"What the hell is that!"

Kahn roared in pain, and he tried to struggle, but the long knives dug deeply into his limbs, making him unable to move.

In the end, he could only glare at Bai Ye with eyes full of unwillingness and anger, hoping to make the other party feel his anger in this way.

"Carbon steel knife, something you may have seen before, but never cared about."

Bai Ye explained lightly. He looked around leisurely. The wreckage of the battlefield and the sound of war in the distance formed an indescribable resonance with his existence.

Carbon nanosteel is a man-made super-strong material that not only has excellent hardness and corrosion resistance, but also has an improved molecular structure, giving it extraordinary cutting power.

This kind of blade can penetrate almost mercilessly through most things in the world, whether it is metal or living things, it is impossible to escape its edge.

"Maybe you don't understand, but family means more to me."

The leader of the giant man glanced around, his eyes sweeping across the battlefield like thunder. His voice was like rolling thunder, majestic: "Who dares to invade my world, Sorus, and invade the world of my successor!"

"Yeah, that's me."

Then, Solus' eyes moved to Bai Ye. His eyes were deep and sharp, revealing an inviolable majesty. He said in a low voice: "Is it you? Little insect?"

It can be said that all the talented people have gathered together, and the young and old have gathered together.

As the portal expanded, the golden light it emitted was like a golden waterfall, illuminating the distant battlefield brightly and mysteriously.

The golden portal bloomed in the night sky, illuminating the entire battlefield, and Kahn's body bound under the carbon steel sword looked pale and thin in the sudden light.

"You guys... you can't hurt my family." Kahn gritted his teeth and tried to maintain his composure. Although the pain and restraints in his body pushed him to the limit, he still said with difficulty.

The heir wearing a metal helmet struggled to raise his head. His body was fixed to the ground by the carbon nanosteel knife, and Bai Ye's words made him feel weak. The night wind blew gently through the ruined battlefield, bringing with it the smell of scorched earth and blood.

"Now, let's wait for your family to come. Haven't you always wanted to see them?"

His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, as if to accommodate more joy: "Haha! What did I say! The successor family did not abandon me! They did not abandon me!"

The leading heir family member is a giant man with gray hair and a beard, who is extremely tall. His blood-colored eyes were deep and sharp, revealing the accumulation of years and experience.

"Even if they have intentions, I won't give up on them."

Seeing the fish tank head's stubborn look, Bai Ye sighed helplessly, how could this guy become a spider web master if he continued like this?

In the light of the portal, those figures gradually became clearer.

Bai Ye said expressionlessly, then raised his hand and twisted the ring. This time, instead of him being teleported away, a white ball of light appeared in the sky.

In the team following behind, in addition to Janix, Bola, Brix, and Deimos whom Bai Ye had met before, two other members attracted attention.

Kahn raised his head with difficulty, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes. The night wind blew over his body, and the smell of burnt earth and blood mixed in his face, making him feel an inescapable despair.

Kahn groaned and struggled to stand up, but the restraints of the carbon steel knife prevented him from flying at all. Bai Ye watched this scene with cold eyes.

It's Morlun.

Let that guy have fun for a while, he won't have fun anymore soon.

The door has clear outlines and exudes an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The golden edge shines in the night, like a door connecting two worlds.

Of course, this is not the true purpose of the carbon nanosteel knife. This weapon can extremely effectively inhibit the self-healing speed of those with self-healing abilities. Cable reminded him of this before, and Weapon X Factory also has stocks in stock.

And as if to confirm his words, several vague figures with different appearances appeared in the portal. These figures gradually became clearer under the golden light, as if they were moving from illusion to reality.

He tried to move the limbs that were pierced by the carbon steel knife, but he only received a burst of heartbreaking pain. There was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, but he was crushed by the ruthless restraint.

The other one is a man wearing a black aristocratic uniform, tall and thin, with deep and calm eyes. He held a sharp shadow dagger in his hand, which formed a distinct visual impact with the luxury of the noble uniform.


Bai Ye nodded and sighed inwardly.

"It's finally here. It's really easy for me to wait."

Bai Ye said as he found a stone to sit down and looked at the night sky. Behind him, the remaining walls of the castle were still burning, and the blazing fire looked particularly arrogant in the night.

At this moment, with a soft sound, a dazzling golden portal suddenly appeared in the night sky.


Vina, the only remaining female member of the Heir family, is said to have come up with the idea for the villain legion in the first place.

Kahn froze on the spot, a hint of disbelief gradually appeared in his eyes, and then an expression of surprise quickly spread on his face.

"Bloodline?" Bai Ye smiled contemptuously, "What about bloodline? It cannot protect you from being used and betrayed. Your family is using this excuse to push you into the abyss for their selfish desires."

This is obviously a good opportunity for him to prove himself and prove that he is enough to be forgiven by his family, but why did he end up like this?

Seeing Bai Ye didn't answer, Kahn coughed and smiled miserably: "Do you think I will be shaken by your words? I know that they may not completely care about me, but...but there is still a blood connection between us."

One is a woman wearing a black dress. Her face is graceful and firm, and the tailoring of the dress shows her elegance and mystery. Holding an obsidian knife in her hand, the light shone on her side, forming a unique contrast with the black dress.

Bai Ye smiled, patted his butt and stood up from the stone, ignoring Kahn who was still in ecstasy behind him.

The light ball emits dazzling white light, like a bright star hanging in the night sky. Bai Ye's fingers danced on the ring, and the ball of light gradually became brighter.

Suddenly, a stone fell down. For some reason, Solus suddenly swallowed his saliva. For some reason, he felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

It's like there's something in there that he has to be afraid of

But how is this possible?

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