I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 3980: Confusing the real with the fake

After leaving the administrative building of the Zhongwei Brigade, a group of people were waiting for him in the car outside.

After seeing Lin Yi come out, the group went to the airport.

More than two hours later, the plane landed at the airport. Qiu Yuluo sent someone to pick him up. The group got into two SUVs parked outside and went to a hotel called Pear Water to meet up with the second group.

"Does the Cui family make any new moves?"

No one wasted any time. After the two groups met, they began to discuss the follow-up plan.

"They should have reached an agreement. This morning, members of the Nuhai Organization appeared collectively at Jinshan Group, probably preparing to exchange photocopied parchments for Cui Shengguo."

"Where are they now? Do you know when to start?"

"We don't know yet, but I guess it will probably be tonight."

"It seems I came at just the right time."

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed. He had to get into the state quickly and couldn't waste any more time.

Taking out his mobile phone, Lin Yi dialed Song Zhongtian's number and turned on the public broadcast so that others could hear the content on the phone.

"My friend, long time no see." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Why are you still calling me? I have already completed the task for you. We have nothing to do with you. Please don't contact me again."

"No, no, no, I am contacting you this time not to ask you for help, but to thank you, or in other words, I intend to save your life."

"What do you mean, you saved my life?" Song Zhongtian didn't know why.

"Cui Shengguo was kidnapped. I guess Cui Xiaodong will send you to rescue him, right."

"How did you know this information!"

"You don't need to know this, but I guess your plan is not to rescue the hostages, but to exchange photocopies of the parchments."

Song Zhongtian was silent, because that was the plan.

"If you don't say anything, it means you are acquiescing, but I guess Cui Xiaodong means that he will not let you hand over the photocopy of the parchment unless it is absolutely necessary."


Lin Yi smiled and changed the topic.

"I think you can guess who kidnapped Cui Shengguo."

"I know, they're Anglo."

"You are also working on the island. You know what level Anglo is. If you don't hand over what they want, do you think you can escape unscathed?"

"What do you want to do? Just say it."

"If you want to escape unscathed, you must hand over the photocopy of the parchment, but Cui Xiaodong will not allow you to do this, so it is difficult for you to do it now."

Song Zhongtian was silent, because that was the fact.

"I now have a way for you to keep the photocopy of the parchment scroll and at the same time rescue Cui Shengguo. Are you interested in cooperating with me?" Lin Yi said.

"you sure?"

"We have cooperated once before. Do you think I will lie to you? I have no credibility at all. How can I come out and fool around?"

Lin Yi's tone was very relaxed and he had already taken the initiative. Song Zhongtian had no choice.

"any solution."

"Find a place and let's meet."

"Okay, I'll send you the address now, so don't waste your time."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi quickly received a message from Song Zhongtian.

"You guys stay here for now, I'll go out for a while."

While talking, Lin Yi also picked up the three-point fake parchment roll and prepared to go out.

At this moment, Yu Siying, Xiao Bing and Luo Qi all stood up and stared at Lin Yi with resentful eyes.

This confused the people in the second group.

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