


Star-Lord touched his white beard, wiped his tears, and then said with a smile: "Okay, let's put these things aside for now. Although the Church of Cosmic Truth has been destroyed, the planet devourer they believed in is probably already coming. On the way to Earth.”

Amid laughter, he raised the weapon in his hand and waved it, celebrating a victory feast. His smile was both provocative and crazy, seeming to be releasing some unknown emotion deep within.

Eagle Eye walked up to Star-Lord, put away his bow, looked at him with a smile, and asked curiously: "Why are you smiling so happily? Is it because of our victory?"

Star-Lord stopped waving and stared at the ongoing trial in the distance, with tears shining in his eyes. He took a deep breath, and then said tremblingly: "My wife and children were killed by the Universal Truth Church. Today, we finally took revenge."

Only the countless broken metal fragments on the ground and the burning flames became proof of their existence.

Eagle Eye nodded silently. Of course he could understand the pain in Star-Lord's heart. After all, he himself had experienced such a brutal and inhumane experience, and he could resonate with the space Robin Hood on this point.

The resistance of the believers seemed feeble, and they were retreating steadily under the iron hooves of the power armor warriors. The golden light shines in the night sky, turning into a righteous storm, leading the believers to the end of their sins.

Star-Lord nodded, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: "Yes, we cannot let new threats come to this planet. The battle in the universe may never end, but we will keep fighting."

There was a trace of bitterness in his smile, realizing that a new threat was coming. Star-Lord looked into the distance. There were still some spacecraft fragments in the sky, and the burning flames reflected on his face.

Eagle Eyes said vigilantly, he knew that now was not the time to relax, and Galactus was definitely not a good person to get along with.

Every believer was looking for an opportunity to escape in vain. However, the movements of the golden power armor warriors were as ruthless as judges. High-tech weapons arc across the night sky, emitting golden light and hitting the believers' vital points.

Clint Barton silently reached out and shook Star-Lord's shoulder, expressing his tacit support. They may each be carrying the pain of the past, but at this moment, they have all found their own comfort.

One of the warriors said indifferently: "The sins you believe in are too serious and cannot be forgiven. The sword of justice does not distinguish between closeness and distance."

Star-Lord stood in the distance, watching the believers of the Church of Cosmic Truth come to an end one by one under the judgment of the golden power armor warriors. A mocking smile appeared on his face, as if he had seen the most ridiculous show.

His home planet has been destroyed by the attack of the Church of Universal Truth, and his family members have also died on it. This kind of burden is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Haha, it seems that the fate of these guys is not very good!" Star-Lord laughed excitedly, his eyes filled with ecstasy. He seemed extremely satisfied with the plight of the believers. This was the grand ending he had been looking forward to.

"Bai Ye, we heard that you can deal with Galactus. Is there anything you can do?"

Seeing this, Star-Lord ran over eagerly and asked.

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