Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 141: Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, hot business!

Chapter 141 Roast sea cucumber with green onions, a booming business!

The dish Braised Sea Cucumber with Green Onion is considered to be the best dish at a state banquet.

 Sea cucumbers are inherently expensive and have high nutritional value.

 Otherwise, the national football team would not eat it every day.

 It’s a pity that the good ingredients are missing, so it has become a name for everyone to ridicule the national football team.

 But the taste of this dish is undeniable.

Similarly, braised sea cucumber with green onions is a great test of the chef’s skill.

 Speaking of the preparation of sea cucumbers before production, it is a very troublesome matter.

 This step is not difficult. The difficult part is understanding the status of sea cucumbers.

 So, it is difficult for ordinary people to make this dish well.

The sea cucumber roasted with green onions is placed on the glass turntable, and people's eyes are immediately locked on it.

 Jiang Feng has been coaching the two chefs in charge of the "standing board" of the restaurant these days, teaching them how to prepare sea cucumbers.

As orders came in front of him, Jiang Feng could only speed up the production.

 Yipin tofu can only be made after a while.

 “Please have a taste.”

 The third step is still the same, boil it, wait for the temperature to cool down, and put it in the storage room of the refrigerator to soak for 48 hours.

 Then cut it from beginning to end and remove the sand spit inside.

 He stir-fries a lot in one pot and can make several plates at a time.

 Because he hasn’t found a good merchant who can directly make sea cucumbers, this time he made it himself.

The waiter introduced:

“Boss Jiang must come from a family with authentic Shandong cuisine, and the Shandong cuisine he cooks is truly incredible.”

After her words fell, Zhang Dashan immediately greeted happily:

 “Come on, let’s try it all, I’m here for this dish!”

 It’s really impossible to handle this kind of food without some experience.

Jiang Feng doesn’t need to worry.

 Fortunately, Jiang Feng had obtained relevant recipes and handled sea cucumbers very well.

The roasted sea cucumber with green onions that everyone has been craving for is finally on the table.

 He spent more than 100,000 just on preparing sea cucumbers this time.

 After this step, the sea cucumber will become bouncy and can still shake in your hand.

 Once done, just pour the sea cucumber into a plate, surround it with some broccoli, boiled green onions and other decorations, and serve it.

 Completely cook the sea cucumber, then add starch to thicken it.

 “Mr. Li, please.”

 During the hair-making process, the hair-making state of each sea cucumber is different.

The flavor of green onions becomes more intense and the soup becomes brighter in color.

 Zhang Dashan asked Mr. Li, who was in charge, to eat first.

 Add scallion oil, sugar, soy sauce, red wine and a bowl of rich stock to make scallion oil juice.

 The kitchen is really busy.

Also seal the scallion oil and fried spices with plastic wrap and steam them in a pot.

 The private room on the second floor of Jiangyue Platform [Guyu Hall].

While all the ingredients were available, he continued making sea cucumbers with green onions.

 Jiang Feng is methodical.

 In the future, I might just buy ready-made sea cucumbers, which are easy to make.

 The first step is to soak the sea cucumber in water for 24 hours. The sea cucumber will become a little hard.

 The second step is to boil purified water, put the sea cucumber in and cook it again, wait for the temperature to cool down, and soak it in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

 This dish is very troublesome to make.

“This dish is sea cucumber roasted with green onion, made by our boss Jiang himself.”

 Jiang Feng's thickening and juice collection are particularly good. There is no oil around, but the sea cucumber is extraordinarily bright.

 Placing the dishes is a matter of responsibility.

 The amount of dishes on a large table is larger than that on a small table, especially in private rooms.

 Wait until the last step and braise the sea cucumber.

 Next, Jiangfeng fried onions, fried star anise and cinnamon, fried **** slices, fried scallion leaves and bay leaves, and boiled scallion oil.

 Until the sea cucumber is surrounded by thick soup, add a spoonful of scallion oil at the end.

Add scallion oil juice to the pot, and put the cooked sea cucumber in the pot. As it cooks over medium heat, the scallion oil in the pot will become less and less, and the sea cucumber will become bigger and bigger.

Mr. Li picked up a sea cucumber.

The sea cucumber is wrapped in a thick sauce and the whole dish is full of bright colors.

 When clamped, the sea cucumber was still bouncing up and down.

 Sea cucumber is a good thing and an authentic supplement.

 Before eating it, you can smell the strong aroma of green onions.

This taste has a light meaty aroma, and it is not greasy at all, which stimulates people's appetite.

Mr. Li took a bite of the sea cucumber and swallowed it.

 The first feeling is that it is soft and waxy.

The sea cucumber is particularly soft and slippery, bouncing gently in your mouth.

 When you chew it, the aroma bursts out again and again.

Li has always eaten sea cucumbers, which must be eaten with the sauce.

 Because sea cucumbers are very difficult to taste, it is difficult to make the inside taste delicious.

 But this roasted sea cucumber with green onions has a rich aroma from the inside out.

 It tastes really delicious.

 “It’s very delicious, you really deserve to be a chef!”

 “This craftsmanship is beyond words.”

Mr. Li praised.

Zhang Dashan also tasted a sea cucumber. He held the sea cucumber between his hands and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Sea cucumber is a rare ingredient with a unique taste.

High nutritional value.

If it is delicious, it is a first-class delicacy.

 Zhang Dashan ate very quickly.

 He chewed a few mouthfuls and felt that the sea cucumbers that touched his tongue were fragrant.

No matter how badly he chewed it, the aroma stimulated his taste buds.


 The rich sauce mixed with saliva left a fragrant taste on his lips and teeth.      Waxy, meaty, winey aroma.

Several flavors are mixed together, and after swallowing, you will have endless aftertaste.

At such a wonderful moment, drinking a glass of wine is even more comfortable.

Mr. Li had already put his hand on the wine glass. Zhang Dashan immediately picked up the wine glass and said, "Here, let's take one!"

 Everyone raised their small glasses and drank the white wine in one gulp.


 After drinking the spicy white wine, my stomach feels more and more comfortable.

 It feels good all over.

 Zhang Xinya does not drink liquor. After eating a piece of sea cucumber, she drank a small glass of drink.

 Her face was full of satisfaction.

Sea cucumbers taste so good.

This kind of delicacy is usually hard to come by.

 The more so, the more rare it becomes.

  No matter how delicious a dish is, you will still get tired of it even if you eat it every day.

  Occasionally, if you eat unusual sea cucumbers and they are delicious, your body will instinctively feel happy.

 “It smells so good!”

“It’s rare to find sea cucumbers with such a delicious taste. I don’t know how they are made!”

 “It’s the chef after all!”

 Everyone praised it one after another.

Jiang Feng itself is a brand.

Many of the people who come here to eat come because of his reputation.

 So when I eat sea cucumbers, I always chat about Jiang Feng.

 In the lobby, diners also enjoyed their meals.

 Everyone found that not only sea cucumbers cooked with green onions, but other Shandong dishes also tasted particularly good and were very authentic.

Jiang Feng is personally responsible for “quality control”.

Every dish must be cooked personally to perfect the cooking method.

Moreover, he can control the chefs in the kitchen, and everyone in the kitchen will listen to what he says.

Hence, the taste of every dish is enhanced.

Although it is not as perfect as what Jiang Feng himself makes, as long as there are some similarities, it is much better than the Shandong cuisine in ordinary Shandong cuisine restaurants.

 In the lobby, exquisite dishes of roasted sea cucumbers with green onions were served to the dining table.

 “Try it, this is what Chef Jiang made by himself!”

 “I’m just waiting for this dish!”

 “I saw every table ordered it!”

 “That’s for sure!”

 Everyone is very excited.

 The guests picked up the sea cucumber and put it in their mouths.

 Many people eat sea cucumber for the first time and have never eaten it before.

 I didn’t know what it felt like before eating it, but after eating it, I felt it was soft and waxy and very delicious.

 The soup is also rich in flavor.

 The sea cucumber slowly melts in the mouth, and then is swallowed down the throat.

 It feels very wonderful.

 “It’s really delicious!”

 “It’s my first time to eat it, I’ll go, it tastes really good!”

“It’s only 50% off, let’s order another one!”

“The first order is 50% off, and the second order requires full payment. It seems that there are too many customers and we can’t supply the sea cucumbers!”

 “Then I want to order another one too!”

This dish is surprisingly delicious.

 The taste is more fragrant than meat, but the texture is soft and elastic.

 Everyone had a great time eating.

 The lobby is already packed.

 The hotel rooms are all full.

And there are still people who want to reserve a box for after two o'clock.

 Outside the restaurant, many people were queuing up with number plates.

 According to this trend, you will have to queue for more than an hour to get in.

But now the queues are all online, and you can check how long it will take before your number is called on your mobile phone.

 So, during this time, you can also drink milk tea, go shopping, etc.

 The restaurant’s business is surprisingly good.

 A couple came to the front desk to inquire.

“Hello, how many tables are there in front of you?”

The front desk took a look at the computer and responded kindly:

“There are 28 tables lined up in front of us. It’s estimated that it will take at least an hour and a half.”

 Hearing that the time was so long, the young couple was stunned for a moment.

 “Okay, let’s get a number.”

 The two of them decided to take the number.

Hold it first and then talk about it, otherwise you won’t be able to look at it later.

 There are many people lining up.

 Some people know this store, but they are not in a hurry to come today.

  Anyway, we can come and eat sooner or later.

 On the first day of business, business was surprisingly good.

 On the first day, people mainly came because of Jiang Feng’s reputation.

Jiangfeng is committed to creating a reputation for delicious food and is committed to building Jiangyuetai Shandong Cuisine Restaurant into a signature Shandong Cuisine restaurant.

Every Shandong cuisine is delicious.

 So, the restaurant’s business is bound to be good in the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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