Bai Ye nodded, a coldness flashing in his eyes. He walked to Clint's side, patted his shoulder gently, and said in a solemn tone:

"Yes, it's Red Tank. He escaped the operation to unify the wasteland, and we have been unable to trace his whereabouts so far."

"This time I want to find him and solve the problem completely."

The eagle's eyes were stunned, and his gray eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He seemed to have touched some sensitive memories in Bai Ye's description:

"Red Tank? I didn't expect it to be him. If I remember correctly, he was also present when the Baxter Building collapsed."

His voice was filled with deep memories, and his eyes became a little blurry. The collapse of the Baxter Building, and the destruction of the Fantastic Four it represented, was an unforgettable catastrophe for the people of this wasteland world.

In the training room, the remains of the robots were scattered all over the floor, emitting a slight smoke. Those once vibrant machine embodiments were left in shambles after being pierced by Clint Barton's arrows. The hissing sound of electricity echoed in the air, accompanied by the slight crackle of mechanical parts, filling the entire training room.

The aircraft was like a black lightning ship, equipped with the latest flight technology. The portholes revealed a faint blue light, and the surface of the spacecraft reflected the brilliance of the starry sky.

He may not quite understand the power of this wand, but as an experienced warrior, he knows that there are too many unknown powers in the world, including magic.

"Yes, it was left by one of my enemies."

As Bai Ye said this, he raised the Staff of Watum into the air. Following his gesture, both ends of the wand began to emit faint yellow light, forming a virtual image. The image gradually became clearer, showing a scene deep in the canyon.

The yellow light illuminates the surroundings of the tavern, making every detail clearly visible. The dust remaining on the windows and the weeds growing in the gaps between the stone bricks at the door of the tavern are all displayed in this virtual screen in detail.

"Bai Ye, Red Tank is not an easy guy to deal with, and the information circulation in the wasteland is limited, so it will not be easy to find him."

He paused, then continued: "But since you found me, I think you must have some clues or information. Tell me, where do we start?"

Clint Barton nodded silently, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Ready, let's go." He took a deep breath and said.

Standing on the top floor of the building, they looked into the distance. The wind was blowing with a slight coolness, and the night enveloped the entire city. An advanced aircraft was parked not far away, waiting for their departure.

"We know his location. Now we just need to go to the tavern deep in the canyon to find the red tank. Get ready, Clint, we are about to face an unusual duel."

Bai Ye waved the staff of Watum in his hand, and the breeze-like yellow light danced on the staff, like a weak flame. There was a touch of playfulness and confidence in his smile, as if the magic wand in his hand was his right-hand man, able to unlock the mysteries in the wasteland world.

The showdown may not be easy, but as an experienced archer and member of the Avengers, he's used to facing challenges.

Clint Barton blinked and stared at the Staff of Watum in Bai Ye's hand, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The elevator rose slowly. Through the glass of the elevator door, they could see the huge city landscape unfolding below their feet, with neon lights reflecting on the surfaces of high-rise buildings. The interlacing of light and shadow between buildings creates a busy atmosphere of a modern city.

Clint didn't speak at this moment. He just stood there silently, staring at the robot wreckage in front of him, his thoughts seemed to drift far away, going back to the past years.

Eagle Eye raised his head and said, his voice low and powerful.

The silence in the training room was like a clear lake, reflecting the two people's thoughts deeply and quietly.

The two walked out of the training room together, walked through the corridor of the laboratory, and arrived at the top floor of the Baxter Building. The elevator door opened. Bai Ye and Clint stepped into the elevator and pressed the button leading to the top floor of the building.

The Staff of Watum exuded a faint light, gradually condensing into a yellow ball of light, floating above his palm. This ball of light seemed to contain some mysterious power, flashing with subtle runes.

The destruction of robots and the noise of battle slowly subsided, and the thick smoke that filled the training room gradually dissipated. Clint's eyes left a haze in the air, as if he was recalling some old memories.

Clint Barton stood at the center of the battle. His gray-haired man had a serious gaze, and there was a hint of silence in his deep eyes.

He stopped talking, but his eyes revealed his confidence in the red tank's determination and tracking. Under the yellow light, the entire robot training room looks like a silent magical field.

Bai Ye retracted her hand and stared at Clint firmly.

As the image changes, a dilapidated tavern gradually appears on the screen. The mottled wooden surface of the exterior wall of the pub reveals the vicissitudes of time, and the tattered signboard is crumbling, obviously having been abandoned for a long time.

Bai Ye stared at the image, his eyes flashing with determination. He took a deep breath, and then stabbed the staff of Vatum downwards.

"Did you find this thing?" Clint asked, his eyes slightly curious.

This veteran, who was once one of the Avengers, was immersed in this robot cemetery, seeming to be silently paying tribute to his former companions.

"This little thing is not simple, Clint. Not only can it sense wind fluctuations, but it also has some mysterious tracking functions. I believe that with the help of this, we can find traces of the red tank."

With the slight trembling of the elevator, the moment the two reached the top floor of the building, the elevator door opened, and what greeted them was an open-air platform. The wind blew their hair, the night sky was dotted with stars, and the city lights twinkled in the distance.

In this silence, a determined goal gradually emerged in Clint Barton's mind: to find the red tank and solve this threat raging in the wasteland.

From here, it is almost impossible to tell that this is a city that has experienced war.

The yellow light in the image fluctuated, as if a wave of energy was spreading. Then, the image gradually dissipated, and the yellow light of Watum's staff also converged again, but finally turned into an arrow pointing to the west.

In the image, the steep rock walls of the canyon pass by, and the yellow light flows like gurgling water, outlining the outline of the canyon. Bai Ye's gesture changed again, and the image zoomed in, focusing on a place deep in the canyon.

The two boarded the spacecraft and the hatch slowly closed.

The aircraft took off into the sky, passed through the neon light belt of the city, and entered the night sky. The tall buildings slowly shrank below, gradually turning into a distant light and shadow.

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