Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 169: It’s not an exaggeration to call him the God of Cooking!

Chapter 169 It’s not an exaggeration to call him the God of Cooking!

 At noon, the number of customers in the Sichuan restaurant began to increase.

Jiang Feng also speeded up the cooking process.

  Sometimes several orders are placed together and they can be cooked in one pot.

 After all, those are the dishes most ordered.

 Fish-flavored shredded pork, Kung Pao chicken, Mapo tofu, couple's lung slices, twice-cooked pork, spicy chicken

Jiangfeng can handle these things completely.

Shen Hai is responsible for preparing cold dishes and serving drinks.

There is also an apprentice who is responsible for simple washing and cleaning.

 The restaurant is not big and can be easily accommodated by just a few people.

The most important thing among them is Jiang Feng. Shen Hai's salary is 800 a day, and there is also commission based on the turnover.

Jiang Feng doesn’t care about this, but of course the more money he makes, the better.

 Shen Hai replied politely.

 The restaurant was filled up quickly.

“There are so many Sichuan restaurants here, but it’s rare to see one that is so authentic!”

 There was a table of regular customers of the restaurant who knew both Shen Hai and Zhu Hong.

 “This craft is amazing!”

“Boss, have you changed the chef? It tastes great!”

These chickens have been marinated early and are just waiting to be cooked and served.

 “I don’t know about that either, as long as the guests find it delicious.”

 Then, add Sichuan peppercorns and Sichuan peppercorns to the pot, and then pour in a large pot of chopped dried chili peppers, then stir-fry until fragrant and crispy.

Jiang Feng has always been a conscientious person and cooks plenty of meat.

 The atmosphere is very lively.

 Seeing Shen Hai coming out, a regular customer couldn't wait to ask:

Jiang Feng’s delicious food seems to have a unique magic power that makes people unconsciously happy.

 At this time, another spicy chicken order was delivered to the kitchen.

 Spicy chicken is also a well-known Sichuan dish. The chicken is **** the outside but soft in taste, so it is very popular among people.

It’s just that many Sichuan restaurants can’t make this dish well.

 After frying, take it out, put it on a plate, heat the oil, and fry it a second time.

 Making spicy chicken is also easy.

Regular customers were amazed, "This chef's cooking skills are so good. Is he the kind of chef with a chef level? That's hard to find!"

 After the delicious food was served, the guests were all attracted by the delicious food.

I can’t say what’s different, but I can feel that the guests are in a high mood and everyone is smiling.

 The second frying is to remove the moisture from the skin of the chicken and achieve a dry and fragrant texture.

 Heat the oil in a pan.

 The feeling of spicy chicken is that the skin is dry and hard, and there is no moisture in the whole.

 When they picked up the chopsticks and tasted the food, their eyes lit up.

Hearing the words of a regular customer, Shen Hai smiled and responded:

Jiang Feng immediately started busy.

 At the oil temperature, the chicken is quickly fried until golden brown.

 The spicy chicken is made entirely of chili peppers, and customers always look for the chicken in the chili peppers.

This restaurant looks ordinary, but how come the Sichuan cuisine is so delicious?

I go? It’s a bit delicious!

 Something is wrong, very wrong.

Shen Hai found that the atmosphere in the restaurant was a little different from before.

Shen Hai couldn't say that this person was Jiang Feng. After all, he agreed to cross Jiang Feng.

 After frying, filter out all the oil and leave the fried chicken pieces in the colander.

 Cut the chicken into pieces, add various seasonings and flour, spread evenly with your hands, and marinate for more than five hours.

 When the temperature of the oil rises, put the cut chicken leg pieces into the oil pan bit by bit and fry.

Jiang Feng did this very well.

 The fish-flavored shredded pork sauce is rich, the kung pao chicken is tender and fragrant, the mapo tofu is spicy and delicious, and the couple's lung slices have a long aftertaste.

 As soon as the chicken is in the pot, bubbles will appear immediately.

“I specially invited him at a high price, but he only works for a while, so it’s not easy for me to hire him for a few days.”

Jiang Feng waved the spoon.

 The pot is full of red dried chili peppers, as well as yellow peppercorns and peppercorns.

This pot of brightly colored chili is very attractive to people who love spicy food. For people who can't eat spicy food, just looking at it will make them faint.

Chili must be stir-fried constantly.

Soon, the smell of roasted chili seeds came out.

The peppers also turn deep red and become crispy.

At this time, Jiang Feng poured all the chicken pieces in, sprinkled a handful of sesame seeds, chopped green onions, salt and MSG, and started to stir-fry.

Jiang Feng held the handle of the iron pot in one hand and a large spoon in the other hand, and began to skillfully stir-fry the pot.

With the shaking, the chili peppers and chicken pieces in the pot jumped up and fell down.

 The seasonings are all melted and quickly combined with the chicken pieces at high temperature.

 Every part is full of flavor of condiments.

 When the frying was almost done, Jiang Feng turned off the heat and put the spicy chicken on a plate.

The spicy chicken on the plate has a dark sauce with some sesame seeds attached to the surface. The chili peppers are also deep red and have been fried dry and hard.

 There is also a little chopped green onion for garnish.

This spicy chicken dish is complete.

 When you are a cook in a restaurant, you don’t just cook one plate at a time, you have to prepare more.

 The spicy chicken stir-fried by Jiang Feng is enough for three plates.

I happen to have several orders for spicy chicken, and they can all be satisfied.

 Soon, the spicy chicken was brought to the guest’s table.

The person who ordered the spicy chicken was the regular customer who was chatting with Shen Hai just now.

 After he tasted Jiang Feng’s Sichuan cuisine, he was completely attracted to it.

So I ordered my favorite spicy chicken.

 As soon as the chicken is served, a dry and fragrant smell hits your face.    This delicacy has no exquisite presentation, it is just chicken and chili mixed together.

 Chicken is relatively large in size and is particularly noticeable in chili peppers, so you don’t need to look for it.

Regular customers couldn’t wait and immediately picked up a piece of chicken and put it in their mouths.

 After entering the mouth of the chicken, you can feel that the skin is hard and even a little bit irritating.

 It is spicy with a bit of numbness, and salty with a bit of fragrant flavor, but it emanates from the spicy chicken.

Feeling great.

 He chewed the spicy chicken gently.

 There is no moisture in chicken, it is just pure meat.

 When chewing, the texture of the chicken continues to split, and the aroma in your mouth becomes more and more intense.

 The taste is so good!

 The spicy chicken is dry and hard that other dishes do not have.

 The taste is even more unique.

The dried chili peppers used by Jiangfeng are authentic Dahongpao. In such a large pot of chili peppers, stir-fried with Sichuan peppercorns and Sichuan peppercorns, the flavor will naturally be strong.

 It tastes like a hit to your taste buds.

 “Absolutely amazing! Absolutely amazing!”

 “Let’s go, boss, the chef you hired is really good!”

 “This spicy chicken is so delicious!”

 The eyes of regular customers lit up.

 I have never tasted such delicious spicy chicken!

This texture and taste are perfect!

 Spicy chicken is also common, but it’s not easy to make delicious.

 Being able to do it to this extent shows that the chef in the store is a first-class master!

Other guests thought so.

 What happened next was the same as before.

 Guests began to recommend it to their relatives, friends, and colleagues.

 The reputation of the restaurant began to spread to the outside world.

 Jiang Feng is used to this kind of situation.

 As long as the food is delicious enough, there will be no shortage of customers.

Although there are restaurants everywhere nowadays, there are not many restaurants that are so delicious that people praise them.

What's more, Jiang Feng's cooking skills are not ordinary.

 Enough for guests to remember.

“I have to come over in the afternoon and take my wife with me.”

“It’s such a delicious thing, I have to bring her here to try it.”

This regular customer is still a wife-loving person.

However, he still had to say a few words, "The wild boars also have to eat the fine chaff."

These words were deliberately said in front of outsiders to show off one's masculinity.

If his wife were here, he would not dare to say a word.

Boss Shen Hai replied with a smile:

"Welcome, we get off work at nine o'clock, you can come before then."

 The regular customer nodded, "No problem."

As he spoke, he continued to eat the spicy chicken.

 The chicken nuggets are very chewy and chewy.

 It doesn’t taste like eating vegetables, but more like eating snacks.

 It feels quite good to eat such a dish on the dining table.

Shen Hai looked at the situation in the restaurant with a smile on his face.

The chef's affairs in the past two days have made him very worried. Who knows that things will take a turn for the worse and he will suddenly feel better.

However, Jiang Feng said he would only be here for seven days, so he still had to find time to find a Sichuan chef.

 After all, he still has to rely on himself later.

 Shen Hai admired Jiang Feng more and more.

 The chef is a chef, and his skills are really extraordinary.

For the first time, Shen Hai felt that the word "delicious" was concrete.

 When I saw Jiang Feng, I couldn’t help but think of these two words.

 It can only be said that Jiang Feng is not only good at cooking, but also has a strong personal charm.

 The most difficult dish to prepare is probably home cooking.

 Because people eat it often, they have a basic expectation of home-cooked food.

For example, shredded potatoes and braised pork, everyone eats them a lot and naturally develops the ability to taste them. Once you arrive at the restaurant and eat the shredded potatoes, you can give a fair evaluation.

 The same goes for spicy chicken here.

 The guests did not have high expectations for the spicy chicken, but after actually eating the spicy chicken, their feelings changed.

 The expectations were completely shattered, and they only thought that this spicy chicken was the most delicious spicy chicken they had ever tasted.

 At least among the restaurants in the surrounding area, no one can achieve this level.

Perhaps only chefs from top restaurants can do it.

 The business of Laoweiwei Sichuan Restaurant is starting to improve.

The first wave of customers is not that many, after all, the name has not been passed on yet.

 At six o'clock in the afternoon, hungry people came out to look for food again.

 The business of Sichuan restaurants is stronger than at noon.

On the one hand, the lunch guests thought it was delicious, so they brought their relatives and friends here to try it.

 On the other hand, there is a constant stream of new customers.

 Every caterer believes in Feng Shui, and this kind of thing seems to be related to Feng Shui.

From the outside, it seems that this Sichuan restaurant has not changed much, but customers are attracted to it.

 Shen Hai is a person who believes in Feng Shui very much, and he believes in everything.

 He worships the God of Wealth, Kitchen God, Guan Erye, Shenlong, and even pandas.

But it’s not that easy to invite these gods, and the business of Sichuan restaurants is not good.

Now that the river breeze is coming, the feng shui seems to have changed, and everything is starting to get better.

  Shen Hai felt that he had really invited a "living god".

It's not an exaggeration to call him "God of Cooking" secretly.

 (End of this chapter)

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