Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 322 Task without reward

This time Ning Zhou went out and had to face the pursuing party for a mission. Although he was strong, the final result was not certain.

"It might not be until morning until we come back, let's rest first and wait for the good news!

If something happens tomorrow, you can take care of it. "

Before leaving, Ning Zhou made a special request, so the three people in Hakone returned to their rooms early.

However, the whole situation is not particularly right.

I have been browsing the Internet, wanting to see news, but also worried about seeing bad news.

Under the torture, it was natural that he could not sleep well.

At around four o'clock in the night, Xinheng Yui was in a daze and heard a noise coming from outside.

He shouted reflexively.


"Hey, you're not asleep yet!"

After hearing Ning Zhou's voice, Xinheng Yui immediately got up, put on thick clothes, and didn't forget to check her phone.

However, at 4:25, her heart skipped a beat.

It takes about two hours to get to the haunted house from here.

The game starts at twelve o'clock. It should be around five o'clock before we get back. It's an hour early. Is that possible?

“Great, great”

Hurrah, I opened the wooden door and saw three people in the yard.

Ning Zhou, Sakai Masato, Xiaobai!

Xinheng Yui, who was sleeping in a daze, stretched out the index finger of her right hand in a cute way, and pointed at a name alone.

After confirming the complete return, I couldn't help but scream.

This place is in the backyard, and it's the middle of the night, so there's no need to worry about disturbing people. Miss Zhao and Yoona also heard the sound and appeared.

"Don't worry!"

Seeing the three people cheering and coming forward, Ning Zhou was also smiling.

"The program team has prepared Sichuan-style hot pot for us. It is being prepared. Let's talk while eating."

This is not a benefit from the program team, but money.

They had dinner at five o'clock. Maybe because of nervousness, the three of them didn't feel hungry even in the middle of the night.

After it was over, the staff heard Xiaobai mention Sichuan hot pot and said that the program team had prepared it.

Because of the national war, I may not be in the country for a long time.

When you miss the taste of your hometown, just give it money and it will be provided.

Of course, this comes at a cost.

In addition to being expensive, it can only be offered once a week.

Yesterday, if hot pot was provided, Ms. Zhao would definitely be the happiest. She was a native Sichuan girl.

"Don't worry, we are all back!"

"Your faces must have suffered a lot!"


Ning Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then he realized after looking at his two teammates that the face decorated with oil paint and cosmetics had not been completely washed away.

Xiaobai even had a pair of panda eyes, and he was also dirty.

"I misunderstood. It's actually very exciting and fun!"

When Ning Zhou killed one, no one was particularly surprised. It was normal.

Xiaobai scored a point in a one-on-three haunted house. Even celebrities want to show off sometimes, so they immediately started chatting.

"Uncle Yaren, let him brag. Let's take a bath and change clothes first!"


Although Sakai Masato is somewhat regretful that he failed to achieve anything, as long as people are still in the competition, there will be opportunities, and there is no rush for this moment.

And the advantages of hot springs are reflected.

The temperature in Hakone is about 0 degrees now, which makes it the most suitable place to soak in hot springs compared to the city.

When I returned to the house, I took off my dirty clothes, put on a blanket and got into the water.

Hearing the two people's satisfied "moans", Xiaobai on the side didn't care about showing off and joined in.

Ten minutes later, the six people moved inside and enjoyed their hot pot feast.

"You actually have a hairy belly."

"This is definitely a material package brought from China."

“It’s delicious!”

When it comes to food, no matter which country it is from, the performance is the same.

After eating lively for a while, Yoona clicked on her watch.

"Boss, we have six points now, how should we use them?"

Ning Zhou's hand holding the chopsticks paused.

Of course, this is an act.

There were only three points before, and no one was missing from the team, so there was no need to think.

I thought about this on the way back.

Now two people in the team were arrested, Fan Chengcheng and Tian Zhengguo, and their score was only nine points.

It means that if you want to save someone, you can only save one.

To be honest, Ning Zhou didn't want to save anyone.

Crowds of people are not a good thing for escaping, as the first two seasons have fully explained.

Although I don’t know yet what kind of rewards the points can be exchanged for, it goes without saying that five points guaranteeing five cars will be very helpful for future escapes.

However, this idea cannot be expressed clearly.

Suffice to say, the Internet is absolutely all about rhythm.

Ning Zhou considers himself not an artist, so it doesn't matter if he curses a few times.

Where is Miss Zhao?

Where is Xiaobai?

All members of the team will be implicated.

As a captain, I have to face this problem.

"How to use the points, we will not discuss it today. We will talk about it when we wake up and wake up.

There are a few points that you should pay attention to. "

Two guns were placed on the table.

“Now that we have weapons, it’s much later than before. The reasons are different, but the difficulty of this national war is definitely higher than the previous two seasons!

Moreover, the most important thing is that our movements should be exposed. "

Ms. Zhao next to her took out her mobile phone very cooperatively and looked at the Mingyu live broadcast room.

There are two people inside, and there is a +1 logo below their heads.

"They were eliminated, but their photos did not turn gray. They must have been bought by their respective captains.

I'm not showing off, I did tell one of them my identity.

Tomorrow morning Xinheng Yui, please remember to contact the Baqi team and inform them of the detailed situation, including the type of mission. "


"What if we return to South Korea right away?" Miss Zhao suddenly said.

"Very nice, but unnecessary!"

Ning Zhou didn't want to dampen his girlfriend's enthusiasm.

“Indeed, if you return to South Korea immediately, it will be difficult for the pursuer to predict.

I think we should be able to buy clues and know the positions of the three teams through the distribution of people.

But don't forget one thing.

No matter what you do, there is only one purpose, to hide yourself from being discovered.

At this time in Hakone, we don’t have any risks. Can we think that there is not much difference whether we are in Japan or South Korea?

There is no shortage of money for the time being, but maybe the program team will pull something up, so be prepared first, what do you think? "

"I just mentioned it casually."

How could Miss Zhao be angry?

"Do as you say."

At 8:30 in the morning, Shiki Ujihara only slept for a few hours before getting up for a meeting.

This time it was more lively, with all sixty pursuers appearing at the same time.

Because there are respective members in the team, Ujihara Fukiki has nothing to hide.

According to the team, the situation encountered last night was described in detail.

"This time, we suffered a loss, the boss's loss!"

Isn't it?

They spent a lot of money to buy clues and team members. They were obviously chasing one party, but in the end they were killed by the other party. Not only was their morale damaged, they also gave them two guns.

When there is no gun, if the two sides fight in a duel, the pursuer will definitely win, without giving him a chance to get in front of him.

But now, the equivalent of sixty people are at risk of being killed without their knowledge.

Please refer to the Season 2 Cage Match for details.

"The current situation is that there is only Kimchi Team in South Korea. Captain Li Dongxu, how are you preparing?"

The three captains have had the same idea since the beginning of the game and even now.

If allowed, domestic players will not be arrested, so it is not surprising that Shiki Ujihara asked.

"How about we switch, you come to South Korea and I go to Japan?"


Ujihara Shiki nodded directly in agreement.

"However, how many people may I leave behind, Captain Awakening?"

Su Xing touched his chin. The stubble had grown out and it felt good.

He did hesitate.

It's not impossible to separate 20 people into two teams, but if there is an emergency and multiple people are needed to assist, it will be a bit of a disadvantage.

But concentrated in one place, there are fewer options.

"I'm not in a hurry, let's check the situation first!"

Li Dongxu didn't care how the Chinese team chose, and gave the Japanese team an idea.

Captain Shiki Ujihara, I suggest you post a tiktok.

Tell directly what happened last night.

The audience still doesn’t know yet.

In the second season cage match, the reason why Ning Zhou and the others encountered a lot of trouble was precisely because the pursuer did a good job in publicity and everyone knew that the fugitives were coming.

The difference from the previous season is that the members of the pursuing side in the National War Chapter are all Chinese, rather than like the Chinese, whose palms and backs are full of flesh.

You two Japanese players were killed once. As long as you publicize it, it will definitely have an effect. "

Japan's population is twice that of South Korea, and its area is also much larger.

But compared to China, it's nothing.

After Ujihara Shiki thought about it for a while, he felt it was feasible.

"Everyone is here, let me say something.

It is still early in the game, and there are still sixteen players on the escape side.

Our three teams should strengthen cooperation.

If you get clear clues, the capture success rate is very high, and you act alone without any problems.

The reason why the program team divided them up like this is probably because they hope to watch the three teams scheming with each other. In this way, the survival probability of the escapees will also increase. "

When Li Dongxu was talking, the two captains felt a little embarrassed. They must have known what happened before, but they didn't point it out, but expressed it in this way.

And many team members also nodded along.

“There can be competition between our three teams, but it should be in good faith. Even at the end of the game, collaboration should still be the main focus.

The fewer people there are, the more difficult it is to catch them! "

At the end of the meeting, Hashimoto Kanna was pushed out by the Japanese team.

She is very popular in her own country, and being destroyed by Ning Zhou is a good publicity point.

By the way, I also contacted the person in charge of the hospital and asked for the surveillance video from that time.

Soon, a video of about 30 seconds spread wildly on TikTok.

"Whoever dares to hurt my lovely Nai-chan, I will kill him."

"It's so disgusting that Ning Zhou would use such despicable methods to deal with a girl."

"I asked why there was a +1 mark under her avatar. It turned out to be that she was eliminated once."

"Everyone, take action, we must catch all the Chinese team members!"

At the beginning, the comments from Japanese netizens were quite normal. If an idol is killed, you can just curse a few words and show your support. It doesn’t matter.

But at the back, the "right" forces came out.

Many messages similar to "ZN" appeared one after another. When the program team saw that something was wrong, they quickly asked the Japanese team to delete the comments.

Ujihara Shiki was also panicked. He just followed Li Dongxu's suggestion and promoted it.

I never expected that it would develop to this point, so I quickly recorded an apology with Hashimoto Kanna and condemned those on the right.


In the hot spring village, after Xiaobai saw these messages, he grabbed the teapot on the table and smashed it against the wall, spilling water all over the floor.

"Ctmd, this is too much!"


Sakai Masato and Shingata Yui were even more sweaty.

After getting up, everyone happily searched for news on the Internet, but when they looked at it, they found that it not only smelled wrong, but also smelled bad.

The faces of the three Chinese members turned pale.

"Boss, Xiaobai, Miss Zhao, you have to believe it.

Not to mention the country, even a small team will have rat droppings.

There is a saying in China that a mouse dropping spoils the whole pot of porridge.

But the vast majority of Japanese people are peace-loving, you guys."

Sakai Masato tried his best to comfort the members. He could understand that if he saw these comments, he would definitely be angry.

"Otherwise, let's go to South Korea!"

Miss Zhao was equally angry.

Ning Zhou took a deep breath.

"No need, as Uncle Masato said, no matter which country there is, there will always be garbage.

Our first priority is still to focus on competition.

I know you're all angry, and so am I, but anger doesn't solve anything.

I hope the program team can coordinate, otherwise"

Chief director Huang Rui is both Chinese, so he naturally has to coordinate.

He immediately called the persons in charge of several TV stations, and after sternly condemning it, he put down his harsh words.

If a similar situation occurs in the future, the Ming Dynasty Escape Chapter will not continue to be filmed in Japan.

Several people in charge are also miserable. How can they have so much energy to control speech on the Internet? Moreover, some of them have backgrounds that the TV station may not be able to offend.

You can only contact the relevant platform and delete unfriendly remarks in a timely manner.

"Is that the end of it?"

Xiaobai was very unwilling, holding back a lot of energy in his heart, but he had no place to use it.

"Otherwise, just relax, play well, and don't let the outside world affect us!"

"Boss, thank you for your understanding."

Seeing Ning Zhou's expression gradually calming down, Xinheng Yui said quickly.

Did Ning Zhou really let go?

of course not.

[Give them some color.

While in Japan, he did something that shocked right-wingers.

The bigger the better,

There is no reward for this mission! 】

The system reappeared and gave a task with no reward.

Ning Zhou accepted it without any hesitation.

In fact, he only has two impressions of his childhood.

Not a good person,

The film was well shot.

Damn it, he’s being strung up on his neck. Even if he’s not an angry young man, he can’t bear it.

Under the table where no one could see, the veins on the back of his hands popped out, but he just controlled it forcefully.

As for why he chose to hide his feelings when chatting with the members and instead advised them to calm down, because he already had a plan in mind.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this matter, it’s in the past.

Let's discuss how to use the nine points in the team reasonably." (End of Chapter)

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