I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 4028: Reason and Rogue

"After such a long time, everyone must have calmed down."

Lin Yi looked at several people and said:

"Don't talk nonsense. Send someone to tell me."

"let me tell you!"

The middle-aged woman stood up, her aura unabated.

There is information about them in the file. This woman is Mao Guiqin, an out-and-out farmer.

Somehow, Lin Yi saw a trace of tenacity in her body.

After such a big thing happened, she was still able to persist until now. On the other hand, her husband was much worse in this regard. He kept his head hanging down and said nothing.

"Actually, you all know the outcome of this matter. It was because the county-level hospital switched to domestically produced drugs. In addition, it was a long and tiring journey of more than 600 kilometers. In order to save money, you did not call an ambulance. After returning home, the physical function will decline, and the effect of the medicine will not be enough, so problems of this kind will naturally occur. Why do you come to the hospital to make trouble? "

"If the hospital cured my son's disease, how could something happen? There must be sequelae, and they didn't cure him."

"First of all, everything must be based on evidence. These empty words you say are of no use and will not make sense no matter where you take them."

Lin Yi said slowly:

"Secondly, after you have said so much, why don't you admit that the problem was caused by the long journey and the lack of efficacy of the medicine."

After a pause, Lin Yi continued:

"Madam, I understand your feelings, but you can't just pass the responsibility to others after something happens, without mentioning a word about your own responsibility."

At this moment, Mao Guiqin calmed down. What this young man said did make sense.

"Even if we are responsible for this matter, Huashan Hospital is also responsible and should compensate us!"

The person speaking this time was Mao Guiqin's eldest son Liu Jintao.

Through the information in the file, Lin Yi learned that Liu Jintao was a sign language interpreter, a relatively niche industry.

In Lin Yi's opinion, it is relatively convenient to communicate with such people.

"Then tell me what the hospital's responsibility is." Lin Yi said:

"You were the ones who insisted on being discharged from the hospital. After persuading to no avail, the hospital also told you the related risks, but you insisted on going your own way. Now that something has gone wrong, you are back to make trouble. This is probably your fault."

"We don't want to hear this." Liu Jintao said reluctantly:

"They are just shirking responsibility! If we don't give us an explanation for this matter, we will continue to waste our time and will never give up."

"Isn't the so-called statement just that you want money? You tell me the number and I'll listen."


Hearing this number, Lin Yi's expression was unmoved, and he even wanted to laugh.

I guessed that they would open their mouths wide, but I have to say that their mouths were a bit wide.

"It's impossible. The maximum is 200,000. If you want it, I can give you the money now. If you don't want it, there's nothing I can do."

Lin Yi saw this matter very clearly. If it came to the prosecution stage, the final verdict would definitely be in favor of the hospital.

But the crux of the matter is that there is no clear definition of this matter. Even if everyone knows what is going on, there is no way to produce strong evidence to prove that the hospital has no responsibility at all.

Therefore, the final trial may allow the hospital to compensate appropriately, but if it is reported, public opinion will not think so, and will subjectively think that there is something wrong with the hospital.

This will affect the reputation of the hospital and Li Chuhan, which is what Lin Yi least wants to see.

Therefore, he is willing to add an additional 100,000 yuan to the hospital to try to resolve this matter as soon as possible without wasting too much time.

"After such a big incident, you just want to send us away with 200,000 yuan. Do you think this is possible?"

Lin Yi held his head with one hand and looked at Liu Jintao.

"Your attitude makes me find it interesting. The person died in your county hospital, but he came to us to cause trouble in a big way. I kind of want to know what you think."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people changed slightly.

"My son has communicated with people at the county hospital. There is no problem with their treatment procedures, and we can't find anything wrong with him."

Mao Guiqin took the flowers and said, "The patient was treated here by you, but something went wrong after he went back. He persisted for several days without rescuing him. Now that the patient is gone, we naturally have to come to you."

He does not mean that.

Wang Guiqin's words seemed extremely strange to Lin Yi.

These people can calm down, listen to what others say, and even have the ability to think logically, but at this time they are like crazy and can't listen to anything?

"This makes me even more curious. You can listen to what the people in the county hospital say, but you can't listen to what the people in Huashan Hospital say. I want to know, are the people in the county hospital more authoritative? If so, why don't you stay in the county hospital? Hospital treatment? Why come to Zhonghai?”

Lin Yi's rhetorical question left Mao Guiqin speechless and subconsciously looked at his eldest son.

"The treatment level of the county hospital is definitely not comparable to that of Zhonghai, but I know their director and there is no way he could lie to me."

"So you firmly believe that this matter has nothing to do with them and the responsibility lies with Huashan Hospital, right?"

"Yes! If you want to keep it secret, prepare 5 million, otherwise we will pursue it to the end."

Lin Yi stood up and nodded, "Then you should pursue it to the end. We will just wait."

Lin Yi walked out, reminisced with the leaders here, and chatted for a while before leaving.

It is obvious that the behavior of this family is controlled by Liu Jintao.

He opened his mouth and asked for 5 million. It was obvious that he was here for money.

Under normal circumstances, he could have both ends. Even if he didn't get so much at the county hospital, he wouldn't give up easily.

Therefore, this family feels very divided. One side is very rational, and the other side is very helpless. No matter how you look at it, it feels strange.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi sent a message to Xiao Bing, asking her to check the county hospital in Hongnan County when she was free, and also check Liu Jintao.

After returning, Lin Yi went to the hospital and made an appointment with Li Chuhan for lunch.

The two of them arrived at the hospital, and at a barbecue restaurant not far away, they casually ordered something, and lunch officially began.

"Do we have to wait for them to sue next?" Li Chuhan asked while eating.

"Absolutely, but this family is quite strange."


Lin Yi told Li Chuhan what happened in the branch.

Li Chuhan was also confused after hearing this and said:

"Looking at it this way, they are quite sensible and can understand what others are saying, but it seems that they can't do that with us."

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