Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 362 The Rod of Watum can be used for sensitive skin

Sword fighting, or gladiator, real name Karak.

He was born centuries ago, but no one knows exactly when. He is said to be of proud blood, but the names of his ancestors are as unknown as his date of birth.

Karak is a cadet on his home planet Strontia, training with other young Strontia men and women to compete for the title of Gladiator. Over time, Karak proved himself to be a respectable man and an efficient soldier.

Later, Karak and the other nine students who completed the training mission were told the purpose of their trial: the Shi'ar Empire's new Imperial Guard would include the best warriors of each race, and the Empire would be represented by these people.

After a series of challenges and missions, and being suspected of being a traitor, Kharak was finally appointed Archon of the Imperial Guard.

From then on, it became a sword fight.

During the conversation, the silver spaceship landed in the open space not far in front of the three people. Its appearance is like a masterpiece of future technology, covered with smooth silver alloy that reflects the surrounding light.

Wearing a red tights, he immediately drew an arc in the air and smashed through the spacecraft behind him, causing broken metal fragments to fly everywhere.

Star-Lord froze in place, watching the sword-fighting figures flying in the air, with an incredible expression on his face.


"Surrender immediately now. I can kill only Peter Quill, and the remaining two. Our church is very tolerant. You can join in. Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Sword fight!"

Star-Lord looked at the man with Mohawk hair, a flash of intense emotion in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and muttered harshly in a low voice.

Although Dou Jian's own strength will become stronger with his self-confidence, but correspondingly, if he loses confidence in himself.

Then his strength will plummet, plummet!

"Don't worry, Quill, that guy isn't particularly difficult to deal with."

However, this is usually the case.

In addition, he can shoot red lasers from his eyes, has a letter pattern on his chest, and always has a cape hanging behind his back.

In other words, this guy is almost a Marvel version of Superman, at least in part.

He waved his hand in the air a few times, as if trying to retrieve a weapon that no longer existed.

"Heroes? How can you ants resist the power of the truth of the universe? The arrival of Galactus is unstoppable."

During the landing process, the spacecraft released some gas, forming a brilliant halo, like an unknown ceremony.

Then, the hatch slowly opened, revealing a bright passage.

Bai Ye said nothing, but Clint held the bow tightly, stepped forward with firm eyes and shouted: "We are the superheroes on earth! We will never let you continue to destroy the planet."

Then he looked back and saw Bai Ye holding a short yellow staff with a spherical horned statue at each end. The yellow light had just been emitted from it.

A sneer appeared on Dou Jian's lips, and he waved his hand to signal his men on the spaceship behind him to get ready.

"Like the mental shield you created before, I'm afraid it won't take more than two seconds. No, it can be smashed to pieces together with the people inside in one second."

He has displayed several shocking feats of strength, such as uprooting the entire Baxter Building while fighting the Fantastic Four, or even shattering entire planets with his physical powers.

Before he finished speaking, Dou Jian suddenly waved his hand, and a group of cultists holding energy weapons immediately came down from the spaceship behind him. These people had indifferent expressions, and their eyes revealed contempt and contempt for aliens.

Dou Jian continued: "Quil, your time has come to an end. And you two don't look like members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Are you earthlings who have interfered in church affairs?"

He has a fashionable mohawk hairstyle on his head, which makes him look very chic. His frown revealed his serious attitude towards the situation at hand. The man stepped out of the spacecraft and walked toward the three of them step by step, his expression solemn and solemn.

Sword fighting possesses immense power, the exact limits of which are unknown.

"Damn it, my elemental gun that I finally adjusted...forget it, I've always gotten by with my wits and luck."

After reviewing the information in his mind, Bai Ye smiled and patted Star-Lord on the shoulder.

".No matter what happened in the past, now I am a believer in the Universal Truth Religion, and you are the sinners who block the truth."

A sturdy man walked out of the spacecraft, his skin was dark purple, and he was wearing a set of red close-fitting clothes that highlighted the outline of his strong body.

Just as Dou Jian was speaking, a dazzling yellow beam shot out quickly, hitting Dou Jian's body accurately and making a loud noise.

He looked down at the ground and reached out to pick up a stone, but then scratched his head in embarrassment. Finally, he suddenly stood up straight and made a boxing stance towards the fighting sword, as if to show that he was not without any fighting skills.

He is virtually immune to all physical damage, and he can withstand large-caliber bullets, powerful concussive blasts, falls from great heights, and hits from powerful superhumans like the Hulk and Hyperion. He can also survive independently in the vacuum of space and withstand extreme temperatures.

A cloak fluttered behind him, adding a heroic and heroic atmosphere.

His power level depends on his confidence, so the more confident he is, the more powerful he is.

He pointed at the fighting sword and said with excitement: "This guy, if I remember correctly, should be a guy who used to be in the Imperial Guard, but I heard that he later switched to the Universal Truth Cult and licked the planet like a dog. The Devourer's Boots!"

He touched his hand to his waist, but felt an emptiness. Then he suddenly remembered that his weapons had been destroyed when the spacecraft crashed, and he couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment.

Star-Lord still had a grimace on his face and couldn't help but frown and said, "Are you sure? The Imperial Guard is a very powerful army, and Du Jian is a top warrior."

According to the plot, Dou Jian himself should be controlled by the Church of Cosmic Truth with the help of Galactus, and this is especially true for his alien version of the Avengers-the Imperial Guard.

Hearing this, a sly look flashed across Star-Lord's face: "Speaking of Galactus, I've heard a little bit about it. But I haven't heard much about the Cosmic Truth Cult guy. Oh, Wait, I know a little bit."

Dou Jian glanced at Star-Lord and said indifferently:

"Playing the clown doesn't make you exempt from the church's forgiveness, Peter Quill. Over the years of preaching in the Church of Universal Truth, you are the most annoying of the little bugs that have stood in our way."

Noticing Star-Lord's surprised gaze, Bai Ye smiled and shrugged at him.

If there is any weakness in sword fighting besides self-confidence.

That is, he is very, very, very sensitive to magic attacks.

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