Bai Ye turned around and shouted to the golden-armored warriors who were still shooting: "Get ready to cease fire. When my countdown is over, the fire will cease. That guy's self-healing speed is getting faster and faster."

Upon hearing Bai Ye's instructions, the golden-armored warriors all turned to look at Bai Ye behind them. At the same time, they had adjusted their posture and were ready to cease fire at any time.

Bai Ye raised his hand and started counting down: "Three, two, one."

During the countdown, the entire battlefield fell into a brief silence.

At this time, the broken body in the open space began to gather together incredibly, and the speed of self-healing became more and more rapid. The cracks between the pieces of flesh disappeared in the blink of an eye, returning to intact tissue. The broken parts that were originally broken were reconnected as if they were traveling back in time.

This scene gave everyone present a chill, and they were filled with wonder at Deadpool's powerful self-healing power. The observer's brows furrowed slightly, seeming to sense the subtle changes in the situation.

While counting down, Bai Ye raised the anesthetic gun and aimed at the rotten flesh that was constantly healing itself. At the moment the countdown ended, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, releasing the inhibitor in a syringe.

This is the result of the combined action of the inhibitor and the virus carried on the scorpion's head. For a super creature like Deadpool that relies on rapid self-healing, this is a fatal blow.

The green head rolled in the air and let out a low roar. It flew towards Deadpool, like a deadly missile, cutting a space into the boundary between life and death.

Deadpool's deformed head looked at the flying scorpion head, his eyes filled with fanaticism and anger. The mouth opened wider, and the roar became louder, as if it was about to tear the entire world apart.

The observers watched this scene intently, feeling extremely nervous.

He said mockingly, and then used his telekinesis to slam Scorpion's head towards Deadpool. The head drew a green arc in the air, heading straight for Deadpool's body with a chilling force.

"Originally, I just wanted to help you escape painlessly, but now I have changed my mind. I want you to experience the extreme pain that any life in this world can feel before you die!"

Facing this deformed monster, Bai Ye frowned slightly. He could clearly feel that this was an extremely difficult confrontation, at least for now.

With a crunch, the poisonous scorpion's mouth bit hard on the mass of flesh, making a blood-curdling sound. The teeth were embedded in the flesh, tearing at pieces of meat, as if a ferocious beast was enjoying the taste of its prey.

But the bite force of the venomous scorpion was astonishing, as if it were an uncontrollable monster, tearing apart the mass of flesh in one bite, making bursts of creepy gnawing sounds from its mouth.

Wherever the black and green color goes, the self-healing speed decreases continuously, and the wounds that originally healed quickly become slow and painful under this strange energy. The flesh twisted, and Deadpool's roar became more dull and painful.

There are few things better than eating meat.

"Deadpool, it seems that your self-healing ability is stronger than I expected." Bai Ye whispered to himself, with a look of determination in his eyes.

The dead body of Deadpool also reacted quickly. It immediately felt the threat and began to twist and roll continuously, trying to break free from the bite of the scorpion's head.

He put down the anesthetic gun, his eyes flashing with determination. With a slight movement of his fingers, his mind surged, and he threw Scorpion's zombie head directly towards Deadpool.

"It's working, it's working!"

As more than a dozen rounds of anti-mutant gene medicine hit the body, a strange phenomenon occurred.

The head was twisted and ugly, roaring at the white night with a hoarse and hissing voice.

However, even so, the body continues to grow, as if fighting against the restraining force. The head it grew out of was extremely ugly, without a single hair, but it showed a mutated and deformed life.

The observers could not help but be shocked in their hearts by this disgusting scene. This strange attack method seemed to be beyond the understanding of all normal life. The scenes in front of them were intertwined in this suffocating moment, forming a weird and bizarre scene. Disgusting dance.

It was impossible for the medicine against mutant genes to defeat Deadpool's self-healing ability. He had already expected this. Everything he did just now was just to distract the guy and give his little buddy a chance to play.

Bai Ye frowned slightly, but he did not give up and continued to use the anesthesia gun to inject the broken mass of rotten flesh. The observers quietly observed this strange and dangerous battle.

The light green liquid in the anesthetic gun went straight to the broken flesh and quickly penetrated into it. However, with the injection of inhibitors, the body's self-healing response became faster and faster, as if it was aware of a threat. The originally slow recovery speed accelerated instantly, and the pieces of meat gathered and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If he could still maintain a trace of sanity before, he was now completely immersed in the wonderful fantasy of fresh meat.

Almost the moment he saw the group of Deadpools, Venomous Scorpion had forgotten all the previous conflicts with Bai Ye.

"Mr. Wilson, your 'partner' is here to see you."

"Haha! So what you said is true!"

"you dare!"

The originally rapid self-healing speed has slowed down a bit. It seems that the medicine has caused some interference at the cellular level, preventing Deadpool's remaining body from recovering completely and quickly as before.

The effect of the inhibitor was obvious, but the body was still resisting. Although the speed of recovery slowed down, it did not stop.

A few seconds later, the observer suddenly became extremely excited and pointed at the poisonous scorpion head biting Deadpool and shouted loudly. This was completely inconsistent with his usual enigmatic appearance.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Because he could clearly see a corrupted black-green spreading from the place where the poisonous scorpion bit him. This black-green seemed to be an evil force, permeating Deadpool's body.

The moment the poisonous scorpion's head landed on the mass of flesh, it suddenly opened its rotting mouth. The mouth was filled with a foul smell, and the blackened teeth were exposed, like a ghost.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth turned up slightly, and there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. he

Use the power of mind to control the poisonous scorpion's head like a dancer, dancing in the air. The scene is disgusting and ridiculous, but it also evokes a hint of strange combat strategy.

Bai Ye was also observing silently, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

Although this move is absurd, it is a clever choice made in a desperate moment. Although the poisonous scorpion's head has lost its body, its special virus played a key role at this time.

Who would have thought that the terrifying zombie virus would one day become a tool to save the world?

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