Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 186: Delicious snails? Xiaohei: It doesn’t taste good, so I won’t eat it!

Chapter 186 Delicious snails? Xiaohei: It doesn’t taste good, so I won’t eat it!

Jiang Feng’s performance exceeded everyone’s expectations.

 A passionate violin piece that left people shocked and speechless.

This pull is also very good.

The singing voice is very rhythmic and full of explosive power.

The passers-by watching were all intoxicated, their bodies swaying involuntarily.

 It was as if Qin Nu had unleashed her ultimate move.

 After a while, the music stopped.

Jiang Feng put down the violin.

 People were quiet for a few seconds.

 Then everyone immediately cheered.

 Everyone cheered.

 Everyone is smiling.

 The day's stall setting is over, and the excitement on the Internet has just begun.

Who would have thought that a cook would not read the recipe but the music score!

Jiang Feng was calm.

 Everyone was shouting.

 When "Nocturne" ended, Jiang Feng began to close the stall and left regardless.

 “Let’s play one more!”

 It’s a great pleasure to listen to it.

The singing voice is melodious and the sound is very penetrating.

 “There are too many people coming, which is beyond my expectation.”

 “Everyone still likes to join in the fun.”

"another one!"

"thank you boss."

“Before my Sichuan restaurant opens, I will still set up a stall. If you stay with me then, the wages will not be less.”

Everyone held up their mobile phones to take pictures of this precious scene.

Jiang Feng waved his hand.

 This matter is difficult to explain.


 The scene was extremely lively.

 An aunt posted Jiang Feng’s video in the group.

 Many people took pictures of Jiang Feng playing the violin.

At this time, Jiang Feng said to Sun Zhuangfei again:

“Tomorrow is the last day to set up the stall, and the last day of hard work.”

 “Thank you everyone, the stall setting is over today and I’m leaving.”

“Look, is this Chef Jiang? He’s performing on the streets of Chengdu right now!”

Although it was not a hot search topic, this video quickly became widely circulated among Jiangfeng’s diners.

However, seeing how enthusiastic everyone was, he picked up the violin again and played a complete version of "Nocturne".

Jiang Feng only received the reward of this instrument, so it felt good to play it once.

Sun Zhuangfei followed to help.

                      #红山园 resident群#

As the first place where Jiang Feng set up a stall, the residents in the group would chat a little from time to time.

 He said with some admiration.

 “Oh my God, Boss Jiang, you still have such a skill!”

 “Everyone looks stupid to me!”

Jiang Feng took Sun Zhuang and flew back.

“Boss Jiang, here’s another one, we haven’t finished the steak yet!”

 The rhythm this time is much more relaxed.

 “I practiced for a while before.”

Sun Zhuangfei nodded: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely do a good job."

 “Niubi! Niubi!”

Jiang Feng could only reply calmly.

“Boss, you can also play the violin, you are so professional!”

Auntie’s information often adds fuel to the fire.

 Other residents immediately responded:

“Chef Jiang is a hot search in Chengdu. He sells steaks at a stall there, which is very popular. He also provides violin playing services!”

 “This technical level is quite impressive!”

 “Still a talented person!”

“I haven’t seen him for a long time. Next time I go to the city, I will look for him specifically!”

 “It plays very well and sounds great!”

The diners group was abuzz with chatter.

 At Jiang Yuetai Shandong Cuisine Restaurant, the chefs in the back kitchen are also chatting.

“Our boss knows everything, and he can also play the violin!”

 “How about I am the boss!”

 “I feel like I’m doing a good job.”

 “Our boss is really a genius!”

Jiang Feng’s video became a hit.

 At this moment, Jiang Feng is preparing dinner at home.

 What he prepared for Xiao Hei was "French style snails"

 After all, I have mastered the making method, so I have to give it a try. It just so happened that the snails I ordered today also arrived.

Xiao Hei was waiting quietly beside him.

It knew that Jiang Feng was preparing dinner and was waiting to eat it.

The method of processing snails is not complicated. First soak them in cold water, then take out the snail meat, stir-fry the onion, **** and garlic, then add the beef bone soup and simmer for an hour. Finally, stuff the snail meat and seasonings into the snail shell, seal it with butter, and put it in the oven. .

It’s done.

 It requires patience and care.

Jiang Feng made eight large snails at one time, sometimes busy in front of the stove, sometimes teasing Xiao Hei, and sometimes watching short videos.

He saw a video of himself playing the violin. The moment he saw it, his finger quickly moved up and scrolled up the video.

 There was no pause, as if he had made some kind of determination.

 This matter is over in his eyes.

Jiang Feng just plans to be a chef safely and cook different types of delicacies.

The more I get in touch with food, the more I find that food culture is vast and profound, and it’s impossible to finish learning.

  As for the music thing, let him go.

 While I was busy, the French baked snails were soon ready.

Jiang Feng picked up a big snail and took out the snail meat with a fork.     A large piece of snail meat is as big as the mouth of a pulsating bottle.

 Jiangfeng’s food is garlic-flavored and full of garlic flavor.

 He put the snail meat in his mouth and savored it.

 The taste of snail meat is similar to that of snail meat.

 It has a grainy texture, is very hard, and feels elastic when chewed.

 Because it has been stewed in beef bone soup, and added with garlic sauce and roasted in the oven.

 So the snail meat has long been full of flavor.

 You can taste the aroma of various condiments when chewing.

feel good.

Xiao Hei looked at Jiang Feng with longing eyes.

Jiang Feng noticed its pitiful little eyes, took out a snail, picked it up with a fork, and fed it to it.

If the diners of Jiangfeng saw this, they would probably go crazy.

 You actually feed a big snail to a dog?

 Actually feeding the dog?

But this scene will naturally not be seen by diners.

 The dogs raised by chefs are certainly well treated.

Xiao Hei ate the snail excitedly.

But as soon as he took it into his mouth, he noticed something was wrong.

  Why is this piece of meat so hard?

And the minced garlic tastes very pungent.

Xiao Hei closed his mouth tightly and raised his eyes to glance at Jiang Feng.

Finding that Jiang Feng wasn't looking at it, he twisted the corner of his mouth and spat out the snail meat.

 “Let me go, are you so naughty that you won’t even eat a big snail?”

Jiang Feng noticed this scene and said something about it.

Xiao Hei immediately lowered his head and rubbed Jiang Feng's trouser legs.

 “Okay, I’ll give you some canned food later.”

Jiang Feng used a broom and dustpan to sweep the snail meat into the trash can. This piece of snail meat could only be wasted.

Who would have thought that Xiao Hei wouldn’t eat it?

Jiang Feng himself felt quite comfortable eating.

 Snail meat does not fit well with Chinese people’s eating style.

The reason is simple. In France, people pay attention to savoring when eating. They believe that food should be savored slowly in a quiet and comfortable environment.

 So even if they use a small amount of meat, they can enjoy it.

 In China, people pay attention to eating big fish and meat to enjoy themselves.

And there are countless kinds of exquisite meats.

 Snail meat? There is nothing edible about that stuff, the quantity is small and it is troublesome to make.

 At most, you can order snails when eating barbecue, and it can also be paired with wine.

Jiang Feng just wants to eat something fresh.

 After his cooking, the snail meat tastes very good.

 Chew it with big mouthfuls, it has a unique taste.

 In terms of the original taste of snails, it is actually similar to snail meat.

 But it is bigger and the feeling in the mouth is completely different.

 “Well, it’s okay.”

Jiang Feng ate snails and steamed white steamed buns.

 He likes to eat hand-kneaded buns that he steams.

 The steamed buns are very chewy.

 It feels very solid when chewed.

And he added milk when kneading the dough, so the steamed buns are sweeter.

Jiangfeng is also good at steaming steamed buns. He had steamed them before when he was selling buns in the mountains.

 The story of his steamed buns is still circulated in the temple.

 After eating the snails and steamed buns and drinking a bottle of juice, Jiang Feng went to feed Xiao Hei again.

Jiang Feng prepared canned meat and milk for it, and Xiao Hei ate it happily.

 Life is very leisurely.

 Tomorrow is the last day to set up a stall selling steak.

 There is no need to rush.

 In the morning, marinate the beef and chicken legs you bought, and then go to the food court in the afternoon.

 The food street is extremely lively these days.

 Many people came after hearing the news.

 The number of people on the last day was even more exaggerated, as if there was a concert.

I heard that people started queuing up in the morning, and there were also a few takeaway guys lining up for others.

 It is enough to show people’s enthusiasm.

 At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the food truck drove in from outside and was surrounded by people.

 Not long after, the oil on the frying plate heated up and made a "sizzling" sound.

 A beautiful day has begun again.

 “Boss Jiang, we are here again!”

 “Do more today!”

 “Are you leaving tomorrow?”

 “Let me give you a preview of where I will set up a stall next time!”

 The guests greeted each other one after another.

Jiang Feng thought to himself that it is impossible to predict something.

This scene is too exaggerated, it would be better to keep it low-key.

 Before, only diners were queuing up, but now all kinds of people come to join in the fun.

The scene will inevitably get out of control.

 So it is better to set up the stall quietly.

 Mainly because the stunt this time was too big.

Roadside steak, a guy in a suit, and he also plays the violin.

Whoever heard this couldn’t come over and have a look.

 What kind of combination is it that can lead to such a novel way of setting up a stall?

Strange things are not uncommon, but if they have reached the level of curiosity, then there must be something.

 Fortunately, this week’s stall setting is finally coming to an end.

  It can be considered that I can have some leisure time.

 (End of this chapter)

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