I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 4000: Lin Yi’s method

In order to facilitate communication and interviews, the three of them also booked a hotel here.

At the same time, he parked the car in front of the hotel, preparing to drive there together tomorrow.

Because Xiao Bing returned to Hangzhou, Lin Yi called her in the evening. The two found a bar, ordered a few glasses of wine, and drank slowly.

"Brother Lin, what time do you leave tomorrow? I have nothing to do and want to go for a walk with you."

"About eight in the morning. Go there in advance to check out the situation. You don't have to go that early. Just go after you wake up."


Xiao Bing raised his glass and the two touched each other.

"Brother Lin, one day after we are discharged from the army, you can start a business again, and then we will go work for you. What do you think of this proposal?"

"The proposal is good, but it is very difficult to implement it."

The scene described by Xiao Bing appeared in Lin Yi's mind, and it was indeed quite interesting.

"At that time, you have all married and become fathers and mothers, so you have no intention of doing this anymore. Besides, we are all far apart, so we can't all move to the same place. The family business still needs you to take care of it. "

"That's right. I feel like there are some things that I really can't control."

"You're not a child anymore. There are some things you can't just think about for yourself."

"So you have to seize the time now, try to be happy when you can be happy, and don't think too much about other things."


"Master, please come back today. Do you have any specific instructions?"

"We are told to keep an eye on the situation in Kimchi Country, but all relevant tasks are assigned to the second group. We may also be sent out when necessary." Xiao Bing said:

"But I heard from Team Leader Qiu that the people from Mammon and Anglian seem to have returned to the kimchi pot country. They may know that they have obtained the upper part of the parchment rolls and want to come and snatch it."

"This is a matter of course. After all, it is useless to get the second half. It must be combined."

"This thing is getting more and more interesting. We are fooling you around and you don't even know it yet."

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, "Remember to keep in touch with the second team. If there is any new news, tell me as soon as possible."


The two drank until about 11 o'clock in the evening, and then left separately.

The next morning, Lin Yi got up early and prepared to go to the problematic car show together.



Lin Yi, who was washing up, heard a rapid knock on the door.

After rinsing his mouth, he went to open the door. Standing outside the door was Zhao Yuhan.

"Brother Lin, Zhao Feng and the others' cars are blocked and they can't drive out."

"Huh? What do you mean by being blocked?"

"Isn't their car parked in front of the hotel, ready to be driven to the car show in question to be exposed? When they went to drive in the morning, they found several cars parked around them, and they didn't leave any contact information. Now their car can't be driven out."

"Such a thing still exists. Let me go out and take a look."

After changing their clothes, the two went downstairs.

Yue Sijing, Zhao Feng and others were standing at the door of the hotel. They saw three cars, two large SUVs parked in front of them, and two cars parked tightly on both sides of them. Behind them was the wall of the hotel, leaving Zhao Feng and the three of them behind. The cars were tightly surrounded inside, and it was definitely impossible to drive out.

"Director, I think someone did this on purpose." Yang Wantong said.

"Normal people would not park like this. It must be someone from the 4S store who wants to block their car in this way so that it cannot be exposed at the auto show."

Everyone nodded and thought so.

"These people are so disgusting, they can even use such tricks." Liu Yishun said.

"You are so dirty, even if you call them 4 sons, the store is flattering them."

"Don't rush to curse. If they dare to do this, they must be watching from around. The angrier we are, the happier they will be."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi looked at Hou Zhitao and said, "Record all of this and send it out exactly as it is when you get back."

"Didn't you leave any contact information?"

Yang Wantong shook her head, "We have all looked at it, but there is no contact information."

"It's really a toad that crawls on your feet, but doesn't bite people."

"If it doesn't work, you three, come with me. Leave the car here. We can't let them succeed." Yue Sijing said.

"The effect will be much worse if the person leaves the car but not the car," Lin Yi said.

"Now the car is blocked and can't move. Do you want to call the police to solve the problem?"

"Wrong! There's no point in calling the police when something like this happens."

Everyone looked at Lin Yi. If he dared to say this, he obviously had a solution.

"Do you have any idea?" Yue Sijing asked.


Lin Yi looked at his watch, "It's still early. Everyone probably hasn't had breakfast yet. Let's go eat first. I'll find someone to solve this problem."


Everyone returned to the hotel, and Lin Yi called Xiao Bing.

This is her territory, just come to him if you need anything.

At this time, four men were sitting in a white SUV not far away.

"Did you see their expressions just now? It really amused me to death. I thought we would be afraid of reporters. Haha, I have a hundred ways to deal with them."

The speaker was sitting in the driver's seat. He was wearing a white shirt and was slightly fat. He held a cigarette and flicked the ashes out of the car window while talking.

The man's name is Gao Qizhi, and he is the after-sales manager of the 4S store.

He was the one who called Zhao Feng before.

After Zhao Feng rejected him, he came up with this idea, blocking these people's cars at the entrance of the hotel so that they would not be able to drive to the car show in question.

Not to mention how happy I am to see everyone angry.

"Brother Gao, are we just waiting here? Do we need to go to the car show?"

"There are people watching over there at the auto show. We don't have to rush there. Let's take a look at the situation here first."

Throwing the cigarette butt out, Gao Qizhi said slowly:

"It won't be long before they call me, otherwise the car will have to be stuck here. Anyway, we have a lot of cars, and I have time to spend with them."

"Haha, it feels so good to think about it. I actually dared to drive the car here. Today, they will lose everything and make the trip in vain."

"That's what I meant."

A few people chatted and chatted, and it passed quickly, more than half an hour.

Gao Qizhi stretched and looked at his phone. No one contacted him.

"These people are quite stubborn and haven't called me yet." Gao Qizhi said:

"Then let's just keep blocking. The time is almost up. Let's go to the auto show and have a look. There are still many problems that need to be solved."

After some activity, Gao Qizhi was ready to drive away.

At this moment, they saw six vans drive in from outside and parked next to several cars.

The car door opened and the people in the van filed out.

With iron rods and baseball bats in his hands, he started hitting the four SUVs without saying a word.

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