Arcane Lord

Chapter 453 Fall, Osk

In the next few days, Xia Duo kept going back and forth between his residence and the Fourth Court of Jilan City, and even handled several cases, which were of course just disputes between ordinary people.

The Trial Court is affiliated with the Imperial Judgment Department. Although it is called a "court", it actually does many things, especially at the grassroots level. It takes on almost all positions such as police, judges, and administrative officers.

Jilan City has no lords, only a nominal city lord, who is served by the head of the Trial Court of Jilan City. Except for a team of guards led by high-level mages, Jilan City is almost ruled by the trial court. Calculate.

Of course, as much authority as there will be, there will be limits. What Xia Duo does most now is writing case files and work records. People from the Supervision Department will come to check from time to time.

Especially the timing positioning, that is to say, it can be found out when the case files and records were written and whether they match the time of the incident. Not to mention, there is also a direct inspection of the relevant personnel.

In addition, once there is trouble in the town, the superiors will also punish them.

As for the conditions for promotion, in addition to magical attainments, they are more about making no mistakes and population indicators.

Population is probably one of the few requirements that the Arcane Empire has for ordinary people and even mage apprentices. For this reason, the empire also has a special conservation department that specializes in issues such as reproduction and raising.

Jilan City also has a special childcare department. Whenever a pregnant woman is found, she must be gathered together. After the child is born, the child will be taken care of by the official. Until it can speak and read, it will enter the apprentice school and be introduced to basic magic knowledge.

After that, he transferred to a formal magic academy. If he could not become an official mage before the age of 20, he would be a failure, and the failure would naturally be among the people.

Either return it to your parents, or start a family on your own.

But no matter what, these people are given the responsibility of producing for the empire. Of course, correspondingly, the more children they have, the more rewards they will receive, ranging from land, servants, to magic items, and even an interview with a great sage. And enough, the empire has put a lot of thought into this.

Therefore, when Xia Duo first projected here, he felt that this place was even darker than the main plane. Under the surface of the seemingly developed magical civilization, there were the sacrifices of countless ordinary people.

But at the same time, Xia Duo is also thinking about a question, that is, how feasible his previous practice of universal practice is. The arcane empire in this projection plane is almost the closest to the state of universal practice.

It's just that the population requirements are a bit extreme. Ordinary people in the empire have actually received magic education. Many people even became official mages after the age of 20, and the empire did not reject them.

The root of all this lies in the war against demons launched by the Arcane Empire. The official did not say so clearly. It was Xia Duo who understood it. If the war against demons had not caused the population to decrease, how could there be such an extreme population policy?

According to the official statement of the Arcane Empire, demons are the natural enemies of mankind. In addition to tempting humans to fall, demons will also invade human land and resources. Even for future development, the war against demons must be carried out to the end.

"Depravity -" Xia Duo showed a wry smile. In fact, it was in the empire that he felt the depravity.

On the second day after he joined the job, the Jilan City Conservation Department sent him ten women, saying that they were the obligations of the empire's mage. Of course, Sha Duo knew that the empire was extremely hungry for people, and even if he became an official mage, he would not be able to do so. Let it go.

It's just that compared to ordinary people who have no choice at all, mages have certain choices. Of course, the more children they have, the more hidden merits they have within the system, and they will be given priority when being promoted.

As for those ten women, in a sense, they have also escaped the bad luck of constant childbirth. As long as the relationship is still in the name of "Eddie", there will be no forced indicators. At the same time, they can also use the magic of the trial court to study the environment. If you can successfully be promoted to a formal mage, it will be a step to the sky, and there is almost no need to consider the issue of fertility indicators.

In fact, the fate of imperial women was far more miserable than that of men.

Of course, men are not much better. Farming, mining, and general labor all require men.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call ordinary people in this arcane empire slaves and fertility machines. No matter how glorious and splendid the civilization above it is, no matter how many helpless choices there are, it is difficult to conceal its essential evil.

Human nature is complex. Sha Duo doesn't know what situation the Arcane Empire is currently facing, and he can't guarantee whether he will make the same decision as them when encountering this. But from what he has seen so far, He was very unhappy.

The more he learned about the empire, the less Sha Duo wanted to know. Fortunately, his goal was not to study this arcane empire. After all, it was a projection plane like a dream bubble.

All he really needs to do is make the most of what's here.

It’s the twenty-second day of Xia Duo’s employment.

On this day, he finally learned all the necessary spells for judges such as [Inquiry], [Judgment], [Shock], and [Instruction]. Because he had never been exposed to psychic spells before, this time he got them. Research in my spare time.

The Arcane Empire has almost no barriers to learning spells, especially for those who are already mages. If you want to learn anything, you only need to apply.

However, Xia Duo has not actually used this authority yet. The mental spells he is learning now are all included in the work manual.

After research, he found that the so-called psychic spells are actually not strictly distinguished from creation and transformation spells. At least there is no systematic difference. They are still within the overall framework of the arcane magic system.

Psychic spells involve consciousness, will, and soul, which are all intangible things, so they appear to be much more mysterious than other spells, but as long as the principles are clarified, they are still easy to understand.

Before, Xia Duo was in the main plane, and in order to advance to the level of Arcanist, he was already studying "Soulology", which has many branches. Now that he has a ready-made reference for mental spells, he is like a fish in water.

In the past twenty days, Xia Duo mainly sorted out the principles and framework of psychic spells. It only took less than five days to actually learn the spells. These spells are all level 1 spells and are basically not difficult.

And because he has already explored this line clearly from theory to practice, even if there is no more information in the future, he can do his own research and improve the spell level. As for what level he can upgrade to, that is another matter.

After reporting the situation of learning the trial spell, Sha Duo immediately received a notice from the chief judge of Kilan City to see him. After calling Charlie to take over, he went to the first court of the Trial Court of Kilan City.

Osk, the chief inquisitor of Kilan City, is also a high-level mage, but according to Charlie, Osk has already tried to become an arcanist, but failed, but he has not given up yet and is ready to fight again.

In the Arcane Empire, if spellcasters are nobles, then arcanists are nobles among nobles. As long as there are conditions, normal people will not give up after one failure.

Sha Duo was still a little worried about meeting this quasi-arcanist judge, and he didn't know if the other party could see the fact that he had actually become a high-level mage.

However, in order to make it easier for him to apply for magic materials in the future, he was not willing to hide his progress. At least there was no need to hide his mental spells. He just had good talent.

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