Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 128: Why didn’t New Oriental teach us this?

Chapter 128 Why didn’t New Oriental teach us this?

Jiang Feng took Xiao Hei to Happy Ranch in advance to inspect.

As soon as Xiao Hei got out of the car, he ran out quickly and went to play with the border collie in the pasture.

 “Chef Jiang, you are here.”

 Zhang Dashan came to Jiang Feng and greeted him happily.

I have been waiting for him to come for so many days.

 For those who love meat, Jiang Feng is simply a walking treasure!

Jiang Feng also responded:

“Come and have a look in advance. After all, if you want to have a big banquet, you have to check out the cooking area.”

This time the cooking place is in the ranch kitchen, which is indoors and has enough stoves for the chefs to keep busy.

“Chef Jiang, what dishes are you cooking tomorrow? You must make meat dishes.”

 “It’s best to have big chunks of meat.”

“I eat a lot of cattle and sheep, preferably chicken, duck, goose, pig, etc. It’s a pleasure to eat.”

 Zhang Dashan is looking forward to it.

 “I plan to stew the elbow and make a fairy chicken dish.”

Hearing Jiang Feng’s words, Zhang Dashan wiped his saliva and asked, “Fairy Chicken?”

“Well, it’s an intangible cultural heritage food that I just recently studied.”

Jiang Feng responded calmly.

 The reason why he made the fairy chicken was because Jiang Feng had just obtained the recipe for the fairy chicken from the system two days ago.

 This is no ordinary dish.

This dish is very difficult to cook and requires extremely high cooking skills. Now it is facing the situation of being lost.

Jiang Feng planned to show off his skills.

 It’s the last day to make a big banquet, so let’s show off a little.

  After all, it is an intangible cultural heritage delicacy, and he also hopes to perform well.

“Intangible cultural heritage food? Chef Jiang, anything with the word ‘intangible cultural heritage’ on it is not ordinary!”

 Zhang Dashan became more and more shocked.

 Food and intangible cultural heritage?

Aren’t they all about elegant things like tapestry, embroidery, porcelain, and jade carving?

  Because being a chef is a down-to-earth job, it can’t be related to elegance!

 “It’s a little difficult, but it’s okay and I can do it.”

 “I will try my best to do it when the time comes.”

Jiang Feng responded again.

 There is no need to worry about his cooking skills, it is still very easy to make an intangible cultural heritage delicacy.

At this time, Liu Wu, the person in charge of the resort, heard that Jiang Feng was coming and came to Happy Ranch in a hurry.

 “Boss Jiang!”

 Liu Wu greeted happily.

“How do you think about setting up a stall in the resort? The stall fee is free.”

Seeing that Liu Wu was still thinking about this matter, Jiang Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  What a perseverance.

I haven’t seen him for more than a month, but I still want him to set up a stall here.

Jiang Feng had other things to deal with, so he naturally declined politely.

  It is early autumn, the pastures are a little dry and yellow, and there are still large areas of open space.

This place is suitable for tables and chairs.

Zhang Dashan started his network a few days ago and invited many relatives and friends, including some big bosses or large ranchers.

These people also have to eat and socialize on weekdays. If this meal is comfortable, there will be no shortage of guests in the VIP box of Jiangyuetai Restaurant in the future.

 The next day, the chefs came to the pasture early and started working step by step.

The same is true for Jiang Feng.

The first step was to prepare the elbows. What he was going to make this time were tiger skin elbows. The resulting elbows were big, soft and fragrant. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were "treasures that hold the table".

 He doesn’t need to worry too much about the elbow.

 The banquet is held at four o'clock in the afternoon. The weather is coolest at this time, so it is suitable to eat on the grass.

 The guests came early and played in the pasture.

 There are adults and there are children.

Sika deer are in the jungle deep in the pasture, watching humans carnival from a distance.

Two sika deer were so courageous that they even ran to the kitchen.

Jiang Feng was cooking when a sika deer's head poked out of the door.

 Sika Deer: What should I do if I smell it? Why does it smell so good?

Jiang Feng suddenly felt strange.

 Chef Zhang Hu was also surprised when he saw the sika deer appearing.

 “Let’s go, why are the ingredients delivered to your door by yourself!”

Hearing his words, another chef hurriedly said:

“Brother Tiger, the sika deer is a first-class protected animal, so don’t dare to touch it.”

 Zhang Hu replied easily:

“Wild sika deer is a first-class protected animal, and privately raised deer are not. There are many deer farms in the northeast, selling antler, blood, and braised meat. The meat is a bit woody and not delicious.”

Hearing this, the chefs all nodded.

 Then, Zhang Hu said:

“However, there are certain procedures for killing sika deer. This tourist ranch should only have permission to raise them, and these sika deer cannot move around.”

 Zhang Hu has a sense of discretion in what he does, and he just said it casually.

 Because the banquet is in the afternoon, it is still early.

 No one is too busy.

At this time, Jiang Feng started to get busy.

Seeing that Jiang Feng was ready, Zhang Hu immediately called out to the other chefs:

 “Stop being busy, come and learn skills.”

 “Learn from the boss’s skills.”

 “Fairy chicken, I have only seen this dish once.”

 “That’s really difficult.”

  Zhang Hu’s words aroused the interest of the chefs, and everyone gathered around.

At this time, Zhang Xinya happened to come over to find Jiang Feng. When she saw this scene, she became curious.

what's the situation?

 A gathering of elites or a meeting of chefs?

 She walked over and took out her mobile phone to record the screen.

This scene cannot be missed.

Jiang Feng saw everyone there and also saw Zhang Xinya. He said to the chefs:

“The dish I’m going to cook is called Fairy Chicken, and the cooking method is quite sophisticated.”

"This dish is an intangible cultural heritage dish. There is no need for you to learn it, but it is still appropriate to understand it." "The first step is to remove the bones from the whole chicken."

There is a whole chicken with the feathers removed on the chopping board.

At this time, Zhang Hu said:

“Boss, I remember there is a procedure for this step. Do you want to use it?”

Hearing that he knew what he was doing, Jiang Feng smiled and said, "I can do it, but I thought it was too ostentatious, so I didn't take it out."

“Well, let me give you some insights. This is what the previous chef left behind, and it must be shown.”


The two of them were talking to each other, and the chefs were stunned for a while.

What are these two people talking about?

At this moment, Jiang Feng took out a long black belt from his pocket and explained:

“The authentic fairy chicken, the first step is to remove the bones from the whole chicken. The chef is blindfolded and cannot see at all.”

  “Only rely on the most complete knowledge of chickens and use the cleanest techniques to pick out all the bones of the chicken.”

“This step tests your cooking skills. If you don’t have solid basic skills, you can’t do it.”

As he spoke, Jiang Feng wrapped a long black band around his eyes twice and then tied them up.

 Zhang Xinya held up her mobile phone, fearing that she would miss a picture.

  She had a hunch that this video would be wonderful and absolutely precious!

At this time, a child passed by the kitchen door and took a look inside.

 After just one glance, he turned back to his father and said:

“Dad, there is a chef at COS Gojo Satoru.”

His father replied: "Don't talk nonsense. If Gojo Satoru is gone, you shouldn't be allowed to watch this anime."

 At the same time, he also glanced towards the kitchen.

He also saw Jiang Feng covering his eyes with a long black belt, his body upright, and there were many chefs watching around him.

 “I’m going? What’s going on?”

 “Is this cooking or how to do it?”

The scene is very strange.

Jiang Feng has already begun to take action.

His head remained still and his vision was dark.

Jiang Feng touched the chicken with one hand and held a pair of scissors in the other hand.

 First touch the chicken leg bone to confirm the joint position, then use the scissors to cut off the chicken leg.

 Next, Jiang Feng started to remove the bones from the inside of the chicken neck.

 Chicken skin is turned out little by little.

 Use your fingers to pick out the bones from the chicken based on your understanding of the ingredients.

 Use scissors occasionally to cut the joints at the chicken wings.

 Then, continue removing the bones.

Jiang Feng’s head is always level.

 The movements of both hands are not slow at all.

 The chefs around were dumbfounded.

 What kind of skill is this?

 Why didn’t New Oriental teach us?

 Can it still be like this?

 It’s not that the school doesn’t teach it, maybe the school teachers don’t know it either.

 It’s not easy to pick bones with your eyes open, let alone blindfolded.

This scene is really wonderful.

Soon, Jiang Feng opened the chicken skin, cut the connections bit by bit, and finally pulled out the whole chicken bones from the chicken skin.

 The chicken and crispy bones remain inside.

 This is the first time chefs have seen this method of processing ingredients.

It’s really weird.

 Can we still treat chickens like this?

 Zhang Hu was also stunned.

Jiang Feng’s technique is so steady that it makes people feel scary.

After all the bones were processed, Jiang Feng took off the long band around his eyes.

 “That’s it for a whole chicken with the bones removed.”

“It’s easy to verify whether the effect is good or not.”

“Pour water into the chicken and see if there are any leaks.”

As Jiang Feng spoke, he went to the faucet and poured tap water directly from above the chicken skin.

 The exit below was blocked, and the chicken skin immediately bulged up like a water balloon.

 Look carefully, there is no water seeping out of the chicken skin.

 “Hold the grass!”

 The chefs couldn't help but marvel.

 “What a great pen!”

 Is this the fairy chicken?

Are you sure this is not a fairy?

 You are also a chef, why are you so good?

 This is the first step.

Jiang Feng said again:

“The whole chicken is boneless, and the second step is marinating.”

“Add onion, **** and spices to the chicken belly, and then soak it in the sauce I prepared.”

 “This step requires marinating for three hours.”

“Because it’s a banquet, I have to cook a few more portions, so I don’t blindfold the chicken next time. I’m pursuing efficiency.”

 Hearing his words, the chefs were amazed.

 The marinated chicken on the plate is completely boneless, which makes it easy to pickle and add flavor.

 Three hours later, every part of the inside was soaked with juice.

 It will be delicious no matter how you cook it.

Jiang Feng started to deal with other chickens. At this time, Zhang Xinya came over and said:

“Chef Jiang, you are making this magical chicken, can I film every step and edit a video?”

 “I think everyone will definitely like to watch it.”

 “Okay.” Jiang Feng agreed immediately.

This is okay, there are also videos of fairy chicken on the Internet. After all, there are many talents in the field of chefs.

 Then, Jiang Feng deboned ten more chickens, stuffed spices into their bellies, and marinated them in the sauce.

The chicken is completely marinated and tastes fragrant from the inside out.

 It’s not an exaggeration to call a fairy chicken.

 (End of this chapter)

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