He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(94)

One egg thief carried another on his back, twisting and turning, and ran away. Behind him, he could only hear the sad, angry and sad cries of chickens, lingering in the forest. Yunchi finally understood why Sakya secretly took out the eggs. The crowing of those chickens was louder than the five hundred ducks put together, and it could really make people die.

"Alas." Yunchi looked at the eight eggs in his hand and sighed.

"Alas." Saga looked at Yunchi looking at the egg in his hand and sighed.

Yunchi poured the eggs into his pocket and asked, "Besides sea urchins, what else is delicious on the island?"

Sakya thought for a while and said with certainty: "Shells, there are still shells on the seabed, we just need to dive longer."

Yunchi's eyes lit up and he decided resolutely: "Then shells! Whether it's scallops or oysters and clams, just eat from the sea. What you have is nothing!"

They returned to the strange house, Yunchi stored the eggs, dug out some golden fishing nets from the jar earlier, and followed Sakya to the beach.

Taking Yunchi with him, the white sea otter swam to a slightly distant sea area, found a reef surrounded by ice floes, and placed the boy on it.

"You stay here, don't run around." Saga warned worriedly, "If anything happens, just call my name loudly, I will hear you."

Yunchi handed him a fishing net: "Yes, I understand."

After giving instructions, Sakya Fu patrolled around a few times uneasily, dived into the sea, and found a big fish with sea monster blood not far away looking over here, looking a bit ready to move. He looked like a fish, so he caught it and gave it a good beating until the fish shed tears before letting it go.

After shocking the surroundings and making all preparations, Sakya grabbed the fishing net and swam all the way to the seabed more than ten meters away. Seeing his arrival, the fish retreated in an uproar and hid in the gaps between the rocks and the shade of seaweed. The shrimps and crabs were so frightened that they hid in the sand. The sea beasts of all sizes fled in a rush. The sea was as quiet as death for an instant, as if they had entered the sea by mistake. A lifeless cemetery.

Sakya didn't care about this. He dragged the fluttering fishing net and picked out the big shellfish to dig. If they are small, let them continue to grow, don’t do it; if they are flat and shriveled, don’t do it; if they don’t taste very good during the egg-laying period, don’t do it either…

After picking and picking, he harvested a lot with jingling bells. Saga quickly floated up in a hurry. Although the cub never called his name, he was still worried.

Yunchi waited for a while and heard constant sounds under the water. After a while, Sakya's head broke through the ice floe and the sea surface, carrying a half-net of shellfish, and greeted Yunchi happily.

"There are so many!" Yunchi helped drag the fishing net to the reef, took out a piece, and looked at it carefully, "Oyster... isn't this an oyster?"

The rough triangular shell, the wavy concentric scales, the yellow, white and dark green lines... isn't this the oyster with the nickname "oyster"? Although compared to oysters on Earth, the oysters here are larger, the shells are thicker, and there are many sharp bone spurs on the edges, which look like some kind of torture instrument.

"It's all food anyway, you can call it whatever you want." Saga rubbed his forehead, "You can eat this too, but it tastes like sea water."

"Wait, I'll cook it for you!" Yunchi rolled up his sleeves excitedly, jumped on Sakya's back, and the two of them returned with the wind blowing.

"How do you usually eat? Just pry it open and eat it?" After returning home, Yunchi asked Saga to carefully control the water to prevent it from dripping onto the smooth wooden floor, and finally dragged the big bag of oysters into the kitchen.

Sakya answered honestly: "Break it into pieces and eat it. A long time ago, I often saw some humans near the sea using it as a precious food, and the juicy ones are the best. But when eating them, they usually Add a lot of verjuice to temper it, because they can't stand the salty taste of sea water."

Sour juice, isn't it the same as lemon juice? It seems that this acid-base balance way of eating is really common in ancient and modern times...

Yunchi made a face, expressing his discomfort with this way of eating.

“Actually, there’s no need to drip acid juice at all,” he said. “That’s not the way to treat oysters.”

He took out a few round pine branches with the bark peeled off to reveal an off-white color. He poured half of the snow water into the soup pot, and then arranged the pine branches into a grid so that they were not close to the water. He also placed an empty clay pot and picked it up. Bring a big oyster and give it to Sakya to open.

Sakya took it and effortlessly opened the tightly closed shell as if the two petals were cast together. The bone spurs were shattered all over the floor, and the junction of the shells also made a crisp cracking sound. Yunchi hurriedly reached out and held up the opened oyster. He saw that the oyster meat inside was white, plump, shiny, and snow-colored. In the shell, there is a pool of clear juice filled with floating debris.

The most praised thing about oysters, besides their tender meat as shellfish, is their delicious juice. Many people eat oysters, perhaps because of the influence of literary works, or film and television dramas. They are always reluctant to part with the round of clear soup contained in the oysters when they are just opened, thinking that this is the essence of the oysters. Yunchi has seen many people go out to catch the sea, often carrying two fresh lemons in their pockets, just to eat the oysters immediately, and to squeeze out some lemon juice at any time to balance the salty taste of the "clear soup" .

Although Yunchi's family has considerable assets, he has always believed that this way of eating is authentic. However, after tasting salt water a few times, he has become a little insensitive to fresh oysters, and prefers garlic barbecue. It wasn't until one time when he followed the expedition along the coast and met an old fisherman who cooked freshly caught oysters for them that Yunchi learned the correct handling techniques.

Moving the empty clay pot, Yunchi pressed the oyster meat with a spoon, and immediately emptied the liquid in the shell without mercy, filtering it cleanly without leaving a drop. After shaking it vigorously several times to make sure nothing could be poured out, he quickly flattened the oyster shell and removed the spoon.

"Look." Yunchi greeted Sakya.

As if by magic, within a few seconds, the oyster meat gradually rebounded, and the fresh and clear juice slowly reunited from under the dry shell, soaking the inside abundantly.

The sea otter held his hairy cheeks and stared at this scene in surprise until Yunchi took the spoon again, scooped up the soup that overflowed for the second time, and brought it to his mouth, "Try it?"

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