Lin Shi smiled slightly.

"Then let's go."

Lin Shi walked towards the alley.

Qin Shuang hurriedly followed him like a panicked deer.

After taking Qin Shuang away from the street just now, Lin Shi first took Qin Shuang to the mall.

Qin Shuang's clothes were too shabby and looked obviously ill-fitting. In addition, because of her fall just now, half of Qin Shuang's clothes were wet and there were many stains.

Lin Shi's clothes were also rubbed a little.

He planned to take Qin Shuang to buy some decent clothes first.

Qin Shuang felt a little at a loss.

She had never been to a shopping mall, let alone bought new clothes, and she didn't even dare to step through the door of the shopping mall.

Her clothes were all those that Zhang Xiaoqun got from Qin Yueyue that were too small for her to wear.

Today, Lin Shi insisted on taking him to the mall.

Seeing the girls in the mall all dressed up, Qin Shuang lowered her head and tried her best to reduce her presence.

She was afraid that others would dislike her, that she would be laughed at, and that she would be embarrassed by Lin Shi.

However, Lin Shi did not give her a chance to escape.

Pulled people directly into the mall.

Lin Shi dragged Qin Shuang to a store selling young girls' clothes.

The salesperson at the brand store in the shopping mall is very good at reading people. Seeing that Lin Shi didn't look like someone who was short of money, he enthusiastically sold Qin Shuang several sets of new seasonal styles.

When Qin Shuang was trying on clothes, she glanced at the price on the tag and almost didn't dare to try on the clothes.

At Lin Shi's insistence, Qin Shuang also wanted to pick the cheapest one.

Unexpectedly, Lin Shi bought all the suits that he liked with a wave of his hand, and asked Qin Shuang to wear one and go.

Then Lin Shi changed his clothes.

He also took Qin Shuang to buy shoes and a bunch of supplies for girls.

He even took Qin Shuang to fix his messy hair.

After some transformation, Qin Shuang looked completely different from the one Lin Shi had just seen in the back kitchen of the restaurant.

Although she still looks timid and a little too thin, she can already see some beauty potential.

Qin Shuang has beautiful eyes and delicate facial features, but long-term malnutrition and overwork have made her look too thin, and her skin is a little yellow and haggard.

Qin Shuang went from panicking and refusing at the beginning, to nervously accepting, to following Lin Shi with a numb look on her face.

"We should have almost bought everything. Can you see what's missing?"

After solving Qin Shuang's identity document, Lin Shi would take him back to Haishi, so he didn't buy too much.

Anyway, you can go back to Haishi and buy it again.

When Qin Shuang heard Lin Shi's question, she shook her head as if she had just woken up from a dream:

"No, it's already too much."

She turned and glanced secretly at the reflection in the window glass.

A beautifully dressed and lovely girl was reflected in the window.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Qin Shuang wouldn't have known that she could still be so beautiful.

Everything today, until now, Qin Shuang feels like he is dreaming.

"Let's go then, I'll take you to find a place to stay first."

Lin Shi carried a bunch of bags and took Qin Shuang straight to the local rental agency.

Or because Qin Shuang didn't have an ID card, formal hotels would usually ask for ID card registration when going to a hotel, and informal hotels might have various invisible cameras and so on. In addition to hygiene issues, Lin Shi chose to rent an apartment directly.

He had a lot of pocket money that he had accumulated in the past, and Lin Mingzhen gave Lin Shi a lot of it, so renting an apartment was very easy.

Having money makes things easier. Lin Shi gave the real estate agent a small tip and rented an apartment with two bedrooms, one living room and two bathrooms that met his liking.

The apartment is fully furnished and well-furnished, and the decoration is very new, making it suitable for move-in directly.

Qin Shuang carried her belongings and followed Lin Shi without saying a word. She followed Lin Shi to see the house, sign the contract, rent the apartment, and then said goodbye to the agency.

It took less than an hour.

The efficiency is outstanding.

Seeing Lin Shi giving himself a spacious and bright room with its own bathroom, Qin Shuang still had an unreal feeling.

"You clean your room first, and I'll buy some daily necessities. We'll live here before we solve your identity problem."

Lin Shi turned around and walked out of the apartment.

Qin Shuang felt that she had returned to reality when she heard the sound of Lin Shi closing the door when he went out.

She seemed to have lost all strength. She knelt on the ground, covered her face and cried.

"It's not a dream, it's real, it's real..."


Lin Shi left the apartment, first went to a restaurant and packed two dinners. Then he returned to the corners of the stairs in the apartment where there was no one and no surveillance, and took out two sets of quilt covers, pillows and other things in the space.

There are also toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels and other daily necessities.

Fortunately, the weather in Shashi was still hot in September, so there was no need for quilts, otherwise Lin Shi might not be able to move back at once.

Qin Shuang opened the door and saw Lin Shi buying so many things, and hurriedly took them.

The two had a meal with the food Lin Shi brought back.

Qin Shuang was still very cautious.

Lin Shi could also tell that Qin Shuang had cried.

But he is not someone who can coax girls. What he needs is a strong helper.

Qin Shuang should remember some things eight years later, but because he remembered them through dreams, Qin Shuang has always doubted the authenticity of the dreams.

In addition, the dream may be incomplete, which makes it feel unreal and difficult to regard as a memory.

After thinking about it, Lin Shijiang told Qin Shuang completely about his first encounter with Qin Shuang three years later and everything that happened after that.

While talking, he observed the changes in Qin Shuang's expression.

"...Humanity was almost certain to lose the last battle for survival. I destroyed the Pillar of Origin and at the same time returned to eight years ago, which is now."

Lin Shi finished telling Qin Shuang all about his memories.

Qin Shuang's dream was indeed incomplete.

But after hearing Lin Shi talk about what would happen in the future, Qin Shuang felt that the originally unclear and fuzzy dreams in his mind gradually became clearer.

The originally fragmented dreams were quickly connected into complete memories.

Qin Shuang fell into a state of deep thinking and enlightenment.

Lin Shi's eyes looked at Qin Shuang, from the timid and inferior self-esteem at the beginning, to becoming calm and firm little by little.

The whole person's temperament slowly changed.

He showed a satisfied smile.

Great, that's it.

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